Monday, June 22, 2009

Mainstream Media Alert, Party ID Edition

Remember when Elliot Spitzer was in the news? You could not get a major news program to even hint what party he belonged. It took ABC three days to finally utter the word “Democrat” and they were better than NBC.

Well, now comes along another governor having marital problems, and here’s how the news reports began:
“There's some intrigue developing in the nation's capital today. A rising star in the Republican Party is coming forward with a shocking admission and an equally stunning explanation” – ABC

“Nevada's Republican Senator John Ensign admits he had an extramarital affair last year.” – CBS

“Nevada Senator John Ensign says he has no plans to resign. Last night the conservative Republican admitted to an extramarital affair with a woman on his campaign staff.” – NBC

It took the three Obamanetworks an average of Ten Words before they called Ensign a Republican, but it took them days (if at all) to admit Spitzer was a Democrat.

This may sound like a familiar refrain, because it is. That only goes to prove the outrageous bias of the mainstream media. I’m sorry, but if you continue to deny it, you are either an idiot or a willing accomplice who refuses to acknowledge the truth.

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