You Mean They Have To Pay Rent?
The news comes out that FEMA is going to stop paying rent for all the evacuees on December 1, and the whining and teeth-gnashing have begun. Let me get this straight – a natural disaster hits your home, and now you are entitled to a lifetime of welfare? Well, where do I sign up? The eye of Ivan passed directly over my house, and while I was able to continue to live in my house, I figure that comparatively I should be getting at a couple of years of mortgage payments.
There are two types of people who were hit by Katrina – those with insurance and those without. Those who had insurance have received payments by now, and those who had no insurance, those who drained the rest of society and made us pay for their shortsightedness, will still be taken care of by the government. Strike that, they will be taken care of by the taxpayers and the government will take credit for it.
I support helping those who are hit by disasters. I also support those who are hit getting back on their feet and becoming productive members of society again (or for the first time). I do not support paying their rent forever.
If those hit by Katrina were worth so much effort, so much of an outpouring of help, then what about those hit by the storms a year ago? Many of those people lost homes, cars, jobs, etc. How about the homes destroyed by wildfires, or mudslides? Where is their handout? Why are they not receiving rent-free apartments at taxpayer expense?
What about the small business owner who was robbed last week? Will his inventory be replaced by my taxes?
Hey, I’ve got a great idea. Let’s take money from all the rich people (who are evil and don’t deserve it anyway) and use it to take care of those poor downtrodden souls whose only error is that they were born poor and have no recourse in life, no chance, no ability to make anything of themselves. We could call it income redistribution.
Oh, wait, that idea’s already been used…by Lenin, Marx, Ted Kennedy, Hillary, John Kerry, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi.
It’s called Socialism.
I should have known. FEMA has already caved and will "work out refugee housing".
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