Monday Musings and Ramblings
The other day, my son and I were listening to the local classic rock station on the radio. The DJ said he was going to play some Heart, after which Billy Idol began playing. Now, I can see confusing some artists. But how do you mix up Heart and Billy Idol? One is a single skinny male with spiked hair who wears leather and studs and speaks with a British accent, while the other is a pair of accent-free voluptuous females with long flowing hair who wear Victoria’s Secret.
A half hour or so later, they did indeed play Heart. At the same time, my son and I both said that must really be Billy Idol singing. My son groaned, realizing he and I are thinking on the same wavelength. Two minutes later, a car in front of us swerved to the right lane before swerving back to the left lane. At the same time, I said, “he can’t make up his mind” while my son said, “he can’t decide…” At that point, my son stopped and hung his head. I got a good laugh out of it.
I had a friend once who insisted it was no coincidence that there are 24 hours in a day and 24 beers in a case.
I listened recently to a group of young black people carrying on, tossing the N word around like it was candy. It still galls me that if a white person utters the word, they are branded forever. PC dictates that the word itself is not harmful as evidenced by the fact that some can use it almost as a term of endearment. If you ask why it’s okay for some to use it but not for others, you will get the response from the PC crowd that it’s only a racist term when used by whites. If you press on this, you will be told that blacks can’t be racist because you have to have power over someone else in order to be a racist.
Getting past the obvious thought that this is simply a ludicrous rationalization done to fit the beliefs and desires of the PC crowd, you get to the fact that those who believe this line of reasoning are assuming that no blacks have power and that all whites do have power. To me, that is the most racist belief of this whole exercise.
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