The Sky is Falling...Again
RIP William Rehnquist.
How long before the gloves come off and the shrill attacks start up in earnest again? I would not look for democrats to go down quietly. The judicial branch has been their personal domain for a long time, a safe haven where they could lick the wounds from the constant battering they took in the voting booths over the last few years.
Instead of analyzing why they were on a losing streak reminiscent of the 1976 Tampa Buccaneers, they put their collective fingers in their ears, mumbled “nyah nyah nyah I can’t hear you” and placed all their eggs in the basket known as judicial activism. If you can’t get a law passed that suits you, and you can’t get your candidates elected, and you simply can’t get a majority of clear-thinking people to agree with your extremist agenda, then simply wait until a judge oversteps his position and makes law for you. As has been documented by many, almost all liberal ideas that have borne fruit have done so not from public opinion or passed laws, but because of judicial fiat.
Now that the President has a chance to shape the supreme court for some time, the lefties are panicking. The rhetoric is going to be ratcheted up a few notches. Liberals are seeing their last bastion of power swinging away from their grip, and they are none too happy. Stand by for howls of anger. Predictions of back-alley abortions, police states, trampling of civil rights (as well as trampling of those who support such rights)…nothing is too far out-of-bounds for the lefties, who never met a scare tactic they didn't like.
Remember the cries of how the evil right was going to starve schoolchildren, kill old people, shoot minorities, and shred the constitution? Remember the speeches mentioning mysterious reports of blacks being intimidated at voting precincts (heaven forbid one should dare ask for ID to prevent voter fraud) or turned away and denied the chance to vote (this one was proven, except it was merely a case of some people being told they were at the wrong precinct)? When an activist liberal court tried to overturn state law and reshape it to benefit Gore, the Supreme Court stepped in and said, Whoa, Nellie, you can't just make this up as you go, you have to actually follow the law as written. The Chicken Littles have since steadfastly marched in lockstep with each other, ignoring all evidence, facts and even proof from leftie newspapers, claiming in unison that the election was "stolen."
The Chicken Little Lefties have shouted about the sky falling so many times, crying wolf without the slightest provocation, that you now anticipate it. It’s like a script for Three’s Company – you know the actor’s line before they say it. You know what will happen next, and knowing it takes the edge off just a bit, although it’s still entertaining to watch them make a fool of themselves (quick – was I still speaking of the TV show?).
Stand by for an apoplectic show of gargantuan proportions. The Lefties may be figuring that if they are going to go down, they will go neither peacefully nor gracefully. This may well be one of the longest, most milked death scenes since Halloween and Friday the 13th, not to mention just as scary.
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