Monday, September 12, 2005

Monday Musings

A short version today – it’s been hectic this past week.

I heard that Sean Penn tried to launch a “rescue boat” carrying him and his entourage including his personal photographer from a freeway ramp in New Orleans and the boat began taking on water immediately. It seems that someone had forgotten to reinstall the drain plugs. They were bailing water with dixie cups. I certainly hope Penn’s photog got some shots of that.

I know it makes me sound like an old man, but today’s high school bands aren’t what they used to be. Today, they play the same halftime show all year long. True, they get pretty good at it by December, but isn’t that boring? We used to learn a new show on Monday and play it that Friday, then start over again. Makes for some anxious moments, to be sure.

Written inside a first year Latin book - Veni vidi flunki

I have noticed that almost everyone who comes out against the Fair Tax book by Neal Boortz and John Linder have either not read it or are simply lying.

I don’t know if it’s just because I’m lucky or what, but I wound up with a wonderful wife and great kids.


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