Sunday, August 13, 2006


Think of all those quotes you have seen over the last 5 years from lefties denouncing the war on terrorism.

Think of all the lefties who have said that President Bush is exaggerating the terrorism threat to strengthen his base.

Think of all the lefties who have said we are no safer today than we were (x number of) years ago.

Think of all the lefties who have either said or did not deny the theory that Bush was behind 9/11.

Think of all the lefties who have said we are not at war with terrorists.

Think of all the lefties who have said we are in Iraq for oil, not for fighting terrorism.

Think of all the lefties (Keith Olbermann included) who are implying that the latest news from London was staged in order to benefit Republicans.

Think about the lefties at the NY Times who revealed the secret operations that was tracking terrorist funding. Think how they disregard concern for the safety of our country in order to hurt the President. Think of how last week's news may have been different if they had revealed this operation earlier.

Think how many lives would have been lost last week if lefties had been in charge.

Now, before you vote in the next election – think.


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