Friday, February 27, 2009



Here's some of the latest on the octomom. While it's coming out that her mom's house (where she lives rent free) is facing foreclosure, she's shopping for expensive makeup in Beverly Hills. Now it seems she has called Dr Phil to complain the hospital won't let her children come home until she can prove to have a stable home for them.

Today's Media Bias Lesson

Another media-weak-kneed-over-obama story.

Good Read by Rush

An excellent article written by Rush Limbaugh addressing the Fairness Doctrine. If you have not listened or read Rush, you owe it to yourself to give this a chance.

Gotta Pay if You Want To Dance

Obama wanted to have a victory celebration in Chicago. The city is suffocating under a budget shortfall. Obama’s team assured the mayor who publically assured the world that Obama would pay for every single dime spent on the political event.

So why hasn’t the city received the money? Why are taxpayers still on the hook for PBO’s dancing and hoopla?

Good Analogy

A commercial is being prepped that points out that if you spent $1 Million dollars every day since the day Jesus was born until today, you would still spend less than Obama did with one stroke of his pen last week in Denver.

Hillary Not Honest?

Jewish leaders are shocked that Hillary is not the same Hillary that cozied up to them when it was to her benefit.

Gee, who would think a Clinton could be two-faced, self-serving and dishonest?

PC Gets the Eastwood Glare

Clint Eastwood thinks the world is too politically correct. Amen.

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