Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Bootlegging Detergent

A story on “bootlegging” dishwashing detergent in Spokane Washington after intelligent county lawmakers there outlawed detergents that actually worked…I mean that had ingredients in it that worked…I mean that had phosphates. The only detergents legal to sell in the county don’t work worth a flip, driving consumers across state lines to purchase the real thing. Although the story admits it later, the importing and use of such detergents is not illegal. Of course, that’s only for now.

Yet another example of government interference and regulations that infringe on our lives.

And how is that law, that was aimed at improving the environment, working out? I would guess all the extra driving people are doing is working wonders for the environment, if you ask the supporters of the ban.

For those who don’t drive extra miles, they wind up washing dishes again by hand to get the grease off. That’s a great increase in water usage, another wonderful side effect of the law. One resident says he has to use the pots and pans cycle to clean his dishes, and that takes up to five gallons more per load, also using more energy.

I would also have to guess that it’s not costing the state any monies in lost sales tax revenues, say from sales across the state line, since we all know that all leftie plans never fail.

Oh joy of joys – deep in the article about how poorly this new law is working is this choice little nugget:

“A bill on Capitol Hill would impose a nationwide ban.”

Will they ever learn?

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