Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Gitmo IS a Nice Place

Don’t you “love” how when editors or writers do a story on something conservative, something they don’t like, they use “little ways” to let you know their opinions? How smart of these “intelligent” people to use tools to try to sway opinions. Of course, these people are true “journalists.”

On to the story, which tries to illicitly poke fun at Miss Universe for saying she enjoyed her trip to Guantanamo Naval Station. You see, lefties hear “Gitmo” and all they can think of are terrorist holding camps.

Gitmo is so much more. It’s long been a US Naval base and I have had the dubious pleasure of being there a time or six.

It used to be every Navy vessel homeported on the East Coast would go down to Guantanamo every 18 months for Refresher Training. This would entail getting up before dawn and drilling long and hard for 18 hours or more each day for about six weeks. You would practice everything from first aid to mass casualty drills. There would be regular fire drills. On a low visibility drill, the windows would be taped over and the crew would have to navigate without being able to see anything through them.

Every ship would have to pass all of the drills before they could leave. It was a feared rotation, but it was something that would usually bring the crew together as a team. When you left Gitmo, you knew you were battle ready.

Now, as your time there grew longer, and you had passed most of the drills, you began to get time off each day. Things relaxed just a bit, and the crew would enjoy some of the pleasures of the Caribbean. The scuba diving and snorkeling are fantastic there, and there are indeed a couple of beach areas that support cookouts, beach volleyball, or just soaking up some tropical sunshine.

Gitmo was one of the best kept secrets of the Navy. The base was small enough that there was one stop light. At the intersection was a restaurant where once a week you could buy a steak and cook it outside on the grill yourself. Across the street was the only shopping center. In the parking lot was a huge screen where they showed free movies every night like a drive-in. They had seats from a theater bolted into the ground where you could sit and enjoy your popcorn while watching the movie. It didn’t rain enough there to mess up movie night.

How sad that a “journalist” decides to write a story with a closed mind and the conclusion of the story already in mind before doing their research. Maybe if they had open minds, they would actually learn a thing or two. Then they could write informative articles instead of spitting out propaganda pamphlets.

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