Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Russians Know Socialism When They See It

Please, whatever you do today, read this article. It’s written by a Russian on Pravda Online, and it concerns America’s rush towards socialism.

Here are some quotes from the article to whet your appetite.

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a Burger King burger than for their constitutional rights.

Then their faith in God was destroyed.

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is.
This writer gets it.

Do you?

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