Friday, July 03, 2009

You Just Know The Mainstream Media Lapdogs Are Yelping Over This

What happens when you take a leftie congress, add in a socialist president, mix in some progressive union types who are basically (ACORN) nuts, and liberally sprinkle in mainstream media lapdogs who eagerly wag their tails any time the lefties sneeze?

You get a country full of dissatisfied people who are beginning to see the truth in front of them. You get a list a mile long of Tea Party Day protests. You get Gallup and Rasmussen polls showing ever decreasing support for the leftie leadership.

You get Fox News with all top ten spots in the Nielson ratings, pushing Fox into third place overall in all cable networks.

Fox News. Top Ten spots (there’s a Top Ten you will NEVER see on Letterman). Every single spot. The tenth most-watched program on Fox is still drawing more viewers than any other show on any other cable news network. The repeat showing of O’Reilly and the show Studio B that comes on at 3pm beats out anything on CNN or MSNBC.

I just bet that just makes the day for Olbermann, Garafalo, Chris “Tingle” Matthews, Rachel Maddow (who?), Anderson Cooper, Campbell Brown (again, who?), Lou Dobbs, and all the other people who have decided the path to their greatness lies in unabashed full-on support for any and all lefties.

I know it’s put a huge smile on my face.

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