Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Media lapdogs still lapping it up

Paul Krugman is a perfect example of the leftie elitist media lapdog wanting nothing more than to snooze peacefully on the President’s lap, bathed in sunlight.

His article makes a complete mockery of any pretense of journalism as he lies and calls people who are involved in the democratic process everything from racist to birthers to riot mob.

President Bush made a very reasoned, very logical plan in 2005. Social Security is going down the tubes. Everyone knows it. Everyone admits it. Bush wanted to give people the option to take some of their social security money that the government was holding for them and decide where to put it, like you do with a 401K. Leftie protesters came out of the woodwork frothing over any attempt to deprive government of any power. Of course they were spurned on by lefties who just absolutely love centralized power.

Krugman makes the outrageous claim in his article that the 2005 protests were nowhere near as raucous, noisy, or disruptive as the ones at town halls now. Perhaps if Krugman had bothered actually doing any research as he claimed he did, he would have found the proof he claims does not exist.

Here, Jon Henke proves Krugman is lying.

Here, the truth-o-meter goes thumbs down on Krugman with more proof.

Here is an account of 9 people being arrested for disorderly conduct for shouting at an appearance by President Bush.

Here is an ironic account of protesters shouting at Dianne Feinstein, because they thought she might not vote against Bush.

Gee, do we have to go on any further? This took all of fifteen minutes to confirm what has been revealed time and time again - that Krugman is either a liberal mouthpiece willing to lie to make his (Democrat talking) point, or he is totally incompetent.

It’s almost funny to read Krugman trying to call average people a bunch of astroturf fake protesters, paid to show up, aligned with the birther movement, racists, and all sorts of other accusatory names, while he is completely ignoring the union thugs who ARE bussed in, escorted into the meetings to reserved seats, who beat up normal people, who are coached to shout down protesters, and who are arrested.

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