Monday Musings and Ramblings
Black holes are where God divided by zero.
Every single person who says we were wrong to go to Iraq is admitting they would be happier if Saddam were still in power, killing thousands, allowing the raping and mutilation of women and the discriminatory murder of those who are not from his tribe. Every person who gets giddy with any and all bad news from Iraq is guilty of helping the enemy, and, whether they admit it or not, they would be happier if more Americans were to be killed. Politics over nationalism, you know. Until a person admits to that, they have no standing in the debate and are branded as being dishonest.
Gas prices are falling quickly. Where are the news stories trumpeting this?
Hillary Clinton says lying under oath is “simply reprehensible and should never be tolerated”. Later, Senator Pot also said that the kettle was round, too.
Great column by Larry Elder on the rudeness that seems to be pervasive in today’s lefties.
I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.
Mike Adams reports on a genocidal racist who is on faculty at NC State University who advocates “exterminating white people off the face of the planet” in a speech. Kind of makes you rethink getting all crazy over Bill Bennett’s comments, doesn’t it?
So USA Today plays around with a photo of Condi Rice and gets caught. What a shame.
Just how much is an oil company “allowed” to make in profits before it’s price gouging? Those shouting the loudest must have the answer.
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