Maybe with sprinkles?
If a white mayor of a major city stood in front of cameras and pronounced that God wanted that city to be a “Vanilla City”, the lefties would be howling for days. Angry demands for congressional committees would be followed by rants from the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton crowd demanding the mayor’s resignation.
Speaking of Al Sharpton, he recently made an appearance in a southern town for a speaking engagement at a predominately black college. He was presented the key to the city by the new mayor, the first black mayor in the city’s history.
The fact that tacit approval was given to a known liar -- whose words had helped incite violence against innocent people and anger towards many other innocent people, a liar who has yet to apologize for slandering and besmirching the good names of many people in the attempt to inflame racial tensions (which served to increase his own worth and power), was met with more than a bit of opposition.
Predictably, those who would rather not honor a race pimp were called racist. The mayor, when questioned about the fiasco, responded with quite the dodge. He swears he doesn’t know that much about Sharpton so he felt unqualified to “judge” him, but if he ran for President, he obviously was a great man.
Two questions arise from this response.
One – would Pat Paulsen (assuming he were still alive) get a key to the city if he were to visit?
Two – what does it say about a politician who admits to being ignorant of one of the most well-known people in race relations and politics in the last twenty years?
I was waiting for your take on the Chocolate City... I was so angry... And Al Sharpton, how can anyone not know about his past? Lame!
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