Saturday, June 03, 2006

Group Blame

If a handful of young black men rob a store, would you condemn all black people for being criminals? Of course not, and I know you recoiled at reading that. That would be racist and stupid.

If a couple of baseball players use illegal substances, changing their bodies and suddenly doubling their home run power, do you condemn every baseball player? Of course not. Some would even continue to defend the player with the home runs and the huge head, but that’s another ramble.

If a small group of Iraqis kidnapped a journalist and cut their head off and posted the video on the internet, would you insist all Iraqis are to blame? Never.

If you own ten dogs, and one bites you, do you have all ten put down? Don’t be ridiculous.

If two dozen teachers are found to be having sex with children, does that mean every teacher in every school is guilty of pedophilia? That would be absurd.

I think most people can see the point here. Then answer this last question. If a handful of soldiers kill some civilians, does that make all soldiers guilty, and would you condemn the entire military?

I’d be glad to get an answer from the mainstream media and the lefties, even if it means waiting for them to stop spewing their hatred of the military before they will consider answering.


At 4:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.


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