We Don’t Want Them Here, They Don’t Agree With Us
The White House had an immigration summit last Thursday. I guess the invites were lost in the mail for Republicans who support enforcing immigration laws. People like Representative Steve King, who is the ranking Republican on the House subcommittee that deals with immigration, and any others who might actually have an opposing view to Obama.
So, why are they having a summit anyway, when they are only inviting those who are already in agreement?
On a related front, one of the leading experts on polar bears has been openly rejected to attend a global warming conference that will address how it’s affecting polar bears. He was informed he was rejected because he holds an alternate viewpoint about global warming.
Fortunately, some of the scientists who are being misteated by the global warming goobers are speaking up.
Labels: Alan Carlin, EPA, immigration summit, Mitchell Taylor, polar bears, republicans not invited, Steve King
With yet another path to citizenship in this nations future, we had better take careful notice of the consequences? Without any doubt to process 13 to 20 million plus illegal immigrants is, according to Robert Rector of the reputable non-profit Heritage Foundation $2.5 TRILLION DOLLARS. It’s an accumulation of procedures necessary to investigate backgrounds of all those who come out of the proverbial shadows. But if and when another of these AMNESTIES is forced past the American voters, millions more will be equally ready to head for America, expecting a ninth Amnesty. The major one in 1986 was rife with fraud, a absolute disaster and was never enforced, that’s why our country has uncontrolled illegal immigration?
If we command of the Democratic leadership who originally tried to kill E-Verify, such as Sen. Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, we have an ongoing chance of combating the illegal immigrants of stealing further into the workplace. With Obama admitting that unemployment is farther on the rise, why would they be entering discussions of forcing another Amnesty down our throats. E-Verify is rapidly catching on and accelerating in the workplace and should not be denied to the American worker. CALL YOUR SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE AND DEMAND It should be fully funded, permanent and an a Federal identity check for everyone in working America? NUMBERSUSA, CAPSWEB for more details. ICE has a phone number to call when suspicious activity is determined in the Factory, office, restaurant or any industry.
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