Who Does He Think He Is Still Fooling? Oh Yeah, Everyone Who Voted For Him
Obama goes on the stump again, this time at a community college in Virginia. He holds a little get-together for a few people who just happened to wander into the room, evidently.
He even calls on three members of the audience, gracing them with the ability to ask the Big O a question on health care. One questioner even won the Obama hug lottery. Then there were questions from twitter and such.
Funny thing is, all of the people he allowed to question him were later revealed to have ties to either ACORN, SEIU, the DNC, or similar leftie organizing groups. What are the odds?
And the questions from online? Pre-screened and hand selected.
This is getting to be too much even for the lapdogs in the White House briefings, who are turning on the Obama administration. Even Helen Thomas got into the fray. Very interesting.
Labels: barack hussein obama, Helen Thomas, Northern Virginia Community College, obama health care, town hall meeting, white house briefings, White House Press Secretary
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