Monday, February 06, 2006

Monday musings and ramblings

It’s been said that the worst thing a woman can get on her 20th wedding anniversary is morning sickness.

An 18 year old former cheerleader at East Tennessee State University claims she was kicked off the squad because she worked at Hooters. Now I think the cheerleading squad can make their own decisions on who they want and don’t want, just as I think it’s quite fair for any club or organization to have standards. But I must put this in the file marked Hypocrisy, since the cheerleading outfits are at least as skimpy as those of a Hooters girl (thank goodness the guy who filed a lawsuit for not being hired by Hooters years ago fell through). In fact, the freshman points out that at least with her Hooters uniform, they wear pantyhose.

Why are wrong numbers never busy?

Wait for it…wait…here it comes….there. Did you hear that? The deafening roar of silence you just heard was the upswell of indignation and anger over the burning of several churches in one night last week in Alabama. Oh wait, never mind, there was no uproar. Why was that? Is it no longer hip to be angry over churches being attacked? Or could it be that these were Southern Baptist churches? Either way, I sure did not see the former president getting all bent out of shape about what he once called a “national crisis”. And media coverage? Forget it.

Do people in Australia call the rest of the world up over?

Speaking of media coverage, isn’t it nice that the loon known as Cindy Sheehan has used up her fifteen minutes? Even though she got a lot more coverage than the burning churches, it only amounted to a blip on the screen. Of course that was about two and one half blips more than she deserves.

Does that screwdriver belong to Phillip?


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