Saturday, March 11, 2006

How To Tell If You Are A Leftie, vol 2

A continuation of a primer designed for those who are clueless to the fact that their opinions are not quite in synch with reality.

If you think the Aids virus is spread by a lack of funding, you are a leftie.

If you are aware of the name Tawana Brawley, and know about the false claims and lies associated with this story, and you still choose to believe anything that erupts from Al Sharpton’s mouth these days, you are a leftie.

If you consider trial lawyers to be selfless heroes but you think doctors are overpaid, you are a leftie.

If you think it’s wrong to look closely at young men of Middle Eastern lineage more than an 80 year old grandmother when searching for terrorists, you are a leftie.

If you would applaud someone going to a funeral and making political statements instead of honoring the deceased, you are a leftie and a bit of a ghoul.

If self-esteem is more important to you than actually doing something to earn it, you are a leftie.

If you can keep a straight face while lefties are screaming about republicans having a “litmus test”, you qualify for leftie status.

Define the term ‘activist judge’ – if you said “refuses to shout their undying approval and support for abortion above and beyond all other concepts”, you are a member of the leftie club.

If any change in the weather is proof to you of global warming, you are a leftie.

If you can look at a picture of Harry Belafonte without disgust, your badge says “hi, my name is Leftie”.

If you don’t get outraged when reading about pedophiles being slapped on the wrist lightly by judges who excuse the behavior with all sorts of idiocy, you are a leftie.

Stay tuned. There are more indicators to come later.


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