Monday, September 11, 2006

But Do Not Forget

While you are remembering, do not forget the following –

Do not forget the people who have complained for five years that we are profiling when we try to make air travel safer.

Do not forget those who are more worried over the civil liberties of terrorists than they are about the safety of your children.

Do not forget the idiots who will blame any conservative within reach when something happens, but will turn around and deny a threat exists when nothing happens.

Do not forget all the Americans who have died in the years leading up to five years ago – those on the USS Cole, those in the Khobar Towers, those in the Marine Barracks, those in the embassies in Africa, those in the plane that crashed in Lockerbie, those in the USO in Naples, those in the Berlin disco, those on the Achille Lauro, and all the others.

Do not forget that America is not the only target.

Do not forget all those in the elementary school in Russia.

Do not forget those who, like Cindy Sheehan, would claim President Bush is a worse terrorist than bin Laden.

Do not forget that for nearly five years, lefties have screamed that conservatives are politicizing 9/11 for their gain, while doing that exact same thing themselves.

Do not forget that some in this country do not want to fight terrorists, and would rather surrender, appease, give in to, or ignore (however you want to say it, they don’t want to fight terror).

Do not forget those who would accuse America of doing this to ourselves, either indirectly by “causing” the terrorists’ action, or directly.

Do not forget that there are still soldiers out there in the world fighting terrorists, regardless of what idiots are saying in our newspapers and on the floor of our government buildings and on our televisions. The military keeps doing their job even if it seems like every other person at home is a full-fledged moron incapable of understanding why they are there.

Do not forget that some on the left want to leave Iraq. Cut and run. Surrender. Abandon what we have started. Embolden the enemy. Empower our adversaries.

Do not forget that a lot of those who called for the removal of Saddam now call Bush all sorts of bad names for doing so.

Do not forget that there was evidence of WMD found in Iraq, along with evidence supporting Saddam’s approval and support of terrorists.

Do not forget that there are people around the world who hate America, no matter what we do. Our mere existence enrages them. They themselves say they will never stop until every American is dead. Try to figure out how we negotiate with and appease this mentality.

Do not forget that some newspapers around the world have glorified 9/11, reprinting pictures to praise terrorists.


At 11:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wont ever forget, and I thank you for remembering too.

At 4:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Did you forget about your fan? I keep looking... miss you bunches.


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