Friday, January 30, 2009

Welfare Fraud In Milwaukee

Here's a shock - people are committing welfare fraud. This story is about 4 sisters in Milwaukee. Between them, the sisters have 19 children. At least one of them lives in a house valued at $122,000.

The sisters registered with the state to babysit each other's children. As a result of this scam, the state has paid these four sisters over $500,000 in the last three years. Over half a million three four sisters...for swapping kids. You watch my kids and I'll watch yours, and the state will pay us over $40,000 per year.

All four would still be running their welfare daycares, except one of the sisters lost her license when her own 2 year old was found wandering in the street unattended. So now, she still qualifies for welfare daycare because she told them she works for a retail store overnight. She did not give them an address, phone number or Tax ID Number for the business, but they approved her anyway.

There are more instances of complete and total fraud in the story. The saddest part of the story is the state employees who basically admit they know they are being bilked by the con artists, but it doesn't matter because they say it's legal.

Really? It's legal for my brother and I to register as daycare providers and then watch each other's kids and milk the state for over $40,000 per year?

Remember, you voted for the government who wants to take over everything and run it as well as they run things now. You want your health care system running as smooth as the daycare in Milwaukee. You want your banks being run by people who forced them into near bankruptcy by forcing them to give bad loans to bad people which allowed the government to then step in and lavish my hard earned tax dollars on them.



Humorous Video (Language Alert)

Language Alert - do not watch the video if you are offended by language.

Normally I try to stay away from anything with possibly offensive language/pictures on this blog. However, this video is absolutely hilarious. The worst words are bleeped out, but a couple of things slip through, so you are forewarned not to watch it if you are sensitive to language.

Otherwise, enjoy.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Victory for Justice

Hours after assuming office, President Obama ordered the trials of prisoners held in Guantanamo pushed back 120 days while he decided whether or not to even pursue the trials. This was widely hailed, if only by Obama's liberal pals and their lap dogs in the MSM, as a precursor to shutting down Gitmo as a holding place for terrorists awaiting military tribunals.

Now the chief judge for the war crimes trials has said no thanks. He pointed out that Obama instructed prosecutors to request the delays, because only the judge has the authority to delay these trials. The judge has refused to delay one of the trials on the basis it does not serve justice.

The accused is charged with being involved with the bombing of the USS Cole. In case you need reminding, seventeen American sailors lost their lives to an act of terrorism by a craven mob of cowards.

Thank God that someone has stood up to this "let's be nice to the terrorists, let's not make them feel too bad, let's try to understand their hurt feelings, let's not make them uncomfortable, let's afford them civil rights only guaranteed to American citizens, let's not even call them terrorists" mentality.

I saw the devastation of the USS Stark in 1988 that was hit by Iraqi missiles. I saw the devastation of the USS Samuel B. Roberts that hit floating mines. I was nearby when the USS Vincennes defended itself by shooting down a plane that was divebombing towards it, and I witnessed the terrorists' reaction when they firebombed a van in San Diego. This was a van whose occupants were civilians - the wife and children of the Captain of the Vincennes.

I am not ready to award these people the same civil rights as American citizens. They want to play war without wearing uniforms, then they are treated as combatants who don't wear uniforms. They are not civilians, and they are most certainly not American citizens.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hope and Change

On this first full day of the Obama administration, I am filled with hope and change.

I hope that we make it through the next four years relatively unscathed.
I wish that congress would change most of its members.
I hope Obama doesn’t turn out to be a socialist as his history indicates.
I am glad that the whiners will have to change their tune now that Bush is no longer President.
I hope terrorists are not emboldened by the incoming administration.
I would love to see Pelosi and Reid change their holier-than-thou attitude.
I hope Obama doesn’t wind up as another Jimmy Carter.
I think the mainstream media should be honest for a change.

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