Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Couldn't Say It Better Myself

I have been thinking of a post detailing all the liberal goobers lining up to proclaim the Great O as the wisest, most all knowing, omniscient Messiah who is in the midst of selecting the greatest assembly of minds in the history of mankind to help him rule the universe planet country.

I saved a bit of trouble by finding this by Brent Bozell, who has said it much better than I could.


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PC Alert #2 - Racist Diseases

Okay, this is not so much a PC alert, as it is an exercise in complete and utter stupidity.

A university (how can you call it a place of higher learning?) has decided that a foundation that researches treatment of cystic fibrosis is unworthy of fundraising efforts because CF mainly affects white men.

Are you following this? The disease is racist and sexist.

For 50 years, colleges in Canada have solicited donations during the first week of classes for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. This college has participated for 25 years, but has now decided, in their words, the disease is not inclusive enough. The foundation maintains the college is wrong, saying that CF affects women as often as men, and it affects mostly caucasians, which includes people from North America, Europe, South America, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent.

One member of the council who voted for dropping the charity has now rethought his vote after finding out the facts and seeing the reaction of students he represents. He says the council was misled with wrong information.

I may have to stop searching for items to post, at least for today. Every article I locate is stranger than the last, and shows more idiotic behavior from complete buffoons.

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PC Alert

Time for another attack on normalcy.

You have two elementary schools near each other. One school will dress up as Native Americans, then will visit the other school where those kids dress up as Pilgrims, and the two will sit down and celebrate how two groups can put aside differences and celebrate together. The schools rotate who dresses up as who.

A touching scene, right? Kids in kindergarten learning that people with differences can get along, right?

How about one parent complaining that dressing up as a Native American is a racist stereotype, and compares the reenactment of the first Thanksgiving to dressing kids up as Jews and friendly Nazis.

So of course, PC rears its ugly head and pushes common sense a little closer off the planet. It matters not that another parent, who is of Choctaw heritage, says her son loved making the costume and still wears the one he made last year, proud to show that he knows his heritage.

When are we going to hear about PC being shown for what it is, and someone standing up and saying enough?


Obama Continues Solving Every Problem

He hasn't even officially been elected yet. And yet, Obama has begun the process of solving every single problem in the entire world. He has already proclaimed he is going to create millions of jobs, raise pay, solve energy problems, basically turn the world into Eden...etc etc.

Now, he has decided he has enough time to decide what executives should be paid. Regardless of the contracts that are approved by shareholders, Obama has decided that bonuses are wrong, and executives are not deserving of them.

As soon as you have time, Mr. Obama, I have some problems for you to solve with your omniscience. I have an achy back that flares up from time to time. I also have a few pounds that I just can't seem to drop. My front yard just does not want to grow green grass. The Atlanta Braves need a couple of good starting pitchers. I always get the lotto numbers wrong.

There you go, Mr O. I have other problems, but will hold them for another day. Just go ahead and solve these for me, since it's what you do. Wave your hand, or blink your eyes, or whatever. I'm sure it won't take you much effort or time.


Criminal Activity in DC

There is criminal activity in Washington DC.

Now wait. Before you go off all half-cocked with your assumptions, read the rest of this.

A veteran has become a local landmark for passing out Buddy Poppies. Those are memorial flowers that are bright red, and the vet hopes that people will pause and remember the sacrifices of veterans when seeing them. Anyone who asks for one is welcome to have one for no charge. Many people have been moved to give a donation to help him purchase more poppies, and the vet doesn't turn them down.

Enter the police, who have threatened the vet with arrest for violation of the law banning agressively soliciting money. So, while panhandlers that were the object of the statute roam free, this veteran is facing jail time.

Sometimes I wonder where all the common sense has gone.


We Found The Grinch!

We found where the Grinch has been hiding! Evidently, he moved to south Florida where he took a job as the president of Florida Gulf Coast University under the name of Wilson Bradshaw.

The university president has banned Christmas. No public displays of Christmas decorations in any common areas. Cancellation of the extremely popular greeting card design contest, replaced by an ugly sweater contest (gee, there's a heart-warming tradition for you). A Christmas tree, already renamed to a giving tree for preschoolers, is now a "giving garden."

The topper is the memo that detailed all of the bannings included a disclaimer that the actions are not an "attempt to suppress expression of the holiday spirit."

I guess if someone walked up to Grinch Bradshaw and punched him in the face, he could just stand over the prone goober as he bleeds from the nose and proclaim, "this is not an assault" and get off scott-free.

The saddest part is that no one complained. Not one person said anything. Nobody. Grinch came up with this on his own. Every comment they have received in response is a complaint against the ban. Students questioned in the article were in favor of decorations, including a wiccan who could care less. Nobody was offended, yet he took the remarkable action anyway.

Yet another attack on normalcy.

UPDATE 12.01.2008 - The Grinch has caved after the light of truth was shone upon the idiocy of PC.

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Who Cares If It's Unconstitutional?

This was the question asked by a city council member. Seriously.

The Pittsburgh City Council passed an ordinance requiring reporting of a lost or stolen firearm within 24 hours. However, the state constitution bans local laws involving the "transfer, ownership, transportation or possession" of firearms. So, this goober who found enough stupid people to elect her to office says no problem, because "This is what's right to do, and if this means that we have to go out and have a court battle, then that's fine ... We have plenty of dead bodies coming up in our streets every single day, and that is unacceptable."

There you have it. The liberal mindset in full action. Unconstitutional? No problem, just pass the law anyway, because you obviously know better than anyone else, and the law be damned.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How Did Obama Get Elected?

Okay, the self-imposed political-free zone has ended. Time to get back to spreading truth.

So, have you wondered how in the world a man with only 143 days of experience in the Senate, with precious little known about his history, with the sum total of his campaign experience consisting of bullying his opponents out of the race by burying them with procedural complaints, with practically every other thing that is actually known about him being bad...just how did this person win the election to sit in the Oval Office?

Here is a startling answer. The video reveals what I consider to be the typical Obama voter - totally uninformed and led around by the nose by the corrupt MSM, who did everything immoral in order to install their choice for Grand Imperial Poohbah.

How utterly totally sad. Not for the idiots who voted for Obama with absolutely no knowledge of the man or his beliefs. Not for the goobers who are painting their cars with "my president is black". No, how sad for the rest of us, the informed voters who are sentenced to live for four years with the results of the largest scale con game ever played on the public.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Message To Veterans

Words alone cannot convey my gratitude for those who have served, as well as their families. Accordingly, I am not going to write a lengthy missive today. Instead, I am going to honor the veterans in small ways, continuing to say thank you to any I encounter and saying a prayer for those I don't.

Thank you.


Politics Free Zone

I am severely burned out with months of intense political goings-on. Therefore, I am declaring this blog a politics-free zone for one week. No mention of the Chosen One. No discussion of socialism threatening the overthrow of our country as we know it.

Let's concentrate on better things.


Monday, November 10, 2008

A Teacher's Proud Moment

A college professor has resigned after admitting to committing criminal acts. This goober was a visiting lecturer who had come from out of state from Oregon to Minnesota in order to mold young minds. He posted on the Huffington Post about his clandestine stealing of McCain signs, calling it, "one of the single most exhilarating and empowering political acts that I have ever done."

What a maroon.

Meet The Evil Rich

Want to meet those evil rich people who are not paying their 'fair' share of taxes?

Welcome to reality.

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You Asked For It

Alright, for those of you who voted for Obama, here is your pic of the day.

Truer words could not be spoken.


Speaking of "Journalism"...

Did you read about the newspaper that published addresses and pictures of houses that had Obama signs in their front yards?

Of course not. If that had actually happened, the media would have howled, and it would have led every major newscast and been front page on every single major paper.

But, did you read about the same newspaper publishing pictures and addresses of houses that posted McCain signs?

Of course not. But that actually happened. And it was universally ignored by the major news outlets.

Of course, when caught, the newspaper tried to lie and delete their link to the page. Too bad, because someone had already captured the story and posted it on their page. The link is in the story, so you can see what they were embarrassed to admit.

Go ahead, deny the media bias. Lie to yourself some more.


Death of Journalism

Read this great article, and open your eyes. It's too late to keep Obama from the White House, but it's never too late to educate yourselves.

I know the vast majority of those who voted for Obama will not see the truth of their errors, or if they do, it'll come post facto.

The truth is, the media has crossed a dangerous line. Reporting the news is a thing of the past. Promoting an agenda has become the basis for each news story. The MSM no longer do news, they editorialize and hide it behind a cloak of 'journalism'.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obama - Switching Tone or Lying?

Mere hours after the election, Obama is "signaling a shift in tactics and temperament", according to the AP in this article. The article focuses on Obama's selection of Rahm Emanuel for Chief of Staff. AP calls Emanuel a "fiery partisan who doesn't mind breaking glass and hurting feelings."

He also picked former Clinton confidante and fellow partisan hack John Podesta to be his transition head.

"The selections are telling for Obama, who campaigned as a nontraditional, almost "post-partisan" newcomer," according to the article.

So, Obama campaigns as a new candidate, an agent of change. Then, barely 24 hours after he doesn't have to worry about campaigning anymore, he begins to show his true colors.

Was Obama lying when he was campaigning? Or did he experience an epiphany in the first twelve hours after winning? If you will recall, there were lots of non-MSM people, including yours truly, that pointed out that Obama is the most liberal member of the senate, when he is actually there and not voting present, that is.

Post-partisan, my behind.

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Racism is Alive and Well

I was premature when I pronounced racism dead on arrival after Tuesday’s election.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines racism as “Discrimination or prejudice based on race.” Wordnet 3.0 by Princeton University defines racism as “discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race.”

Leading up to the election, people warned us that there would be votes cast for McCain based solely on the fact that Obama is black, and that would be wrong, because it is racist to vote against someone solely based on the color of their skin.

We know that many votes were cast for Obama based solely on the fact that he is black. If it is racist to vote against someone based solely on the color of their skin, then it is racist to vote for someone using the same basis. It’s the basis, not the vote, that entails the racism.

I know this will anger many people. I know that lots of people, including some who are angered by this, will privately admit its truth. I guess I don’t mind being the one to say it.

Would Obama have won without the racist votes? We’ll probably never know.

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Random Post-Election Thoughts

Wonder what the over/under line is on the number of times we'll hear "Buyer's Remorse" over the next two years.

Racism can now be officially declared dead on arrival. Period.

Will he use his middle name now?

Will he acknowledge his mentor, Jeremiah Wright, again? Maybe rejoin the church, or ask Wright to speak at the inauguration?

Secretary of Education Bill Ayers? Or maybe Secretary of the newly formed Department of Peace? That'd be a hoot.

Secretary of the Treasury Tony Rezko (after he's pardoned)?

Congress has the lowest approval ratings in history, even lower than those well-publicized numbers for President Bush. And yet, people in this country not only returned them to power, they strengthened their numbers. Amazing.

We should see very soon that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have just been warming up.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Reaction To Obama's Victory

Well, we have entered a new phase of this country. We have elected a largely unknown person with shady friends and socialist ideas.

Sadly, the country will go through tough times before we recover. Mark my words, you will regret electing him. We will have to weather some radical ideas and overcome lots of obstacles. Hopefully, America will survive the Obama presidency.

I wonder if we can use his middle name now...


Palin Vindicated In Charges

Remember all the uproar about Gov Sarah Palin and the charges of wrongdoing concerning the abusive jerk state trooper? Recall all the massive media coverage of "troopergate", as the MSM so gleefully coined it? Recollect how the vultures swarmed, proclaiming Palin to be DIW (Dead In the Water - a naval term) as a VP candidate?

Gov Sarah Palin has been completely cleared of any wrongdoing in the case. Completely cleared. It comes a bit late to undo all the damage intentionally inflicted by the MSM, but it's most welcome news to those who kept the faith and knew she was totally innocent of the trumped-up bogus charges. It was all merely politically motivated junk.

I am posting this because, of course, the MSM will dutifully ignore the news. After all, it could hurt the most merciful, most high, most omincient Big O.

On a personal side note to all of you angry, uninformed, miserable lefties who crowed about Palin's guilt in this issue - Apology Accepted. You are forgiven.

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Election Day Thoughts

It's finally here - Election Day. Today is the day that we find out if there are enough of the group consisting of liberals, lefties, environmentalist wackos, socialists, communists, terrorists, class envy idiots, race baiters, and other assorted goobers to elect a man who is largely unknown, and has in his less than 200 days of being in the senate while not running for president quickly earned the reputation of being the most liberal person in congress.

While waiting for the news tonight, here's a few thoughts.

I went to my polling place this morning a few minutes before opening, hoping to cast my vote early and get on with the day. The line was tremendously long, stretching around the building. Cars overflowed the parking lot, spilling over into the lot across the street and up and down the side streets in the grass. Seeing that I reside in a largely red state, where McCain is expected to win handily, that can only be seen as a good sign. Hopefully voters tired of the incessent lies from the Big O's side will come out in droves across the land and defeat the socialist uprising.

A few news items. In Philly, where cheating at the polls is a proud tradition, they are kicking out poll observers who are republicans. That's right, even though it's illegal, they are refusing republicans the chance to watch for cheating. This is the town where they found machines with 2000 votes already cast for Kerry before the polls even opened. Yeah, they don't need watching.

In Virginia, absentee ballots were mailed late to military members serving overseas. This is a common occurrence, and it gives military members little chance of returning their ballots in time to be counted. McCain has sued to extend the date for receiving the ballots. Thanks for standing up for the military, John. It's appreciated.

In Tampa, papers were found scattered near the interstate early yesterday. The papers were filled with voter's information. Apparently, they were survey forms from some leftie organization. Interesting.

Okay, if you love this country, if you believe in being able to work hard and reap a reward for your hard labor, if you believe that people should earn what they get, if you think that capitalism is the best economic solution for this country, if you don't want your money taken from you in order to pay for someone's lifestyle - someone who hasn't done a thing to deserve it, if you are scared of socialists and lefties taking over the country and attempting to further drive this country to ruin, if you understand that freedom means some succeed and some fail, if you understand that equal opportunity in no way means equal results, if you have any common sense whatsoever - you need to make sure that you get out today and do your part to keep our country free.

I promise you this. If Obama wins, and if democrats keep and solidify control of congress, it's going to be a long, dark period for this country. Let's take a trip down memory lane. Do we even need to go over the Carter era? Those of you who are able to remember gas lines, runaway inflation, and an imploding economy don't need any reminders. Thank God for Reagan, who reversed the course and brought this country back to greatness.

Then there came a man, a slick talker, who was all style and no substance. Even though there was tons of evidence proving this man was bad for the country, his followers drank the koolade and voted him into office. The result was not good. The military that he openly despised was decimated, paving the way for later attacks against us. He weakened the US against our enemies. He tried to ruin the economy but was rebuffed by a newly strengthened republican congress. He took a Carter policy and broadened it. This particular policy involved forcing financial institutions to give out risky mortgages to people who had no hope of repaying them. Years later, this would directly lead to the current financial crisis we are dealing with. His personal embarrassments kept mounting, but the kookie koolade brigade kept on defending all of his transgressions, their eyes glazed over by the hero worship that blinded them to any truths. He was an extremely dangerous man and we barely escaped his reign with our country intact.

Any of that starting to sound familiar? This candidate is even worse. Although his personal life may be better (I doubt Obama will wind up having illicit sex in the Oval Office, or will ever be accused multiple times of rape and sexual transgressions), his policies and beliefs are even worse than Clinton's. It's too late for many of you to open your eyes and understand the gravity of electing a socialist as the leader of the free world. I just hope and pray that the damage done by democrats governing unchecked will not be too extensive and we can recover.

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