Friday, July 31, 2009

Step #459 - press the letter T

Leave it to a government agency (even if it is the UK) to produce a 20 page manual on how to tweet.

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Republicans putting speed bumps on the road to Socialism

Lefties are mad that a Republican finally began following the rules and used them to slow down the liberal march towards socialism.

Kudos to Jeff Flake, Republican from Arizona.

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Lefties miss W

Without a “villain” like George Bush for the media and Democrats to blame everything on, lefties are self-imploding.

My heart’s breaking.

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Pay 100 people to do one hour work each - Bam! 100 jobs created by the stimulus. Let's go celebrate!

When I first heard about this, I was incredulous. No way politicians would actually take a job that consisted of 35 hours of work TOTAL and claim that as a job created under the stimulus bill, much less bragging about creating over 3000 such jobs and implying they are all full time actual jobs.

I was wrong. The sheer audacity of democrats still amazes me. The sheer stupidity of the average liberal voter amazes me even more.

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They have proven many times over they can't be trusted

An artist puts a bible on display at a gallery show in Glasgow and invites people to write in the margins to add their personal stories and reflections, then is surprised when people write derogatory things in it.

How could this person not know that lefties have no manners or grace?

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Cup of irony, anyone?

The man most responsible for pushing you towards class envy and class warfare is planning on spending his summer vacation on Martha’s Vineyard in a city voted the most expensive small town in America.

His family will stay at a $20 Million home consisting of 28 acres with a private beach, swimming pool and basketball court. The home rents for $50,000 per week.

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You would think it would take more than that to change a decision made on principle

CNN went out and interviewed a lot of fellow members of the Cambridge police force about the GatesGate fiasco.

One of the most interesting comments was from the female officer who said she voted for Obama but would not do so again.

Late to the party, but we’ll take what we can. However, it brings to mind a question about someone who would change their vote so quickly. Why did she vote for him in the first place? Did she know anything about him then? I would guess not.

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Why don't we just ship a bunch of lefties over there?

If you raise taxes, you lose businesses. That’s a common sense rule of logic that London seems to be finding out the hard way.

Now if we could only get lefties in America to open their eyes.

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Also, the South Pole is still cold

The White House had to scurry to defend and deflect after Joe Biden’s comments on Russia.

In unrelated news, the sun rose in the east today, and water remains wet.

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#22 - ACORN wants more money, or they said they'll release the video

Here is a list of 21 things you can not say to President Obama after a news conference.

'Nuff said.

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I bet she wishes she could lose weight like those Nigerians too

Nancy Snyderman of MSNBC (the MainStream Nuzzles Barack Channel) pronounced she is jealous of Rwanda and their health care insurance coverage.

I am sure we can book her a flight this week. We can send her things later.

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Maybe they shouldn't have called it "So You Think You Can Tap Dance Around Health Care Costs"

Bad news continues to build for Obama. An episode of Fox’s So You Think You Can Dance handily beat his news conference.

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Just add it to the growing stack

Want yet another essay that completely blows away the myth that obamacare will work?

Here you go.

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Will lefties read this one?

The Republicans are putting out their version of health care reform.

I bet the Democrats will read this one. Okay, not really. They’ll just repeat the lies and scare tactics that some goober will put in their talking points memo.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

One Of The Many Names That Fit Him

According to Mona Charen, Obama is Mr. Oblivious To Evidence, and she presents a compelling argument.

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It's Only A Start

Republicans were able to eliminate a provision in an appropriations bill that would spend $8.7 Million for a cultural exchange between whalers in Alaska and Massachusetts.

It’s a good start.

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Senator Deja Vu

A senator was being interviewed on a radio talk show and was speaking about bills being pushed through quickly without allowing time for debate and understanding the bill. This senator was discussing how bad things get slipped in and pass through if the bills are pushed too quickly.

“When you rush these budgets that are a foot high and nobody has any idea what's in them and nobody has read them…and it gets rushed through without any clear deliberation or debate then these kinds of things happen.”
The year was 2004. The speaker was Barack Obama, newly elected senator from Illinois, and he was criticizing President Bush for rushing legislation through too quickly. He maintained the need for deliberation and debate or “these kinds of things happen.” He was speaking with Randi Rhodes, who has conveniently forgotten that he said those things on her show.

Kudos to Naked Emperor News for uncovering this interview.

Also in the audio clip, you’ll hear “journalist” Chuck Todd from MSNBC expounding on Rahm Emanuel’s plan to flood multiple bills all at one time quickly so as to avoid giving the opposition time to organize and get out the truth and kill the bills.

“And I think they're attacking it this way: saying we're going to push 3 or 4 different things. Because they believe the opposition won't have time to unite and kill all of it.”

Hey guys – words matter.

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Please Don't Confuse Them With Logic

Dennis Prager has been a great guy for a long time. I remember listening to him years ago and watching his TV show. He was along the lines of Glenn Beck back then, and obviously has not changed much.

Here is Prager’s list of ten questions for Obamacare supporters.

I like #1, which goes like this – Obama says we need national health care so desperately because we can no longer afford medicare and medicaid. If the government has done such a poor job running those two programs, why should we let them run the whole shooting match?

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Other Than Those Two Things, It's A Great Bill

Here are two experts, James Capretta and Tevi Troy, with a great article on the two things most wrong with Obamacare – the big picture and the fine print.

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Democrats Found A Way To Keep The Health Care Bill Costs Down

Did you know there are sections in the health care bill that specifically detail that the costs are not to be counted in budgets or cost analyses?

Do you understand that someone is deliberately trying to hide the total cost of this health care bill?

I guess deliberately lying to the public is one way to keep your "cost estimates" lower.

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Miss Teen South Carolina Doesn't Look So Bad Now

After watching this video, all I can say is Oh, My God.

This person is allowed to walk around by herself? She is allowed to dress herself? Handle sharp objects?

Worst of all, this person is allowed to vote? All that does is cancel out an intelligent person’s vote.

Oh, My God.

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Besides, If You Read It, You Want To Vote Against It

Democrat John Conyers says why bother reading a bill if it’s 1000 pages?

Sure, why bother? It’s only taxpayer’s money, it’s never your money you’re playing with.

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Maybe Democrats Need Some Of That Sensitivity Training They're Always Pushing On Others

Obama’s health care bill refers to the “retarded.”


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Mainstream Media Alert, Youse Guys Edition

Have you heard about the sweeping investigation in NJ that resulted in the arrests last week of 44 people, mostly politicians? All but one of the lawmakers arrested and charged are Democrats. The sweep netted three mayors, two state assemblymen, one deputy mayor, and a member of the governor’s cabinet.

So, how do the media lapdogs portray it? By either ignoring party affiliations, or by calling it a “bipartisan” scandal.

There is no doubt the mainstream media is marching happily along with their agenda of harming Republicans

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Give Me A T! Give Me An H! Give Me A U! Give Me A G!

Two young girls get with one of their friends and decide to sell some hats and t shirts at a neighborhood pool in order to raise money to help their father’s business.

Along comes a car full of high school cheerleaders. One of the girls gets out, grabs the money box, and runs. Another girl holds the pool gate open. A third holds the car door open while yet another sits at the wheel of the getaway vehicle.

All four have now been arrested, thank goodness. This was a planned event and needs to be punished fully. The criminals are 16, 17, 18 and 18. They knew what they were doing.

I hope they get a no-nonsense judge, and I hope they are kicked off the cheerleading squad.

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You Want These People Running Health Care For The Entire Country?

The government can’t even run a program to give money to 1600 kids in St Louis to mow lawns for the summer without running into all sorts of problems.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More Chicago Way Politics

If a politician in your state makes any public statements detrimental towards the stimulus money and how it’s being spent, your state may have funding cut. That comes from Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, who sent a letter threatening to cut off spending for Arizona after the governor questioned the stimulus bill.

Who can honestly deny that thugs are running the administration?

Answer – No One

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Another Broken Obama Promise

Here is another casualty of Obama’s broken promise trail, right alongside all the other transparency junk.

Remember how lobbyists had to put everything in writing before communicating with government personnel, and it was to be posted online? Fughedaboutit.

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It Will Be A Lot More Than 5

This article details 5 freedoms you will lose if you allow the lefties to socialize health care.

It doesn’t address the hundreds of freedoms that the lefties have already taken away or are planning on taking away as they sweep out capitalism and usher in facism.

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Big Brother Is Here

The government has decided that Republicans can not use the phrase “government run health care” in their mailings to constituents.

Let that soak in for a moment.

The government has resorted to censoring Republicans mail.

Big (Obama) Brother has arrived.

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They Won't Even Show Up For Government Hearings, They Must Know Somebody Powerful

Don’t shed any tears for any UAW union members. Your tax dollars will pay their full pensions.

Yep, the latest bailout fallout comes down to the government assuming all pension responsibilities for Delphi, the parts company spun off from GM. And, while salaried workers and other union members will see shortfalls in their pensions (if they see them at all), the UAW pensions are guaranteed.

Another case of Obama and the lefties taking care of their own.

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The Secret Is Leaking Out

From the UK Telegraph: Gerald Warner’s headline pretty much sums up his article.

“Barack Obama discovers socialist projects at home and a pro-Marxist foreign policy are making him unpopular”

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Here Is Your "Teachers Union Hates Students" Moment Of The Day

1. A charter school in Baltimore is the most successful middle school in Maryland
2. The charter school pays its teachers 18% above average.
3. The teachers at the charter school work 9 hours 15 minutes each day and every other Saturday.
4. The state says charter school teachers must belong to the union.
5. The union contract calls for workdays of 7 hours, 5 minutes, with no weekends.
6. The teachers have no problem with the hours or the pay.
7. The school has no problem with the hours or the pay.
8. The students have no problem with the hours or the pay.
9. The students are performing better than any other middle schoolers in the state.
10. The union decides this cannot be tolerated and steps in to stir the pot.
11. The union tells the school they must pay the teachers 33% above average.
12. The school is now laying off teachers, who never complained, and cutting class hours so the students, who never complained, get less instruction.
13. The school suffers, the teachers suffer, the children suffer most, and the union thugs rejoice.
14. The lefties win again.

Who in their right mind does not see the sheer stupidity in this line of events? Who is the union protecting? Answer – themselves, the union thug bosses. Not the school, not the teachers, and most certainly not the students.

Is there any teachers union that cares about kids?

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And Obama Says WE Are Using Scare Tactics

I just told you about supporters of Obama health care resorting to their old tried and true tactics.

Montel Williams said on radio that Republicans want to shoot poor people who show up at the emergency room. Just shoot em and kill em and drag the bodies off.

Intelligent discourse, right?

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Back To Their Tried And True Tactics

Obama says opposition is using scare tactics.

He’s half right.

“The number of uninsured Americans is growing, premiums are skyrocketing, and more people are being denied coverage every day.”

“This is an ideological fight for the country. This is the top two percent influencing the big medical, lining the pockets of the conservative Democrats."

liberal talk host Ed Schultz

“I suffer no illusions that this will be an easy process. It will be hard. But I also know that nearly a century after Teddy Roosevelt first called for reform, the cost of our health care has weighed down our economy and the conscience of our nation long enough. So let there be no doubt: health care reform cannot wait, it must not wait, and it will not wait another year."

Barack Obama

“Rapidly escalating health care costs are crushing family, business, and government budgets. Employer-sponsored health insurance premiums have doubled in the last 9 years, a rate 3 times faster than cumulative wage increases. This forces families to sit around the kitchen table to make impossible choices between paying rent or paying health premiums.”

”Two out of three personal bankruptcies in 2007 were a result of medical debt… Without health care reform, health care spending will rise to $4.4 trillion, more than one‐fifth of the economy, by 2018 and the number of the uninsured will reach 61 million by 2020.”

Nancy Pelosi

“no one should have to choose between taking their child to a doctor and paying the rent.”

“The problems with America's patchwork health care system are fast reaching a critical mass…And medical studies reveal an alarming extent of poor-quality care that affects everyone.”

David Kendall, quoted on the Democratic Leadership Council website

The “status quo" on health care is "threatening the financial stability of families, of businesses, and of government. It's unsustainable, and it has to change."

Barack Obama

Let’s not forget how Gore recounted the story of his mother paying three times the money for her medicine than he paid for the same medicine for his dog, and then was forced to admit he made it up.

Strange how Obama told the story this past week of the woman from Colorado who pays $700 per month for health insurance and found out they would not pay for her cancer treatments. Stranger still that when asked for information on the woman, like a name or a city – anything that they could verify – the White House all of a sudden developed severe memory loss.

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Birds Of A Feather?

What would you get if you have a dictator in a small country who decides he is going to change the constitution so he can remain in power, a dictator who after being rebuffed by the country’s legislature, supreme court, and public, decides to hold an “election” to change the constitution, a dictator who has the “certified results” stored on his computer before the election is even held, a dictator who is run out of his country by the people after he basically refuses to leave power on his own, a dictator whose removal brings howls of complaints from Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro?

What would you get? Another Obama buddy, of course.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

If You Add In Dead People, The Number Of People With No Health Insurance Rises Even More

Again, someone wisely puts shame to the vaunted “46 Million” claim of uninsured people in the US.

As has been proven many times over, when you subtract the people who choose to not purchase health insurance for myriad reasons, the people who will not apply for Medicare or Medicaid for whatever reasons, the people who are in prisons, and others who could be insured but opt out, and when you add in the fact that emergency rooms do not turn anyone away, you come up with an extremely lower number than the "46 Million" that lefties keep chanting.

There is NO health care crisis - well, nothing that some good oldfashioned tort reform would not cure.

It’s a power grab, plain and simple.

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Evidently, Lefties Have Decided That St Louis, Denver, Chicago, Portland, And DC Are Just No Fun

The government, in all its full stupidity, has decreed the policy that government agencies must steer clear of “fun” cities when scheduling conventions and meetings. Cities like Las Vegas and Orlando are to be treated like the plaque.

I guess if your city gets a governmental meeting, you are just no fun.

What a bunch of goobers.

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Walking Away Does Not Defeat Them

It’s not good news when the leading Republican steps away from the table that is negotiating the health care bill.

Do you think that will slow lefties down or give them momentum?

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An Honest Journalist Is Almost As Rare As An Honest Politician

John Stossel is one of the few journalists left working in mainstream media who is honest. Here is his take on the sheer arrogance of the Obama health care debacle.

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A Tale Of Small Southern Town Corruption, Sheer Lunacy, Melodramatics, And Racial Double Standards. Sounds Like A Tennessee Williams Play.

Last year, the mayor of Leland MS took her daughter to Biloxi and used $12,000 of city taxpayer money to stay at the Beau Rivage resort and casino. The city council never authorized the expenditure.

This year, the city has asked the pair to repay the taxpayers for the trip, as it was never approved.

This kind of thing happens frequently. What makes this a bit different is the reaction of the daughter, who happens to be a city alderwoman. During a city council meeting, she interrupts and tries to hijack the meeting. After the new mayor asked her several times to cease talking out of turn and respect the rules of order, he asked that she be removed from the meeting.

When the three policemen approach the alderwoman to escort her out of the room, she crawls under the table and begins screeching at the top of her lungs about how they can’t do nothing to her, she ain’t done nothing, yada yada. After letting her disrupt the meeting for several more minutes, they finally carry her limp body outside as she continues to yell.

To summarize – it’s okay to appropriate thousands of dollars without permission for whatever purpose you wish. It’s okay to refuse to repay money when requested by the city council that never authorized the spending originally. It’s okay to disrupt a public meeting whenever you feel the need. It’s okay for the entire city to grind to a halt to be forced to listen to you complain about having to repay money you took from the city without authorization.

But, it’s not okay for police to ask you to step outside the building when you are being disruptive. It is okay, however, for you to act like a child, hiding under the table and screaming about doing nothing wrong.

Does anyone else get the feeling that this lady has a certain sense of entitlement?

As she is being carried out, the black alderwoman shouts, “There’s a bunch of racist evil black niggers up in here that’s doing me wrong."

Where is Al Sharpton? This happened the same week he said, “No public official even in quoting someone else should loosely use such an offensive term and should certainly challenge someone using the term to him or her."

Al Sharpton condemns a white woman for repeating the N word when telling of a phone call she received. Yet, he is strangely silent when a black woman says the word herself in disparaging other black people.

I guess I place myself in danger of Al’s anger by repeating what was printed on a website after it was said by an alderwoman.

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Bush Did It? Impeachment!! Obama Did It? Oh, Never Mind...

The Bush White House said visitor logs were privileged information, and were hammered by the press.

The Obama White House says visitor logs are privileged information, and the silence is deafening.

Funny how Josh Marshall was all over Bush for not releasing the logs, but you can't find anything on his site about Obama doing the same thing. At least Huffpo was honest enough to acknowledge Obama's actions, although a lot of the posters completely miss the irony as they defend him.

For the record, I am not going to blame Obama for asserting presidential privilege, as I believe in that power, the same as I did when Bush was in office.

It's called consistency, lefties.

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Blue Dogs To The Rescue?

Did President Obama really tell democrats who are wavering over supporting health care “you are going to destroy my presidency?”

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This Democratic Guilt Thing Is Getting Way Out Of Hand

Administration officials are out there saying that the US needs to pay for Chinese emissions.

My goodness, these people have flat out lost their minds.

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It's Important! It's Got To Be Done Now! I Don't Have A Clue What's In It!

How sad, funny, and ironic is it that Obama admits he is not familiar with the massive health care bill that he is so intent on ramming down our throats.

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They Send One Of Yours To The Hospital, You Send One Of Theirs To The Morgue

I told you it would happen.

First, the nonpartisan CBO, a long-recognized authority in budget matters, issues it’s findings that nationalizing health care would be extremely costly and unwieldy, and before you know it, the director is called on the carpet to face the wrath of Obama.

It’s Chicago style politics – destroy those who oppose you. Ask Hillary about it.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

It May Not Be About Him, But It's Absolutely About Me And You

The battle for capitalism and the government taking over 1/6th of the US economy may not be about Obama, but it is about me, and my taxes, and my freedom.

Stop it, Obama. Leave my health care alone.

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If He Thinks We Can Do It, Let's Prove Him Right

Obama thinks the blogs are great at pushing to approve health care reform, otherwise known as nationalized medicine, or The Great Government Takeover.

That must mean he understands that bloggers can also push to shut down socializing health care and preserving capitalism.

Let’s get to it.

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But Don't Ask Who Is It Helping

Never let it be said that the stimulus is not helping people.

Democrat crony Ken Snyder is being paid over $9000 per month in stimulus money to help with publicity for the stimulus package.

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Irony, Thy Name Is Gibbs

Obama says the Mayo Clinic is great at health care.

The Mayo Clinic says the Obama health care plan is FUBAR.

A reporter asks White House spokesman Robert Gibbs if the president has a response.

“I saw that not long before I came out here. I don't -- I've asked the health policy people to look directly into that. I know that we've worked with -- with, as I said, doctors and nurses and lots of stakeholders on improving legislation, making sure that we're focused on patient quality, making sure that we're focused on cost-effective medicine. And that's what we'll continue to do. I'll work on getting something more specific.”

Yeah, it made no sense to me, either.

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Why Is This Man Still In The Senate?

Chris Dodd is running campaign ads attacking lobbyists. His website says, “You almost have to feel sorry for the poor lobbyists. They just can't get Chris Dodd to listen to them.”

Meanwhile, Chris Dodd is spending time on Martha’s Vineyard hobnobbing with lobbyists, at a democratic retreat designed specifically for allowing democrats to hobnob with lobbyists.

Chris Dodd, meet Chris Dodd. You two should get to know each other.

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Obama Guilty Of Racial Profiling? You Tell Me

Two men are seen trying to force their way into a very nice home late at night. The home’s owner has been out of town. A neighbor calls the police and files the report. She describes the two men as black. Police respond and find the two men had forced their way inside.

One of the men says he lives in the house but had to force the door open because it was jammed. The police ask him to produce ID which will prove his statement. At that point the man screams at the policemen and accuses him of racial bias. He refuses to calm down when ordered to do so. He is arrested until they can sort things out.

It turns out he is indeed the homeowner, and is released and charges are dropped.

That would be the end of the story, except that his supporters are pushing the whole racial profiling accusation.

Just what about that story entails racial profiling? Unless the new and improved definition now includes questioning anyone of color for any reason whatsoever, in which case it’s pretty much a stupid definition, correct?

I thought so.

Let’s ask Mr. Gates’ supporters if they would prefer that the police accept any reason at face value given to them by a black suspect. They should have said, oh it’s your house? You had to force the door open? Don’t bother showing ID, it’s okay, we believe you, have a nice night.

Yeah, that’ll work.

And of course, now Obama has jumped right in the deep end, calling the cops stupid for doing their job. And, of course, Obama had to back off the statement and do what can best be called a clumsy apology, because he was forced to admit he did not know the facts of the case when he mouthed off about racial profiling. Gee, who would ever expect someone to jump into a fray about racial profiling before finding out the facts?

I consider it racial profiling to accuse white police of racial profiling before finding out the facts. Since he had no facts, he had to rely on the only thing he knew, and that was the fact that a white policeman had arrested a black man. Based on that fact alone, Obama whipped out the race card and made Al Sharpton a happy man.

You tell me which one is racial profiling - arresting someone after they can't produce ID and get angry with you and resist police, or accusing someone based solely on the color of their skin?

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Government Efficiency At Work

The FDA is in such sorry shape that the GAO admits the FDA can’t even compute their own budget needs.

These are the people YOU want running your health care, instead of doctors, and making decisions on issues that could kill you?

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One More Chink In Obama's Armor

People are beginning to question the wisdom of nominating an overweight person to be the nation’s top doctor.

That would be as silly as nominating a known tax cheat to be Treasury Secretary.

Oh, wait...

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We're Taking Bets That It Won't Bounce Back Up

Obama is at the six month mark in his presidency. His approval numbers put him 10th out of 12 presidents since World War II.

That’s actually some of the best news I’ve heard all week. People are waking up.

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Words That Begin With N

This story is about a democrat congresswoman who is in trouble for repeating the N word. She's not in trouble for saying it. She's in trouble for REPEATING it. Notice we even have to say and type “the N word” when referencing the N word.

My problem with this (other than the fact that if it had been a republican, the networks and every democrat available would be screaming at the top of their lungs for immediate resignation, because they don’t let any crisis go to waste, they told us that) is the quote by Al Sharpton, who can be counted on making an appearance anytime something might in any way be construed as having racial undertones.

"The quote by Congresswoman Maloney if accurate is alarming and disturbing at best," said Sharpton in a statement. "No public official even in quoting someone else should loosely use such an offensive term and should certainly challenge someone using the term to him or her."

When does Al the race baiter come out and criticize when rap artists use the word? When does he come out when ANYONE who is black uses the word?

I know this is a dead horse, but it’s common sense, people. The word is either wrong or it’s not. It can either be used or it can’t. It’s either offensive or it’s not.

It can’t be a powder keg in one instance and a term of endearment in another.

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Peer Into The Future

Do you wonder what life will be like if the lefties seize power and we wind up with socialized health care?

Look no further than the UK, which has been held up as a model for our proposed health care system, where a 22 year old man has died after being denied a liver transplant by bureaucracy.

You asked for it, you got it. There’s your change.

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He Thinks We Won't Notice The Bad Economy?

In case you have missed it, the White House has delayed a congressionally-mandated report on the economy.

Conventional wisdom says that Obama doesn’t want to admit the economy is as bad as it is until after he can ram through the cap-and-tax and socialized health care bills.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Or Maybe It Should Be "Can't Believe Squat"

CBS says that the Taliban is treating prisoners better than the US.

Maybe they just changed the meaning of the letters to Chronic BS.

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Can We Just Pack Away All The "Hope" and "Change"?

So the Reading Is Fundamental people decide to launch a program called Read For Change, because we all know how that worked for Obama.

How long before Read For Hope pops up?

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They Help Kids, Don't Cost Tax Money, Improve Education, And Are Not Union? Obviously, They Must Be Fired

I think you would have a hard time finding anyone who does not admit that today’s education system is having a rough time.

That being said, you would think that most people would support a solution that:
a) does not cost taxpayers additional money
b) decreases the ratio of children to adults, and
c) helps children get a better education.

Say hello to teacher’s unions, who have proven time and time again that they could care less if your child is educated properly. Their sole concerns are more power for them and more money and less responsibility for their union members.

NYC schools have been using funds raised by parents to hire teaching assistants to help in tasks such as monitoring lunch rooms or playgrounds, teach younger children to tie their shoes, or do personal tutoring.

Along come the unions to squash any idea of doing this any more. The unions don’t care that this will make it harder for children. They only care that any jobs like this are only performed by union members. That would decrease the number of assistants, since union members are paid more. It’s a moot point, however, since there is a citywide hiring freeze and they can’t hire anyone else.

So, thanks to the teacher unions, there will be less adults in NYC classrooms this year.

Way to go, guys.

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A Racist Rag From Overseas

The UK Times Online edition has revealed itself to be fully racist and revels in that fact.

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You'll Pay All Of Your Earnings In Taxes, And You'll Smile Doing It, Because It's Only Sixty Tiny Slivers

Robert Reich says taking even more from the producers in this country only amounts to “a tiny sliver.” Of course, he neglects to take into account how many slivers they are already paying when he goes into the liberal “pay their fair share” mantra. If they are supposed to pay their fair share, then why are they paying a higher percentage than they earn? The top 1% of earners in this country make about 20% of the income, yet they pay 40% of the taxes. Not very fair, now is it? But, that is another topic.

Another thing Mr. Reich fails to take into account is that tiny slivers add up to large chunks. Ask Monty Python’s Terry Jones from The Meaning Of Life.

Reich is a goober who is all about government seizing power from the people. That is pretty much what a Socialist does.


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Socializing The Country And Attempting To Eradicate Capitalism Might Be Contributing Factors

Victor Davis Hanson writes that Obama’s record deficits could be his undoing.

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However, Searches For "Idiots In Government" Have Risen 3000%

The administration has iron-clad proof that the economy has rebounded – the number of searches for the phrase “economic depression” has fallen to “normal levels.”

Yep, I’m Convinced.

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Nobody Should Admit To Being Sober While Wearing These

I know John Daly has been fighting a lifelong battle with alcohol.

I know he says he is sober now.

You look at this and you tell me if you think he is sober.

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Hey, Dude, Like I'm The VP, Man...

Biden is touring the country saying anyone who says the stimulus bill is not working is lying. He says just look around and you see that the economy is on its way back, people are being hired, and factories are being reopened.

That’s not rose-colored glasses, that’s either full blown denial or Obama gave him some good Maui Wowie.

That’s pot for those of you who didn’t get it.

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How Can We Blame This On Republicans?

Thousands of jumbo squid have invaded San Diego waters.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Muggles Are Flocking To It

If you thought the Harry Potter movies were losing steam, think again.

You can read here about how well it's doing worldwide.

After one week, it's taken in over $158 Million.

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It's Close To His Buddy Hugo

Tegucigalpa is pretty much shut down by protests.

Wonder if Obama has figured out where it is yet.

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Strange How Military Deaths Just Aren't News Anymore

July has been named as the deadliest month in the Afghan war. Let’s see if this news gets as much news play as all the numbers and “milestones” in Iraq, which of course were Bush’s fault. Numbers such as:

2007 was the deadliest year
Oct 2005 was the 4th deadliest month
Dec 2007 deadliest month in two years
Dec 2007 deadliest month
May 2007 deadliest six month period
May 2008 milestone number 4000 dead
USA Today discusses milestones of 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 dead

Remember you used to get a daily dose of how many were killed every single day leading off the newscasts. Remember how the media was so concerned that servicemembers were dying. Remember that the administration was held responsible by the media.

All of that is distant memory now.

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Whoopi's One Of Them

Stand by for the conspiracy theorists to come out hollering.

NASA has admitted the original tapes of the first moon landing were accidentally erased. However, they say they found copies and are having them digitally enhanced.

Boy, the conspiracy nuts are going to have a field day with that.

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Careful What You Wish For

When Republicans were in congressional power, Democrats used rules allowing them to insert amendments into bills to force open debates that would rage on for days.

Now that Democrats are in complete control, they have decided it’s not a good thing to allow the minority party to have any ability to insert amendments and force debates.

Democrats better be careful or this might come back to bite them on their collective asses.

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It Was The First Anyone Has Heard From Her In Weeks

Hillary strongly denied that Obama has been shutting her out of recent foreign policy issues, after lots of people noticed that she hasn’t made any overseas trips with him lately.

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Rick Sanchez Gets Zero Support In New Poll

CNN’s Rick Sanchez did a completely scientific study where he flew to his mother’s house and interviewed her and four of her close friends about their support of Sotomayor. He even refers to them multiple times as “wise Latina” women.

What a great cross section of the public, Rick.

You know, I asked myself, my wife, my kids and our pets about you, and unfortunately, the results were unanimous and pretty devastating. You’re a complete loser of a goober who is utterly incapable of being trusted to be honest in your reports.


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She Just Loves To Spend Your Money

Pelosi is already planning on what to do with any leftover money they steal from you, should there be any left over after paying for the health care boondoggle.

When will democrats just be honest and say they are going to raise tax rates to 100%?

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Keep Ignoring Mounting Evidence At Your Own Peril, And Mine Too

Here is yet another group of experts who predict economic doom and gloom if the health care bill passes.

It’s been proven six ways to Sunday that this is a bad bill and will be devastating for America. And yet sheeple keep praising Obama, fully blinded by their devotion to the Big O.

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I Want Him For My Financial Advisor

Joe Biden is not only the Vice President of the United States (He is? Did you know that? Me neither!), but he’s also a financial guru.

Seems that old Joe says that the only way for the federal government to avoid bankruptcy is to spend more and more and more and more.

Smarter Than He Appears

People are having a lot of fun at Obama’s expense for his remarks that his health care plan will bring “greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system."

I think he may have said that on purpose. That way, when it blows up as we all know it will, he can say, hey, I was partially right.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In Case You Were Intersted

Just a tidbit to pass along today about the health care bill.

It seems that buried in the bill is a passage that outlaws individual private medical insurance.

Mull that over.

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Not Long For His Job

The director of the Congressional Budget Office has actually admitted that the massive health care bill will increase, not reduce, the long term cost of health care to the government.

You can expect to see Obama fire him any day now.

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Profile Of A Serial Killer In The Making

You hear all the stories about serial killers and how almost all of them began by killing animals.

Then, you read about this 17 year old girl, Cheyenne Cherry, who went with some friends of hers to trash the apartment of a rival teen girl. While smashing the place up, they took a kitten and locked it in a 500 degree oven. They finally had to leave because of the kitten's scratching at the oven door and howling in pain.

Then, you read about how the girl laughed about the episode and taunted protesters outside her hearing, where a plea bargain got her one year of incarceration. You read how she sneered at the people and exclaimed, "It's dead, bitch!"

Then, you see the picture of the teen, smiling as though she were a normal person. Underneath it, you see the picture of the defenseless kitten.

Then, you read of her history, which includes armed robbery, larceny, extortion, assault, and armed kidnapping of a dog. You go back to double check that she is only now being sentenced to any time.

Finally, you are left with the sad realization that this thing (because she is not a normal human) will only get worse. You know you will not be surprised when she commits murder, likely in a multiple manner. And you will wonder why they did not stop her earlier.

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Try Catching A Fish That Is Twice Your Size and Weight

An 11 year old girl that stands 4’10” and weighs 84 pounds caught a catfish that was almost 9 feet long and weighed in at 193 pounds.


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Pay The Taxes, You Filthy Scum

Hey, if you live in NY and the health care bill passes, and you are one of the top earners, your tax rate could go up to almost 60%.

But hey, you’re evil and rich and nasty, so you don’t deserve the money anyways, you loser.

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CBS Looking To Fill The Void Left By Dr Ruth

Maggie Rodriguez of CBS goes on the air to proclaim that premarital sex is not only good, but that everybody is doing it, of course. She also is shocked when Harry Smith informs her that couples who engage in premarital sex are more likely to divorce. Finally, they posit that the less a man has engaged in premarital sex, the higher the chance he'll be a bad husband, due to lack of experience.

Get out there, guys, have all the sex you can. According to CBS, it'll make you a better husband.

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Goober Dowd Is Just Sounding Sad Now

Maureen Dowd says it is a disgrace that Bush appointed white men to the supreme court.

Dowd misses, perhaps intentionally, the complete irony that Bush nominated Harriet Miers, who is not male according to all definitions, and that Dowd helped derail the approval by attacking Miers in her columns.

So, forgetting the complete racist and sexist overtones of Ms. Dowd's writings, one is still struck by the sheer stupidity of her logic.

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He Does Love To Hear Himself Talk

This is a great article on Obama and his speeches, and his speeches, and his speeches.

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Glenn Beck Keeps Finding Them

Beck found another great person, this time a lady who wrote an open letter that is a most compelling read.

The lady was a lifelong democrat who switched to the republicans before the last election because she felt the democrats have deserted Americans and our way of life. Now she feels the same disenfranchisement with the republicans as she does with the democrats.

She has realized that a majority of both parties are in it for the power, not for the people, and she is searching for an answer.

I don't need to say anymore about it, so here it is.

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Does The Media Even Know People Exist Who Are Young, Conservative and Black?

Glenn Beck told us recently of a young black man who is a conservative and contacted his show. His story is compelling. I have so much respect for this young man. I know the area he is from, and the fact that he stands his ideological ground in the face of overwhelming opposition is courageous.

Give it a read.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Is It Also Unconstitutional To Not Allow Them To Drive Until Age 16?

This from a county judge in South Carolina – it’s unconstitutional to pass a law banning underage drinking.

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We're Going To Pay More, No Matter What

Lefties have decided to raise fees on private insurance companies to help pay for their tax, tax, tax and spend, spend, spend health care bill. So, even if you are somehow able to keep your private insurance (no guarantee of that), you’ll pay higher premiums for it.

Thank you, democrats.

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I'd Like To See One That Says "Imagine No Stupidity"

There is a group that is placing billboards across the country that are representative of the group of people who do not like religion and want it removed completely from society.

While the billboards are garnering attention and complaints, I really don’t see anything wrong with them. If someone wants to pay to have that message placed somewhere, and the company that owns the billboard agrees to rent the space, then the message goes up, as long as it’s not publicly offensive language or something like that.

This is what freedom of speech is about. It’s not offensive for a sign to say, “Imagine no religion.” In fact, I did imagine no religion. You can look to Stalin's USSR or Castro's Cuba to see what it would look like. It’s not a very pretty sight, but this group is certainly entitled to their desires and opinions.

To those of you who are not happy with the message on the billboard, thank the Lord and your country that you are fortunate enough to live in a place where that billboard can be displayed, right alongside one that says “Jesus is Lord.”

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Go Ahead And Have Sex! The Government Says It's Fun And Healthy!

The National Health Service (NHS) in England is distributing a pamphlet to school children that promotes sexuality by informing them that too much attention is paid to safe sex and relationships, and not so much on the physical enjoyment aspect. Besides, it’s good physical activity for you, according to the NHS leaflet.

Answering complaints from educators and parents, the author of the pamphlet says that the advice in the pamphlet could encourage children to hold off on losing their virginity until they are sure they will enjoy it physically.

Yep. That’ll surely be the outcome of telling kids that something not only feels great, but it’s good for you health-wise. They’ll hold off on doing it after reading that.

The last paragraph of the article is one of the most telling – 40,000 teens get pregnant every year in the UK, the highest level in Europe, and half of those end in abortions.

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Heaven Forbid She Take Any Personal Responibility

A teenage girl in NYC falls into an open manhole because she was texting while walking.

Predictably, the word “lawsuit” passed her mom’s lips rather quickly.

Granted, they did not have any cones marking the opening. However, thousands of others seemed to have no problem avoiding the hole. Wonder why?

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Call The Paramedics!

Teleprompter Down! Teleprompter Down!

How will Obama function?

What’s that? There was a backup? TOTUS is okay? Whewwwww.

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Stimulus Report Card For New Hampshire

Stimulus money spent in New Hampshire - $413.6 Million

Full time jobs created from that spending – 34

Having your head spiral at the mere thought that government knows what they are doing – priceless

You know, if they had just taken that money, and given it to people $1 Million at a time, they would have 413 people who would not need a job and would be spending money to stimulate the economy. At least that plan helps 379 more families than what they did.

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It's Not Us, It's The Government Having Problems Living Within Our Means

Tax Cheat Tim Geithner says unemployment is healthy and that the economy “is going through is a very necessary and healthy adjustment as [Americans] go back to living within their means.”

As the blog writer says, at least he didn’t say, “let them eat cake.”

So there you have it. The problem is not government spending, spending, spending, spending and spending. The problem is you. You have just been living beyond your means.

Leave it to a government official to recognize living beyond one’s means.

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I Think We Saved...Umm...One OxyTriGaZillion Jobs!

The GAO says it’s almost impossible to count how many jobs are either created or “saved” through the stimulus.

They just need to talk to the White House. You don’t need to actually count, you can just make stuff up. The sheep will believe it, at least long enough to vote.

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Break Out The Tears

Susan Roesgen is out at CNN.

Who, you ask? You’re right, she’s not exactly a household name. You should remember her as the goober who went out during the Tea Party protests and attacked the people, defended poor ole Obama, and sneered about Fox News, effectively abandoning any pretense of objective journalism. She was a puppy in the media lapdog pack.

Good Riddance. Maybe she will land a job in the administration. Or a McDonald’s.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Here's One Presidential Ranking Where Obama Comes Out On Top

Remember how lefties howled at the budget deficits in the Bush years?

For those who don’t understand it, the budget deficit is how much more the government spends IN ONE YEAR than it takes in. The national debt is how much is owed collectively.

The budget deficit in 2007 was $161 Billion. In 2008, the year the recession really began taking hold, the budget deficit was a record $455 Billion.

This year, Obama’s budget deficit has now topped the One Trillion Dollar mark, smashing all previous records in American history. Don’t forget, the year isn’t over yet.

The Congressional Budget Office predicts that under Obama’s plans, the nation will accrue almost $10 Trillion in deficits over the next decade.

Hey, how about that spending, spending and spending? Great for the country, ain’t it?

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It’s Raining Up, Dogs Are Sleeping With Cats, And It’s Snowing In July In Florida

Democrats are now claiming that the reason the stimulus bill did not work is because they cut taxes too much!

Welcome to Bizarro World.

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Excuse Me, You Know That Penguin You Said Was Gay? Well, I Think He Has Turned On You

The zookeepers at the San Francisco Zoo have been singing the praises of the two male penguins they say have been a couple for several years. Now, a female has taken up with one of the males, and the zookeepers are revealing their true agenda.

No one knows for sure if the zoo placed them together or allowed them to choose, but they did give them an egg to hatch together last year. Since males do the hatching, they complied.

The zookeepers said of the ex couple, “Of all of the parents that year, they were the best. They took very good care of their chick."

But about the female who dared to move in and break up their little social experiment, they don’t speak so nicely. The zookeeper uses words like “widow” and “conniving” while saying “she's got her plan. I don't think she was wanting to be a single girl for too long." Yeah, I guess that female is just a penguin slut, right guys?

I bet it just breaks their hearts that males and females are sleeping together. The zookeeper does retain hope that after this molting season, the two males will get back together.

Somebody needs a life.

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Here’s One Place Biden And Gore Will Never Visit

Police in Epping, New Hampshire, took a dog into custody for being a nuisance by barking too much and annoying people.

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I Can’t Believe Money Was Spent On This Study

Self-proclaimed “scientists” took a bunch of wallets, put different pictures in them, and dropped them around the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, to see if a picture of a baby would increase the chances of having the wallet returned over a picture of a dog or an elderly couple.

If one cent of tax money was spent on this, it was wasteful.

Who cares? And how is this going to help anyone?

These are not scientists. These are idiots who have nothing better to do in order to justify their jobs.

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This Will Be An End Around To Control The Internet

They have “experts” lined up now (not very many of them, but it only takes one) to proclaim that surfing the internet causes minute production of CO2.

Draw the line and connect the dots, people.

Surfing the internet causes CO2 production.
CO2 production contributes to global warming.
Global warming is bad.
Only government can regulate things to prevent bad things.
Therefore, government must regulate your usage of the internet.

Big (Obama) Brother is one step closer.

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And They Claim Republicans Use Scare Tactics

Remember how the lefties claimed that Reagan was going to starve school children?

Remember how the lefties claimed that Newt Gringrich and congress were going to make seniors eat cat food?

Well, here they go again. According to Rob Hotakainen, Barbara Boxer says if we don’t let them pass their global warming tax and spend junk bill, the result will be “droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, worsening air pollution and more.”

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Since Some Journalists Have Begun Telling The Truth, Obama Now Decides To Take Over Their Job Too

Obama has taken to writing his own newspaper articles now in a desperate attempt to rewrite the stimulus expectations. You know, they never thought it was going to actually make the economy recover, it was just an attempt to stop the freefall and slow the recession.

At least that is what he’s saying now.

Is there no end to what that man can do? He's not too busy running the country and single-handedly reworking the world economy that he doesn't have time to run the auto industry, run the financial industry, redesign the entire health care industry, oversee the health care industry once he's finished redesigning it, settle every squabble in order to bring world peace, throw out the first pitch at the all star game, and give a speech every twenty minutes in order to be on 154 channels simultaneously. Now he finds he has time to also run the media industry.

You just have to stand in awe of that man. No wonder he wants all the money you earn...oops I mean all the money you are paid (you obviously can't earn it if they can take it at will). It only stands to reason if he is going to do everything, he should get all the money.

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Another One About To Be Kicked Out Of The Media Lapdog Fraternity

Doyle McManus of the LA Times says that we may be seeing the end of Obamania.

Thank goodness. Now maybe he won’t think he can just impose his desires on America by royal fiat.

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However, Hardworking Conservative Taxpayers Get Zippo

Thanks to Nancy Pelosi and other democrats, the salt marsh harvest mouse will get over $16 Million from the stimulus bill.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

That Sound Was The Other Shoe Dropping

Lefties finally came out of the closet and announced they will seek massive new taxes to pay for that little old health care bill.

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They Better Get ACORN On The Ball Signing Up More Dead People

Someone dumped over 300 bodies from graves in an historic black cemetery and resold the plots.

Democrats will get all over this one. After all, putting two bodies in one grave can cut your vote total in half.

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Good To Know She's Just One Of The Little People

Did you hear about the $6000 alligator clutch bag that Michelle Obama was spotted toting in Russia?

Probably not. It was paid about the same attention that she got when wearing $540 French sneakers - to a food bank.

Now, if it had been Sarah Palin…well, that would be a TOTALLY different story.

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Perhaps ACORN Should Have Paid More People To Show Up

ACORN planned a set of nationwide protests for socialized health care.

Unfortunately for them, normal people decided to be seen and heard as well, and they outnumbered the paid goobers handily in North Carolina, NY, and Orlando, among many other places.

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With Friends Like These, Who Needs To Steal Votes? Oh, Wait...

Radio talk show hosts are coming out against Al Franken.

Here’s the rub – the hosts are the leftie goobers who used to be his friends.

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Obviously, They Are Too Busy Spending Your Money To Spell

Okay, so it’s not just Obama’s name the White House is misspelling.

In two separate releases, the administration misspelled “recovery” and “welcomed.”

Maybe they can earmark some of the money in that second stimulus bill for a spellchecker.

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Even A Blind Pig...

Nancy Pelosi has done the right thing (for the wrong reasons of course) by shutting down the ridiculous idea of a resolution praising pedophile Michael Jackson. The goober resolution was introduced by Sheila Jackson Lee in a fairly obvious and successful attempt to garner her a front row seat at the memorial service for the man who slept with boys and, according to some, tried to turn himself white.

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One Is Private And Closed To The Press, And The Other Is...Well...It's...Ummm...

Do you know the difference between private meetings that are closed to the press, and meetings that are not private but are closed to the press?

Evidently, Joe Biden’s handlers do.

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Palin Derangement Syndrome Still Running Rampant

Here is some examples of the latest anti-Palin media bandwagon.

Palin has no grasp on the issues. Palin has no future. Palin exploited her own children.

At least one reporter gets it right by admitting that “we took sides” by viciously attacking Palin personally.

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He's Right, So Let's Destroy Him

In a classic case of kill the messenger, lefties are abiding by their playbook in the Sotomayor confirmation hearings. Since they cannot dispute the firefighter, they are going after him personally.

I hope they get him, too. He’s obviously no good. I mean, he has overcome dyslexia to serve 17 years as a firefighter, earning him multiple awards for bravery. What an obvious loser.

Shame on any media who actually go along with this. Sadly, they will. Do you remember Joe the Plumber?

How about Clarence Thomas, Robert Bork, Sarah Palin, George W Bush, Newt Gingrich, or Ronald Reagan? Is there really any need to go on?

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mainstream Media Bias, Big Stone Face Edition

Thousands of people march in Washington DC for a Pro Life rally, and the mainstream media pretend to be busy doing their nails.

But let 12 Greenpeace goobers hang a sign from Mt Rushmore, and voila! Fifteen seconds of airtime by the national media along with using Greenpeace’s own propaganda photo.

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NY Kids To Get 9/11 Off As An Islamic Holiday

The NY City Council has passed a measure giving schoolchildren holidays for a couple of Islamic Feast Days.

Since the Feast Days are tied to a lunar calendar, the actual days celebrated are different each year. It turns out that the Feast Days will occur on September 11 during some years.

How PC of the NY City Council to give school children the day off on 9/11 to honor an Islamic holiday.

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I'd Guess A Couple Of Resumes Just Got Updated

The White House press release talks about the presidents of the US and Russia getting together and signing an agreement, and one of the presidents has his name misspelled.

Want to guess which one?

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Two Congressmen Walk Into A Bar...And Read A Bill

When asked the very serious question revolving around whether congress should read a bill before voting on it, democrats laugh and find the idea extremely funny.

I find it funny that anyone expects anything honorable from people like that.

I don’t find it funny that there are enough idiots to continue sending them back to Washington.

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You Have The Right To Have A Bomb Dropped On Your Head

During a Senate hearing, Obama’s Assistant Attorney General opened by saying that the military needed to read Miranda warnings on the battlefield. John McCain asked if he was implying that wartime combatants held constitutional rights.

After the AAG answered in the affirmative, McCain asked the following question.

“What are those constitutional rights of people who are not citizens of the United States of America, who were captured on a battlefield committing acts of war against the United States?”

AAG David Kris could not give a straight answer and had to resort to government doublespeak and legalese.

One more step to a weaker America. Those who hate the US should celebrate.

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Meanwhile, The Conductor In Chief Is Waving All Green

Morgan Stanley’s chief economist says our “long-awaited fiscal train wreck is now under way.”

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As For Me, I Tend To Believe Biden When He Claims Ignorance

Rep John Boehner is calling Joe Biden a liar for saying nobody in the administration understood how bad the economy was when they were doing the first stimulus bill.

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What? The Vatican Best Buy Was Sold Out Of iPods?

Obama gave the Pope a stole that had been placed on the remains of St. John Neumann.

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Oooh, A Stray From The Pack

Media Lapdog AP has a rogue writer they will need to rein in. He writes that Obama has already broken his pledge to not raise taxes on anyone but the rich and will likely have to do so again.

AP, you are going to lose all kinds of privileges if you don’t shut that guy up.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Oops, My Bad – Hate Crime Edition

A group of 40-50 white boys angrily confronted and attacked a black family after a fireworks celebration, shouting, “This is a white world” while pummeling the father, assaulting the daughter, attacking the family’s friends, and scaring the mother so badly she shoved her teenage son into the bushes to protect him. The father spent five nights in the hospital.

Police have classified the racial attack as a hate crime, and are vigorously pursuing leads while the DA has held press conferences with the mayor, proclaiming that their city will not be held hostage by roving gangs of white boys. State authorities have pledged full support to catch and punish the criminals.

Oops, my bad.

It was a white family that was attacked. It was a gang of 50 black cowards who brazenly attacked 3 middle aged men and a teenage girl.

Despite the fact that a group of one color viciously attacked a much smaller group of another color while yelling racial phrases, including "this is a black world," the police are refusing to classify this as a hate crime. The DA and the Mayor are not quoted or even mentioned in the story. I suppose they did not deem it important enough to get involved.

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Why Won't Democrats Help Pelosi?

Nancy Pelosi not only denied being briefed by the CIA on interrogations, she called the CIA liars. You would think that releasing the paperwork from those briefings would be welcomed by Pelosi, who could then vindicate herself.

So, why are house democrats shooting down bill amendments aimed at releasing that paperwork? Why would democrats want to keep stuff hidden? Why won't they assist Nancy in proving her case about the CIA?

Of course, when it comes to hiding stuff, the good ole lefties can be depended upon to not allow that to extend to the CIA when it comes to wartime interrogations. Democrats are trying to pass legislation to force the CIA to videotape all interrogations. That would not only weaken our abilities, it would make the country weaker and more vulnerable.

Of course, that has been the result of most every leftie move over the last several decades.

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Wait! If Letting People Keep Their Money Strengthens The Economy, Then...Wait, I Had It A Second Ago...


This article concerns how tax increases cost jobs. But that just can’t be! We all know (just ask Obama, or Pelosi, or Reid, or any other leftie in congress) that tax increases are the way to stimulate the economy, not worsen it.

Why, if tax increases causes job losses, then logic dictates….no, it’s just too wild to even imagine! It just can’t be, can it? Can it then follow that tax cuts result in employment gains, which leads to a stronger economy, which leads to growth?

Wow, who would have thought it?

On the other side of the debate, here comes Time magazine saying that cutting property taxes under Proposition 13 caused the current problems in California.

Lefties just don’t see that one way of keeping within a budget can be to…wait for it…cut spending. What a concept, eh?

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How About That Stimulus?

The newest listing of the top 500 companies worldwide has the lowest number of US companies in history.

Thanks, Barack.

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Will He Call For An Obama Indictment?

John Kerry is wanting to hold hearings on our involvement in Afghanistan. I wonder if he understands it was Obama who has sent more troops there.

Weren't we told by every leftie for the last several years (and much more so in the last year) that Iraq was the problem, and that we needed to have our troops in Afghanistan, and that Afghanistan was the real problem, and that Iraq was just a figment of W's mind, and that anyone could see that plainly Afghanistan was where troops should be centered, and that once we had the troops in the right place (Afghanistan) that all would be alright in the world, and that every military member should be nowhere except Afghanistan?

And now Kerry wants to hold hearings on why we are in Afghanistan? Will he call every democrat to the witness stand?

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Too Little, Too Late

Obama’s approval ratings are dipping and independent voters are suffering from buyer’s remorse.

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If This Shocks You, Don't Try To Cross The Street Alone

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Stimulus money going to districts that voted for Obama.

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A Bush Official Doing This Would Have Been Crucified

How about that transparency thing? One of Obama’s people is reported to have told car manufacturers to put nothing down in writing about top secret negotiations over the CAFE standards.

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Maybe She Missed Her Connecting Flight

Have you noticed that when Obama travels overseas, he leaves behind his top cabinet member who is associated with dealing with foreign countries?

That would be Secretary of State Hillary, for those of you who did not get it.

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You Can’t Fly Over Christians, That Would Upset Everyone

The God and Country Festival is an annual event honoring things that have made this country great. It has been held in Idaho for over forty years now, and every year, the Air Force has done a flyover to help the participants celebrate the military.

This year, however, something changed. The Air Force all of a sudden cancelled the flyover, saying that doing so would promote religion, and God knows the current administration does not want anyone anywhere at any time promoting religion…cause you know, religion’s a bad thing. Fortunately, the event was still a success.

The poor sap sent out by the Air Force to explain why this has absolutely nothing to do with President Obama claimed that the USAF always participated before because they did not realize for over 40 years that the God And Country Festival had anything to do with religion. They just thought it was all about patriotism and nothing else.

Poor guy sounds like the wandering husband caught sneaking in at 3 am and having to make up some excuse about why he smells of alcohol and perfume.

Predictably, the lefties are happy. Well, as happy as professional whiners can be. A contributor to the Daily Kos is overjoyed with the fact that Obama refuses to attend a church regularly, and that he refused to attend the National Day Of Prayer events, bucking the trend of former administrations. The writer is also giddy with Obama for making Georgetown cover up a religious symbol before he could be photographed in front of it while speaking.

According to the Kos article, the Idaho festival consisted of “Christian fanatics” so that fact alone made it acceptable and even admirable for Obama to say no for the first time in over 40 years. Some one needs to tell the lefties that "Christian fanatic" is two words, just like "Conservative Extemist."

Personally, I am proud to proclaim my support not only for this country, but also for God. I think a God and Country Festival is a perfect setting, and it deserves the full support of the military.

Like it or not, this country was founded on Christian values. The Founding Fathers understood the importance of religion.

I know atheists and secularists, who have now taken control of most aspects of the government, will howl and complain and chant their favorite mantra about The Separation Of Church And State.

It’s just a sad thing that they have no clue as to the true meaning, that the government is not supposed to designate an official state-sponsored church. They did this not to keep religion out of the government, or to squash religion and try to kill it off completely, as today’s secularists want. No, they did it for precisely the reason of allowing people to choose how they wanted to worship.

You just can’t draw a logical line from “no state sponsored religion” to “you can’t allow a moment of silence at a high school football game” or “no flyovers for you because you actually admit that God exists.” Only someone with an agenda of hate towards religion will make that leap, and only a fool will believe or accept it.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

I Don't Recall Princess Diana Ever Being Accused Of Being A Pedophile Or A Pervert

A spokesman for British Airways is quoted in this article about the Michael Jackson memorial as saying MJ is America’s Princess Diana.

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The Headline Could Have Been: Russians Thrilled By Obama, Until They See Him In Person

While media lapdog ABC proclaimed Russian youngsters were thrilled by Obama, and highlighted several who were excited by “yes we can,” even Reuters had to admit that both the media and students at his speech were less than thrilled, giving Obama a “lukewarm” reception and polite applause.

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Obama Trips Over His Own Words Again

Remember how the media defended Obama when he wrote the letter to Chirac and it read as if he thought Chirac was still the French President?

Now, Obama has called Putin the “President” of Russia. I guess that endeared him to President Medvedev, who took over last year from Putin, who is now Prime Minister.

If this were Bush, the media, along with Letterman and Jon Stewart, would be howling at how stupid he is. Instead, if you hear anything at all about this from the media lapdogs, which I predict you won’t, it’ll be a case of a simple slip up that was immediately corrected, no big deal.

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How Does Joe Biden Walk With Both Feet In His Mouth?

One day after Joe Biden said that Israel had the right to decide what to do about Iran, and implied that the US was giving them a green light to go ahead, Obama put the brakes on hard and denied any green light at all.

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Mainstream Media Bias Alert, Covering Dead Troops Edition

The media lapdogs barely mention troops killed in Afghanistan, with good old Michael Jackson getting 20 to 60 times the coverage. On CNN, Anderson Cooper even gave 3 times more coverage to the Wife Carrying World Championship in Finland.

You know, it’s bad form to highlight troop deaths now that Big O is in office.

Who’s a good media lapdog? You are. Yes you are.

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The Good News Is More People Are Becoming Aware, The Bad News Is It Should Have Been Sooner

A Gallup poll shows that Americans are becoming more conservative. Over the last few years, the percentage of those who say they’ve become more conservative doubles the percentage who say they’ve become more liberal.

Of course, there are still enough people stupid enough to be fooled into voting for a socialist without realizing what they are doing to America.

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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Transparency Alert

In this enlightened age of transparency (remember that campaign promise?), the White House has refused all attempts to discover how much you and I paid for Michelle to vacation in Europe.

I don’t know about you, but Obama has been transparent to me for a couple of years, now.

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All The News That’s Fit To Print…Eventually

The media has uncovered an article written by Obama as a senior at Columbia denouncing the military and their driving desire to wipe out the planet. In the article, Obama dreams of a nuclear free planet, as only a naïve youngster could.

Of course the US should have taken the first step to disarm all nuclear capabilities. Because, as we all know, there are no countries who would not follow suit. No country in the world would want to keep their nukes and gain any sort of advantage over America. No, no, no…it’s just not feasible to imagine that any dictator would actually think about gaining a military edge over freedom and peace.

Well, now that Obama is safely ensconced in the White House, the Times figured it was safe to release this article.

I would wonder how it might have affected the presidential race to have…oh, I don’t know…maybe the FACTS before the actual voting. However, knowing how stupid a large percentage of the population is, and knowing the lapdog media was given over completely to electing this man, and seeing how associating with domestic terrorists and supposed clergy who ranted against America and whites, and knowing all of that was conveniently swept aside, and knowing that any and all criticisms of the man were treated as an open door to scream racism – I just don’t see how this bit of info would have made any difference.

I sure would have liked to have had the chance to see, though.

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Heard A Peep About Tea Parties?

Have you seen any reports on Tea Parties held across the nation on July 4th?

Nope, neither have I.

After some extensive searching, I found out that 37,000 attended the event in Dallas. All three networks would have led with video of any leftie protest that consisted of a group 1/100th that size. And, Dallas was just one site out of hundreds scheduled.

You can see more reports from across the nation here, here, and here. Thanks to Michelle Malkin and Glenn Reynolds for all the legwork.

This site has videos from 105 Tea Parties across the land.

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America Says Semper Fi To Ed Jordan

A former Marine (I know, you’re never a former Marine, once a Marine, always a Marine) had his flags on his porch burned in Dallas last week.

People are coming out of the woodwork to show support for the veteran. People and groups from Michelle Malkin to Kid Rock to everyday people across the land are doing something to help out.

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He Had To Apologize For What? Calling Him Little?

An official from Honduras has sent a letter of apology for what AP labels a “racial comment” by referring to Obama as “a little black man who doesn't know where Tegucigalpa is located."

Fine. I demand a letter of apology for anyone from hereafter who ever uses the term “white man.”

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Media Keeping Their Priorities

In the bribery trial of William Jefferson, a DEMOCRAT and former congressman, the jury was shown video of him accepting a suitcase full of money.

But, hey, enough about that (too much actually), what’s the latest on Mark Sanford? Anyone hear any good rumors on Sarah Palin? How about some jokes we can run?

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If The Answer Is Wrong The First Time, Repeat The Answer Louder

In today’s OMG moment, a presidential advisor says we need a second stimulus because the first one was “too small.”

I guess she means because the country is not entirely bankrupt yet.

Now comes news that the lefties are actually considering a second stimulus to overcome the sad state of our economy which resulted from the first stimulus.

They are now treating the economy like they have treated education for years – if you spend X dollars on something and it totally tanks, then the answer is obviously to spend X+Y dollars, because there is absolutely no reason to think…ever…that the process might be flawed and needs to be reworked. No! Heaven forbid! The ONLY acceptable answer is spend, spend, spend.

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Ready For An Eye Opener About Lefites?

In case you have not yet read this, it’s one forceful piece that illustrates just how far the lefties will go in order to gain power, and how far the conservatives should consider in order to fight the onslaught of socialism and liberalism.

David Kahane has nailed it on this one.

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Please Read This Letter

Neal Boortz has come across an absolutely fantastic letter written to America by a prominent black woman – a black woman who is educated, smart, and has very strong credentials.

Please, go and read the letter in the link. She is so eloquent and thoughtful, and her words will truly make you think.

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Next, They Can Attend Classes In The Nude

The University of Chicago will now allow baby-faced children fresh out of Mommy and Daddy’s house to live in coed dorm rooms.

Gee, who could see anything going wrong with that decision? You just know that was based on their desire to foster a richer academic environment for the students, and of course we all know that college students always do the right thing. No college student has ever let their grades slip because of temptation. Ever.

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As Long As The Important People Are Taken Care Of

David Bauder of AP says that the lapdog media fawning over Obama is a mutually beneficial relationship.

Okay, so I guess it’s okay as long as it benefits Obama and the media. Who cares about truth…or the people…or their right to facts. As long as lefties and their lapdogs get what they want, right?

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Sadly, There Will Be Many More

This is a good analogy drawn between Obama’s PR town hall meetings with staged photos and pre-screened questions, and Stalin posing with Ukranian victims during the 30’s.

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Expose Of The Week

Howard Kurtz seems to be amazed that black females covering Michelle Obama are fawning over her.

I am amazed that anyone would be amazed by that.

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Viera Really Goes After Franken

Given the chance to interview the declared winner in one of the closest senate races in decades, and one that spawned charges of irregularities from both sides, Meredith Viera opened with asking if it was hard for Al Franken to “keep your mouth shut” as if he had actually done so. Another hard investigative question she probed with regarded whether he was more worried about the GOP or his old buddies at Saturday Night Live.

Wow, what a hard hitting expose, Meredith. Keep up the "journalism."

Let’s look at how she treated Dick Morris in comparison.

She asked him if the Republicans plan for dealing with Obama is now going to be to “sit and watch Obama fail?” Is she fretting that the Republicans are not doing enough to stop Obama? Or does she think that by putting it this way, all of Obama’s failures can be blamed on Republicans (why didn’t they stop him?).

I guess she forgot that Democrats are in charge in both houses of congress and the White House.

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Government Intelligence At Work

Missouri plans on allowing utilities companies to charge customers more for using less energy.

And you thought if you used less energy, it would lower your bill. Silly consumers.

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Here We Go Again With Democrats And The Meaning Of Words

A DC think tank has produced a memo on how the lefties should proceed in convincing (fooling?) the American public that socialist health care is for their benefit.

The path to convincing them is not built around actually making the program work. No, that would mean actual work. Rather, the memo concentrates on fooling the public by pretty much lying to them and telling them whatever it takes to get them fooled into buying this latest round of government manure.

Most of the current words used to describe and sell reform are computational words — cost, access, quality…They are Mr. Spock words, not Dr. Spock words. … You need to use terms that are warm, evocative and emotional.
Using the term “stability” is the safest path to achieving their goal, writes the think tank, as the article notes.

The House Democratic Caucus has already incorporated the “stability and peace of mind” message into its daily talking points, according to the June 23 memo distributed to members. There are now four buzz words: cost, choice, quality — and stability.
The bottom line for the lefties is the same as always – don’t come up with a smart idea that is logical and then use the facts to win the people over. It’s much easier to come up with more ways to grab power and then lie, deflect, and accuse opponents. You can always fool enough idiots to let you get your foot in the door and then it’s too late.

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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Any Wonder Why MJ Was Messed Up?

Michael Jackson’s father is charging people to attend the memorial service, which will be held at the Staples Center, the sports arena/concert hall that hosts the LA Lakers, LA Kings, and seats 20,000.

They will also be selling T shirts outside the arena. I would guess you could probably buy a hot dog and a cold beer while the service is going on as well. Maybe someone will come out with a horizontal bobble head doll.

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Happiest Place On Earth Loses A Bit Of Happy

Disney has seen its first fatality involving the monorail. One train crashed into the rear of another train at the ticket center, and one pilot was killed. No other serious injuries have been reported.

There are all sorts of warnings and anti-collision systems in use on those trains. How two of them managed to collide will be investigated by OSHA and may take six months.

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Quit Complaining And Help Me Push

Obama wants all leftie groups to stop criticizing any democrats, because he says it gets in the way of them moving the country more to the left, more to the left, more to the left.

Socialism, here we come.

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Mouths Of Babes

Joe Biden admits that the administration underestimated and misread” the economy.

The worst part is, they did not misread their own intent to suppress the free market system in the biggest power grab in US history. Nor did they misread their flaming desire to turn American into a socialist state.

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Don't Say We Did Not Warn You

There is plenty of evidence pointing to an ever-growing implosion by the US economy because of Obama, Pelosi, and their drunken sailor spending tactics.

So, do not act surprised when the current economy gets worse. You were warned.

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Try To Find A Congressman Who's Aware Of Half Of These Items

Here is a list of 50 things that are wrong with the cap and trade junk bill.

Since congress didn’t even bother reading the bill before passing it, I will bet you can’t find one single member of congress who is aware of all fifty of these items.

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Here's To You, Sarah

I personally don’t blame Sarah Palin for resigning her job as Governor of Alaska, and I could care less if she doesn’t run for Senator next year, or whether or not this hurts or helps her chances.

I will tell you this. I admire the woman. She is a great conservative and a wonderful leader. She is a straight talker, which got her in constant hot water with the lapdog media, because she rightfully burned a lot of democrats who developed PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) and came absolutely unglued with their vitriolic hate.

They continue with the hate to this day, and I am sure it will continue, because they are afraid of her. Reagan and W inspired this level of hate, and it was because they whipped the lefties and they did it with ideas, not emotion, and that is something against which the lefties cannot compete.

Credit for the PDS origination goes to Michelle Malkin, to the best of my knowledge.

If you look at the vile spewn by the lapdog media in the direction of the classy Governor, you will not blame her if she decides to never again run for public office, which is exactly what lefties want.

I would personally love to see Sarah run for president. I would love to see her in the Senate. I would vote for her in a minute. There are the beginnings of a rumor trickling out there that something big might be on the horizon, so keep tuned.

But I will not begrudge her leaving public office behind for a chance at a normal family life. She’s earned it.

So, this is for Sarah. Whatever you decide to do, more power to you. Thank you for what you have done for us, and best of luck in your future. If you keep fighting the good fight, you have my support. If you choose your family over everything else, you have my support. Either way, you are a winner.

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Oops, My Bad, Unemployment Edition

Unemployment reached a 26 year high during the Bush administration, and the networks trumpeted the fact and devoted most of their newscast blaming the President for the sagging economy, which continued to spiral despite record deficit spending. The media highlighted members of congress demanding that something be done immediately and calling the President to task for allowing things to get so far out of hand.

Oops, my bad.

The 26 year high in unemployment figures happened, of course, last month, which placed it squarely during the Obama administration, and the networks tried to sweep it under the proverbial rug, acting like good little lapdogs.

Good boy, mainstream media, good boy. Who’s a good doggie? You are. Yes, you are.

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Crony Capitalism

I am genuinely scared by this article. It details how Obama is turning the government into an ATM machine for rewarding those who donate to him, and to penalize those who disagree with him.

What scares me most is the large number of people who are perfectly fine with this notion. How can you not see the dangerous consequences in allowing Obama to turn this country into yet another place of Socialism? Here is proof that he is following in Chavez’s footsteps.

So, just how is that economy doing in Venezuela?

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Do You Really Think It's About Cutting Back On Gasses?

Here’s a good article for those of you who still think cap and trade is actually about the environment and not about one of the largest power grabs in our history.

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She Was Never A Math Teacher, Because Her Plans Don’t Add Up

So, who gets promoted in teachers unions?

Why, those who oppose any and all efforts to reform education.

I suppose they feel that education is just fine as it is and doesn’t need any reforming, except they constantly whine for more money (at taxpayer expense) to continue the proven failure of a system they have now.

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Monday, July 06, 2009

I Thought Lefties Owned The Press, Not The Other Way Around

The Washington Post is selling access to its own reporters and executives, along with members of congress and Obama administration officials.

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