Friday, February 27, 2009



Here's some of the latest on the octomom. While it's coming out that her mom's house (where she lives rent free) is facing foreclosure, she's shopping for expensive makeup in Beverly Hills. Now it seems she has called Dr Phil to complain the hospital won't let her children come home until she can prove to have a stable home for them.

Today's Media Bias Lesson

Another media-weak-kneed-over-obama story.

Good Read by Rush

An excellent article written by Rush Limbaugh addressing the Fairness Doctrine. If you have not listened or read Rush, you owe it to yourself to give this a chance.

Gotta Pay if You Want To Dance

Obama wanted to have a victory celebration in Chicago. The city is suffocating under a budget shortfall. Obama’s team assured the mayor who publically assured the world that Obama would pay for every single dime spent on the political event.

So why hasn’t the city received the money? Why are taxpayers still on the hook for PBO’s dancing and hoopla?

Good Analogy

A commercial is being prepped that points out that if you spent $1 Million dollars every day since the day Jesus was born until today, you would still spend less than Obama did with one stroke of his pen last week in Denver.

Hillary Not Honest?

Jewish leaders are shocked that Hillary is not the same Hillary that cozied up to them when it was to her benefit.

Gee, who would think a Clinton could be two-faced, self-serving and dishonest?

PC Gets the Eastwood Glare

Clint Eastwood thinks the world is too politically correct. Amen.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Goober Story of the Day

A prison inmate is suing NASCAR, claiming they forced him to get speeding tickets, steal credit cards, and commit fraud.

He claims that he admitted the credit cards were fraudulent when purchasing race day tickets, but the people in charge “insisted they did not care and encouraged me to buy Budweiser beer and funnel cake with more stolen funds.”

The worst line from his lawsuit? That he “used (Kyle) Petty’s Discover Card to buy Mark Martin Viagra.”

Being inspired by Eliza Dushku, or Jessica Alba, or Victoria’s Secret models to purchase viagra…okay. But admitting while in prison that Mark Martin inspired you? Not a good move.

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Lefties Two Faced Over Katrina Help

For most of the last few years, President Bush has said there was enough money allocated to help areas ravaged by Katrina, but the money was being held up by government red tape. So, when anyone tried to push through emergency money onto a bill such as the defense budget, he would say there’s no need to put this in, there’s plenty of money, we just need to clear up the red tape.

This would be met with howls of indignation by the lefties, including Mary Landrieu and the Congressional Black Caucus. They would blast Bush for not caring about Louisiana and abandoning the people there.

Now along comes the ‘stimulus’ bill, or the Confiscation Of Your Hard Earned Money To Be Given Away As A Reward To Liberal Cronies Act of 2009. Want to guess how much money is in this boondoggle for fixing Katrina damage?

Zip. Zero. Nada. Not one penny.

Are the lefties howling about President Obama’s insensitivity towards Mississippi and Louisiana? On the contrary, they are not bothered in the least about this. In fact, they say they are okay with it. They say there’s plenty of money, it’s just being bogged down by red tape.

Sound familiar?

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Latest Group to Beg for a Bailout?

It seems the weakening economy is hitting everyone. The latest group to complain about lowering incomes and rising costs are terrorists.

Maybe they can find a friend or two in the current administration or congress who might offer to sponsor a bailout.

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Latest on the Goober Octuplet Mom

So, now it turns out the octuplet mom actually does receive welfare, although she flatly denied receiving any taxpayer funded assistance earlier. Fox reports that she receives food stamps and payments for several of her children, who are labeled as disabled. That’s only what we can confirm currently, so you can bet there’s most likely more to be discovered.

We now know she is on welfare, because she has enough money to hire a publicist who has admitted to the media that she is on welfare.

I’ll wait until your head stops spinning after that last statement.

Her publicist claims she justifies denying receiving welfare because, “in her view these are just payments made for people with legitimate needs and are not, in her view, welfare.”

Well, that explains everything.

In further revelations of the goober mom, it was not the same doctor responsible for all 14 of her children. In fact, her own mother and father begged her first doctor not to implant further embryos after she had 6 children. That is when Nadya went to the doctor who is in hot water right now for his actions.

Also, the father of all 14 children wanted to marry Nadya, but she refused, only wanting the children. Nadya’s mother is angry that her daughter would have so many children.

When questioned about who paid for the in vitro procedures, Nadya said she used some of the disability money she received since 1999. It would have cost her an estimated minimum of $56,000 over 7 years and could have cost over $100,000.

Remember, this woman who can now afford a publicist, lives with her mother and receives welfare, but stubbornly refuses to admit it while proclaiming her intentions to return to college this fall to complete work on a master’s degree. Wonder who’ll pay for that? Wonder who’ll pay for childcare for 14 neglected children while she attends class, or goes to study groups, or does homework, or just takes a break? Who is going to pay for food and clothing for the kids?

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You Can't Join Our Group That Fights for Inclusiveness

An Arkansas state representative applied for membership in a whites only group and was turned down because he is black.

Now, stop and think about your emotions as you read that sentence.

In truth, Representative Richard Carroll is white, and the group is the Arkansas Black Legislative Caucus. They have refused the state rep’s application solely based on the fact that he is white and, according to the chairperson, “You have to be an elected legislator and you have to be black.

This does not sound like a ploy for media attention. Carroll’s district is over 60% black. He is married to a black woman. He says he wants to be in the caucus to better understand and represent his constituents.

In truth, the bylaws do not mention race. Perhaps that is because they knew it might lead to a legal challenge. Perhaps not.

But pay heed to one member’s words, who said, “Since it's called the 'black caucus' he can't be a member. It is a caucus defined as being black. All discrimination is not bad. You can discriminate about whether you are going to drink four beers or 10 beers. I would say that's good discrimination."

How many of the caucus members have stood up and protested when private clubs have denied membership to someone of color and demanded that anyone be allowed to join any group they desire? How would it be received if a white caucus was created? I’m just asking.

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ramblings part 2

Ten Million Hail Marys

Nancy Pelosi has scheduled a meeting while in Rome with the Pope. That could be one loooong confessional.

Today's Lessons in Media Bias

More media gushiness over PBO. This time Diane Sawyer proclaims the beginning of “trillion dollar week” with a “presidential whirlwind of spending.” Truer words…

NYTimes editor denies the press “fell in love” with Obama, only moments after referring to him as a “rock star.”

Gwen Ifill (you’ll remember her from being chosen to proctor presidential debates because of her supposed fairness) and Margaret Carlson decide it’s absolutely fine for PBO to call on a Huffington Post blogger during his first press conference, and that the question relating to investigating Bush for war crimes was a valid question.

Carlson later agreed with the host’s statement about the “White House press corps not exactly rolling over for the new President.

Dissent No Longer Patriotic?

Strange that dissent labeled as ‘patriotic’ a mere few months ago, and now the same people declare that anyone not in total lockstep with the administration to a terrorist?

Oh, and love this quote – “First, while the President can and should continue reaching out, he can expect to find a clenched fist on the other side of the aisle.”

I guess shutting down compromise proposals by saying, “I won” is accepted by media now as “reaching out.”

Worst Cabinet Ever?

With all the bad news about PBO’s cabinet appointees, at least it was nice to see nothing haunting his Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan.

Spoke too soon. CBS in Chicago is reporting on a pattern of teachers hitting and abusing students during Duncan’s watch, and although he promised punishment for those caught, it rarely happened. Out of 568 verified cases, only 24 punishments were meted out.

PBO might be thinking the bad news is piling on, but hey, that is what you risk when you are President. After all, Mr. President, ‘you won.’

World to End in Four Years

Two “scientists” have declared that only Obama can save the world, and he only has four years to do so. Nothing like a little fear thrown in to help the global warming cause.

And to think, President Bush was once accused of using fear tactics to advance an agenda. He could really have learned a thing or two about real fearmongering from the Al Gore crowd.

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ramblings part 1

You thought we were kidding when we referred to PBO as the Messiah, right?

Evidently, Borders did not.

Insulting Drunken Sailors

Why does the government complain about automakers flying in expensive jets during bailout talks, while at the same time spending taxpayers money like drunken sailors?

BTW, I’ve been a sailor, both drunken and sober. I have seen drunken sailors up close and personal, and comparing congress’s spending habits to them only defames drunken sailors. At least sailors only spend their own money.

Leave it to the English to say it

An article that declares that PBO will be credited with a great victory for signing the ‘stimulus’ bill today, but “nobody truly believes it will work

Too Little, Too Late

And now, the truth of the Confiscation Of Your Hard Earned Money To Be Given Away As A Reward To Liberal Cronies Ac t of 2009 begins to surface, after the vote, of course.

Don't Spend That Tax Refund Yet

Hey, great news if you live in Kansas! If you don’t have the money, you don’t have to pay your taxes on time!

Ooops. Sorry. That only applies to the state refunding the tax money you overpaid.

Better luck next time.

What About The Braves?

Liberty Media is ‘investing’ $530M to bailout Sirius XM radio. Since they have all that extra cash laying around, how about upping the budget for the Atlanta Braves a bit in order to afford a power hitting outfielder and make a trade for Jake Peavy?

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Monday, February 16, 2009

ramblings part 2

Timely Economic News

Our federal budget deficit is now larger than the GDP of the entire world. It’s larger than 4 years worth of GDP from the US.

Let me repeat that. If everything produced in the entire US for the next four years went towards the budget deficit, we would still owe money. If we took every penny earned across the globe for the next year, we’d still be short.

How are you not seeing this?

Today's MSM Bias Lesson

ABC’s Cokie Roberts has evolved. Deciding it is clearly past time to pretend to be fair, she has denounced Republicans as “irresponsible” for daring to disagree with PBO.

The horror! The horror!

Bill Maher is Right...For Once

Bill Maher says we are “still not a very bright country”.

He’s right. People still watch him.

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ramblings part 1

This is becoming a trend

The fertility doctor who implanted 8 embryos into the mom who already had 6 toddlers, creating the octuplet mom, is now involved in a second case.

This latest one is a 49 year old woman with no health care that he implanted with 7 embryos. The woman, now pregnant with quadruplets, has been hospitalized and you and I are paying for her stay.

RIP Dirtbag

A 49 year old dirtbag has mercifully and rightfully been executed in Alabama.

This total waste of oxygen raped and strangled his 12 year old stepdaughter. His 26 years on death row living on our tax dollars amounted to more than twice the amount of time she was alive before her brutally killed her.

Good Riddance. If you think you spent a long time on death row, you’ll love eternity in hell. Say hello to Gacy, Bundy, and Dahmer.

What’s The Rush?

Funny, isn’t it? The huge ‘stimulus’ package, the Confiscation Of Your Hard Earned Money To Be Given Away As A Reward To Liberal Cronies Ac t of 2009 had to be rushed through. That was the excuse we were spoon-fed by the lefties and their media lapdogs to explain why promises to give everyone time to look it over were broken and the vote was pushed through almost as if they were embarrassed by it.

Remember PBO making that campaign promise that no bill would be signed until after it had been posted on the web for days, giving the public time to look it over? Broken.

Remember the standard for Congress to post a bill and give the members time to look it over before they vote on it? Broken.

Well, it just had to get done, right? No time to waste letting people actually know what they were voting on, right?

So, it gets voted in. What next? Well, just toss it on the desk, the President will sign it. After his three day weekend, of course.

Sooooooo glad they rushed it through, with no chance of anyone finding anything to not vote for.

You idiots who voted for the lefties slamming this socialism on us – again, let me thank you for your actions.

Supply Side What?

Oregon wants to raise the tax on beer by 1900%. One Thousand Nineteen Hundred Percent.

The tax on a barrel of beer would rise to almost $50. This would be the single largest tax increase on beer in American history. Opponents warn the price of a pint of beer could rise from $4.50 to $6.00. Many small breweries could be forced out of business.

Read into the story, and you’ll notice this passage. “Brewers say it’s that low tax that makes Oregon such an attractive business climate for crafting beers, though.”

What’s that? When you lower taxes, it encourages spending and growth by businesses? Raising taxes would discourage companies from relocating to Oregon, and force others to close their doors? Higher taxes might result in less business, less jobs, and less tax revenue?

Where have we heard that before?

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Friday, February 13, 2009

ramblings on Friday the 13th

You can't talk bad about the President! That's our domain!

A leftie radio talk show host has labeled Rush Limbaugh a “domestic terrorist” who is a “bigger threat to this country than Osama bin Laden. He's a bigger threat than anybody that the CIA can invent. He's a bigger threat than any terrorist that ever leveled its sights against the United States, Limbaugh is, so why isn't he arrested and sentenced for treason?"

So, all of the speaking out against Bush, including calling him vile names, was not only patriotic, it was forbidden for anyone to even intimate that might not be patriotic. But, when Rush says he hopes for failure for Obama’s plans to shift the country to socialism, that should result in an immediate conviction for treason?

Art going to the dogs

What’s the value of statues of dogs defecating, fornicating and sniffing each other?

$196,000, according to California. That’s the amount they paid an ‘artist’ to build statues for a bridge. The resulting idiocy showed dogs fulfilling their most basic needs.

Meanwhile, the state is going broke. Wonder why?

This idea should be put in a purple bag and tossed

Gloucester MA city officials began passing out $2 purple trash bags that residents must use when disposing of household waste deliberately misspelled ‘official’ when having the bags printed. They say it was a deliberate attempt to catch anyone trying to counterfeit the bags.

This gives rise to two questions.

First, why would the city want to force residents to buy purple bags in order to throw out trash? Especially at $2 per bag?

Second, when did counterfeiting trash bags become a huge problem?

Give me your money! Ouch!

A gang of 2 women in their 30’s, a man in his 40’s, and a female teenager were terrorizing older women in the Chicago area by stealing purses, wallets, and ID’s. Then they tried to take the wallet of a 61 year old woman who happened to be a sergeant with the Sheriff’s office. Talk about karma. I wonder if they will be charged with hate crimes?

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Free House Woman Milking System?

Some new info has come to light about the woman who took advantage of the spotlight at a rally to ask the President of the United States for a free house (and was given free housing by a Republican, don't forget).

It seems that the woman and her son sold some land in 2005 for $47,000. Also, a local faith based charity organization has come forward to report they gave the two money and food last month. On top of that, they offered the son free job training to help him get back into the work market (after what, seven years?) but he declined the offer. They also offered the mother and son a house they could live in as long as they wanted. The house would be rent free for the first three months, after which they would pay $400 per month. That was also refused.

Now, the woman is denying she has been milking the system.

You make up your own mind. Was an offer of 90 days of free housing not enough? After seven years of not being able to find a job, would you turn down free job training?


Family Refuses to Accept Grand Jury Ruling

A 17 year old high school football star is pulled over for a routine traffic stop. A few minutes later, the teenager lies dead on the ground, killed by a blast from his own shotgun.

A grand jury has ruled the death was self inflicted and absolved the policeman involved.

Regrettably, the family of the dead athlete has reacted in an all too predictable manner. They held a rally on the courthouse lawn, proclaiming the teenager would never accidentally shoot himself. While not coming right out and accusing the police of murder, they all said the usual things – they are going to demand justice, going to a higher power, etc.

These are the facts, which were reinforced by the grand jury.

1. The boy was pulled over by the police for traffic violations around 5 am.

2. The policeman was sitting in his car checking the teenager’s driver license when the shotgun was discharged.

3. The high school junior died from a single shot from his own shotgun. The shot was fired very close to his left ear and was aimed upwards, placing the gun extremely close to his body. Portions of his head were destroyed by the blast.

4. There were no signs of struggle or physical interaction on either person.

5. Eyewitnesses saw the boy on the ground immediately after the shot, lying next to the truck, the door still moving, and the policeman sitting in his car.

6. No forensic evidence, including DNA, indicated that the policeman could have fired the shotgun.

7. The policeman did have some gunpowder residue on his hands, but the grand jury found that was due to his having handled his service revolver at the beginning of his shift.

8. There was no blood, tissue, or other human matter on the policeman’s clothing. Given the closeness of the shot, and the messiness that resulted, it would be nearly impossible for nothing to end up on his clothing if he were close when the shot happened.

9. The teenager’s left hand was tested on two separate occasions. Both tests showed gunpowder residue.

Those are some of the 65 pieces of evidence examined by the grand jury. This would probably be at least 60 more than was examined by the family and other people quoted as saying everything from ‘we are not satisfied’ to ‘we want justice’ to ‘everybody is lying to the family.’

The protesters based their entire opposition on #7 from above – the fact that the policeman had traces of residue on his hands. They of course conveniently ignore the other 64 pieces of evidence, all of which exonerate the policeman.

The other thing they are basing their conclusions on would be them claiming the 17 year old would never shoot himself, either intentionally or accidentally. He had too much to live for. Evidently, they have never heard of anyone committing suicide who was famous or had a lot of money or was recognized as on top of their respective worlds. Just as evidently, they have never heard of anyone having an accident. Therefore, it must be a case of the policeman just plain killing the football player for no reason.

Look, I am sympathetic to this family. They lost a family member way too soon. That can be devastating.

Being devastated does not excuse you from accepting the harsh truth, however. And there is no excuse for the people blaming the police who don’t even know the family. And you know that some of those people gathered outside the courthouse had never met the family members before that day.

How long before “Tawanna” Sharpton or Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson come down the road and jump in front of any willing camera? Some commentors on the web are already condemning the policeman based solely on the fact that he is white.

Don’t stain the memory of the young man, people. Grieve and move on.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Presidential Lap Dog

Why are the Obamas discussing getting a presidential dog? They already have a Presidential Lap Dog in Chris Matthews. Matthews latest has him referring to PBO as Fred Astaire in how he is deftly handling the first weeks of office.

Yeah, Chrissie, that’s some smooth stepping by PBO, especially on Richardson, Geithner, Solis, Daschle, overseas abortions, Blago, Holder, “I won”, and growing orchids in the Oval Office. That’s all without even mentioning Hillary or the ‘stimulus’ boondoggle.

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Today's Mainstream Media Bias Lesson

In one of his last press conferences, President Bush preselected which journalists would be allowed to ask questions. Naturally, the mainstream media went ballistic, screaming to high heaven about the decision, calling the President all sorts of names. Keith Olbermann called for an immediate war crimes tribunal, while Chris Matthews came unglued and suffered an on-air aneurysm while ranting about Bush.

Oops, my bad. It was Obama that preselected the names of who would be allowed to ask questions, and the uproar came from…

Hmm, it seems nobody really cared to comment on the affair, other than the Wall St Journal and assorted bloggers. Where are you, MSM?

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When Harry Met Nancy

Awww, Harry and Nancy aren’t playing nice with each other. Too bad.

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PBO More Powerful Than Skywalker?

George Lucas says that PBO is more powerful than Luke Skywalker.

Oooookay. That prompted the Orange County Register to run a poll, allowing people to vote on the issue.

Spoiler alert – Luke is in front so far, with “did you forget Mighty Mouse?” pulling a strong second place, and PBO coming in last. Perhaps they should run PBO against Darth Vader...

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Zero Tolerance Stupidity Watch

An outstanding high school student with a 3.5 GPA has been suspended and faces expulsion for having wooden drill rifles in her car. The student is a member of the Douglas County Young Marines near Denver, and had three mock rifles made of wood and duct tape in her car in preparation for an upcoming drill competition.

You can’t truly fault the school board in this case, because the law is specifically written to tie their hands and mandate expulsion even in the case of “a firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, or a firearm facsimile that could reasonably be mistaken for an actual firearm."

This is yet another case of zero tolerance gone completely beserk. When have you ever heard of zero tolerance actually working properly? No, it usually winds up with an honor student being expelled for giving another student an aspirin or a mydol, or a case similar to this one.

Here’s hoping the state representatives can recognize their own stupidity long enough to right this wrong and allow this A student to graduate with her class.

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Feeling Bad for Illegal Immigrants

This is a story on that tries to garner sympathy for illegal immigrants who came here years ago to steal jobs, and are now facing few prospects for illegal employment due to the economy. The focus is on a man who is returning to Guatemala after being here illegally for four years. CNN dutifully recounts his sad tale of being away from his family and how he now regrets coming here.

Are you kidding me?

I don’t even know how to respond to this drivel. The world has turned completely upside down.

Let’s talk about the bad economy while noting that illegal immigrants from Mexico exported $25 Billion last year out of our country back to their homes, and that was a drop from the previous year. By the way, it was the first drop in the 13 years it’s been tracked. Money stolen from America is Mexico’s second largest source of foreign money.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Woman asks for, and Receives, House at O Rally

At a rally for PBO in southern Florida, the audience was given the opportunity to ask the President of the United States questions. One woman promptly begged for a house. How about that for your typical leftie voter base?

So, a woman who fully supports PBO begs for free stuff. What does he do? PBO hugs her and kisses her cheek and plays it up for the camera but does absolutely nothing. An aide gave her the number for the local housing authority.

Later, the wife of a state Representative offers a house to the woman and her adult son. You can read about it here and from ABC and even at the Huffington Post. There’s even been a website created especially for this woman.

Strangest thing – can you find anywhere in any of those links a party affiliation for the state rep? Of course not. Why? Because the representative is a Republican, that’s why.

Democrats hug, Republicans solve the problem.

What you can find on these sites are comments from readers. Several run in the same vein. I wanted to reprint one here for you.

"I believe the president is a very educated individual and hope that change does come in a positive way. As far as the whole story about the lady being "homeless". We should be pointing some fingers at the lady who offered her the house. Come on people think about it. There must be hundreds here in Lee County who are homeless or losing their homes. Why hasn't that house been rented or better yet given to somebody sooner. She wanted to make a hugh impression in front of Obama and the news. It's all a show."

So, the President who did nothing is glorified while the Republican state representative who solved the problem is vilified for a) not doing it sooner and b) putting on "a show". I should be, but am no longer surprised by the total lack of intelligence displayed by some people.

Other comments run along the "sniff, sniff, she got a home, where's my stuff?" line.

Last note on this – what are the odds that at the next appearance by PBO (and every appearance after that), someone will exhibit a similar shameless display of pandering and beg for something from the President?

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Here’s Your National Health Care

There are those of you who support the Confiscation Of Your Hard Earned Money To Be Given Away As A Reward To Liberal Cronies Ac t of 2009, commonly referred to as the stimulus bill. According to most polls, you are not in the majority.

This is directed to the 35-40% of you who have expressed support for the massive spending boondoggle making its way through congress. It’s also directed at those who have been clamoring for nationalized health care, and I know most of you who support the one are supporters of the other.

Are you aware of the provisions in the stimulus package that deal with health care? Let’s look at some things that will happen as a result of this ‘stimulus’ package.

Medical treatments will be tracked electronically. This will help prevent duplication of tests and errors. Okay, not so bad so far.

A new government agency will be created to monitor what treatments you are getting. This way, the government can decide what treatments are appropriate and “cost effective.” Most of this was taken straight from Tom “Taxes? What Taxes?” Daschle, who wrote in a 2008 book that doctors have to “learn to operate less like solo practitioners.”

Doctors who are deemed not to be “meaningful users” by a government bureaucracy will be penalized. Specifics such as what constitutes meaningful and penalties are not defined, but are left up to the government, specifically the HHS Secretary and an appointed board that will lord over the medical profession.

According to Daschle, the goal of this board will be to contain health care costs by curtailing development and use of new medications and procedures. Daschle has expressed a desire that Americans stop expecting too much from our health care system (like effective treatments?) and says we should be more like Europeans who accept “hopeless diagnoses” and “forgo (sic) experimental treatments.”

Are you following this? If you’re sick, hey deal with it, it costs too much to make you better. There’s your national health care. Create a new agency with the stated goal of slowing down research and development.

Daschle also says that seniors should not expect treatments for ailments caused by aging, but should accept them and just move on. What chances do you think a person over the age of 70 will have of getting treatments approved?

One provision in the ‘stimulus’ boondoggle will install a cost effectiveness formula that Medicare will have to follow. It involves cost versus expected years of benefit. This means older patients are less likely to have procedures approved. This is already in effect in the UK, where until recently, elderly with macular degeneration could not get treatment until they went blind in one eye.

This new bureaucracy will cost more than the entire military budget.

To those of you who support PBO without even thinking about what you are doing - thanks.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today's Mainstream Media Bias Lesson

Katie Couric crowed about a CBS poll that showed 81% of Americans think PBO is being bipartisan. She did mention that only 51% of the respondents still support the stimulus bill, known on this page as the Confiscation Of Your Hard Earned Money To Be Given Away As A Reward To Liberal Cronies Act of 2009. This is much higher than most other polls are showing, with Rasmussen only showing 37% support and Gallup only showing 38% support.

What is stranger still is what Perky Katie did not mention. In the same poll she used to cull her numbers from, the poll ran by her employer, CBS, there are some numbers that would seem to be most worthy of mention.

59% of Americans feel that tax cuts are the best way to end the recession, with only 22% saying that government spending will do it.

While it’s true that the CBS poll still shows 51% support of the stimulus, that support has dropped 12% in two weeks.

Only 28% admit they are following the discussion closely, and those that are actually paying attention are much more likely to oppose the stimulus.

Only 21% think the bill will significantly shorten the recession, with 45% thinking the massive redistribution of $800B will have no effect.

Support for Nancy Pelosi continues to fall, with a 3 to 1 negative rating currently from those who have an opinion of her.

PBO has a 62% approval rating. Big deal. Presidents always get huge ratings at first. At the same time in their terms, W had 53%, Nixon had 60%, and Bush 41 enjoyed a 61% rating. Even Carter had 66% support, and we all know how badly that term turned out.

More people disapprove of the bank bailouts now, 47-42%, a trend that should alarm lefties.

76% of Americans do not think the government should run the banks, compared to only 14% who think they should.

Here’s something that should shock a lot of mainstream media followers. Since PBO’s inauguration, the number of people who are very concerned about a job loss in their own family has risen from 30% to 44%. On top of that, the number of people with a negative view of the economy has risen 2% in the same time frame. And, although it’s dropped in that time, there are still 68% of Americans who feel the country is on the wrong track. How can that be with lefties in charge of everything now?

On Guantamo, more people think it should remain open, 46-44, and 36% think closing it will make American less safe, while only 4% think closing it will make us safer.

Out of all those numbers, Perky only chooses to highlight the answer about PBO being bipartisan. What media bias?

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Quick Quiz

What do you call someone who spends years criticizing the administration, being extremely vocal with outbursts on everything from claiming war crimes to just making stuff up, someone who wouldn't understand the word hyperbole if it smacked them, someone who makes their living from attacking the power structure?

What do you call someone who then becomes the guardian of the airwaves after an administration change, who now comes unglued when someone actually knowledgeable about political matters dares to speak poorly of the new administration's choices?

What do you call this egomaniacal goober who never let his own hypocrisy get in the way of a good rant?

Most people call him Keith. I usually call him jerkface.


Juice Me Up

I am sick and tired of hearing about steroids. So, my apologies for extending the conversation for even a few minutes. However, I am also sick and tired of apologists. I am tired of hearing the same old lame reasons why we should not hold cheaters accountable for their deliberately breaking rules, breaking laws, bilking others out of money, and violating the trust of the fans.

This morning, on the XM baseball channel, you could hear the standard drivel. It has not played since Barroids Bonds was a skinny line drive hitter with hair, and it certainly doesn’t play now.

Let’s go over some of these tired excuses.

They’re innocent until proven guilty

Any first year law student can tell you that only applies in a criminal court of law. The presumption of innocence is a basis on which the government operates when trying to prove someone broke the law and is trying to punish them for it. It has never applied anywhere else, such as the court of public opinion. There are literally hundreds of instances where innocent until proven guilty does not apply. It sounds good, but you’re off base to use it in this way.

He was a Hall of Famer before he used the steroids

This has to be my favorite of the insane excuses to justify cheating. I won’t go into the idiotic circular logic of such an obviously lame attempt, except to say this. Using this excuse is exactly the same as saying, “he was rich before he robbed the bank, therefore, he can keep the money and we shouldn’t put him in jail.”

Everyone did it

Ahh, the lemming excuse. Weak, especially when combined with…

If you punish him for it, you have to punish everyone who did it

This takes “everyone did it” to the next level. Asserting that you cannot punish one person for cheating unless you track down and punish every other single cheater falls flat, simply because when has that ever worked? Do we let all murderers go free because we can’t catch them all? Do all rapists get a pass because there are unsolved cases? Have you ever gotten out of a speeding ticket by using the “others were going fast, too” defense? I dare you to use that on the policeman with a straight face the next time you are pulled over – “Hey, you can’t give me a ticket unless you pull over everyone else who is speeding and ticket them too.” Yeah, that’ll work.

You have to blame everyone involved

This involves trying to shift the blame from someone injecting themselves intentionally with banned substances to people who may or may not have suspected or known that some people might have been using, and thereby lessening the responsibility on the cheaters. Wrong. That is two separate incidents, and there is plenty of blame to go around. The fact that the unions fought long and hard for years to prevent any type of testing, while reprehensible, in no way excuses any player who knowingly cheated and/or broke the law. The cheaters are responsible for what they did. The union is responsible for what it did. MLB executives are mostly responsible for not having much of a backbone and standing up to the union harder.

Let’s revisit the bank robber scenario. The police botch setting up road blocks and the robbers get away. Does that mean we should forget about the bank robbery and focus on the road block issue? No, it means there are two separate issues that should be looked at, and one is more severe than the other.

It wasn’t against the law so there was no harm done

I’ve heard this one so many times, and it really doesn’t take long to debunk. For those who say it wasn’t illegal, you are just plain wrong. It’s been illegal for many years to take controlled substances without a legal prescription. The only player I have ever heard of taking PED’s legally is Paul Byrd, who was being treated for a tumor on his pituitary gland, and there is no evidence he used it after MLB banned it.

For those who say it wasn’t against MLB rules, and therefore baseball can’t do anything to them, again, you are just plain wrong. The commissioner issued a paper in 1991 warning clubs to be watchful of any use of performance enhancing drugs, and detailing that it was against MLB policies. This is a well known fact. That there was no specific testing (thanks, union!) until years later in no way absolves cheaters.

The Hall of Fame will be less without including these players

Barroids Bonds (I declared long ago that I would use this as his name until he was fully and properly punished) should never sniff the Hall of Fame. The Black Sox scandal caused players to be punished. Pete Rose is still outside looking in. Bonds can join Mark McGwire and Roger Clemens on the outside. That sends a much better message to young athletes than just saying ho hum, oh well, let’s overlook cheating and illegal activity and reward them anyway.

A lot of people are not aware that the Hall of Fame has sections. There is a museum of baseball memorabilia. There is a wing where the players who are elected to the Hall are enshrined. You want Barroids, McGwire and Clemens in the Hall? Fine, make a display discussing use of PED’s and list their names, along with Palmeiro, Alex Rodriguez and others. But keep them out of the Hall. I don’t care how much talent they had, they forfeited their eligibility when they knowingly cheated. They deserve punishment. I am not advocating jail, but keeping them from the Hall is a fitting compromise. Also, reinstate Hank Aaron as the true career Home Run King.

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Friday, February 06, 2009

Was It Abortion Or Murder?

I have deliberately stayed away from the abortion topic on this site. It is a highly charged debate and the chances of changing any minds on the issue are extremely slim. However, I saw this story and just had to remark on it. Here's a related article.

An 18 year old girl goes to an abortion clinic and pays the doctor to terminate her 23 week pregnancy. She was scheduled for the abortion three days later, but before the abortion could be performed, the girl went into labor and delivered a baby girl. The infant was then stuffed into a biohazard bag and tossed in the trash. The story says that people on both sides of the debate are shocked.

The girl is now suing the clinic and authorities are considering filing murder charges.

Here's my questions for the pro abortion crowd. If the baby...okay, fetus...okay, growth (happy now?) was aborted properly, the end result would have been exactly the same. So why are you shocked? If you support abortion, then you must declare the growth was not a human being. Otherwise, it would be murder. So, what makes it harder for you to swallow terminating this fetus a few inches away from where it was scheduled to be terminated? To a pro abortion person, this should simply be a matter of location.

Now, here is my question for the 18 year old girl. You paid a doctor $1200 to take the fetus in your body and perform a procedure that would result in the fetus no longer being alive. You got exactly what you paid for. Why are you suing?

Here are some telling quotes from the girl's attorneys.

"I don't care what your politics are, what your morals are, this should not be happening in our community"

What should not be happening? An abortion ending in the planned results - a dead fetus and a girl who is not a mother?

"The baby was just treated as a piece of garbage."

How are other abortion byproducts treated?

"She came face to face with a human being and that changed everything."

Why? Was it facing the baby she had paid to have aborted that changed everything? Was it the realization that this 'thing' was actually a baby? Notice that her lawyers keep using terms like baby and human. If the girl were charged with murder for having a viable baby aborted, they would be using terms like fetus.

Here's another question for the girl - if coming "face to face with a human being" truly "changed everything," then why did you do nothing until after police recovered the decomposing body a week later after acting on an anonymous tip? Why weren't you contacting someone after you were released? Why did you wait three years before deciding to sue? Did some ambulance chasers approach you with promises of a big payday?

Here's an amazing quote from the president of the local NOW chapter. "It really disturbed me, I know that there are clinics out there like this. And I hope that we can keep (women) from going to these types of clinics."

Exactly why does it disturb you?

This has always been my feeling on abortions. I have tried to simplify it as much as possible to remove emotion (as much as emotion can be removed from the debate).

You either believe that a fetus is alive or not, that it's a human or not. If you believe a fetus is alive, then you would have a really hard time rationalizing abortion as anything but murder. If you believe a fetus is not alive, then abortion is no big deal, similar to a surgical procedure to remove a tumor.

You can't logically be halfway on the fence on this. A fetus is either alive or not. Those who believe that life begins at conception are obviously against abortion.

So, this story should anger those who are already against abortion. But to those who are pro abortion, you logically should not be bothered by this story at all. To express shock or to say it "disturbs" you is disingenuous at best, and smacks of petty pandering at worst.


Selfish Not Quite The Word I'd Use

The mother who recently gave birth to octuplets has denied being selfish. That's not exactly the word I would have used, but it's close enough.

This woman in her early 30's already has 6 children. All of her children are under the age of 7. She currently does not have a job. She lives with her mom. She had to go out of her way to have all of these children by using in vitro fertilization.

Now she denies that she is selfish by proclaiming proudly that she holds each of the newborns 45 minutes each day.

Wow. What a great parent. Holding a newborn for 45 minutes out of 24 hours. That act makes her mother of the year, in her mind.

I have raised two children. I know from experience that a newborn needs more than 45 minutes of holding per day. Here's one more question - what about the other six children? A child under the age of 7 requires a whole lot of attention. That's another voice of experience speaking. Any of you who have ever had children under 7 years old know exactly what I am talking about. As things stand now, it is going to be impossible for them to ever receive the required levels of attention.

Selfish? Quite possibly. Neglectful? Absolutely. Rise to the level of abuse? We'll wait and see on that.

So, put yourself in her place. Early 30's, divorced, no home of your own, no job, living on a disability payments from the state, and trying to raise 6 preschool toddlers. Would the absolute need to have more children overwhelm you? Would you really think your life was incomplete unless you popped out another one?

There are several emotions I feel for this woman. Unfortunately, the emotion I feel most for her 14 children is pity.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Today's Mainstream Media Bias Lesson

Compare the following stories. The first is from the NY Times.

Blagojevich Speaks at Impeachment Trial, in Wiretaps Only

For a few moments on Tuesday, it seemed that Rod R. Blagojevich, this state’s beleaguered governor, had arrived for his impeachment trial after all.

Here at last was his voice echoing through the high-ceilinged Senate chambers. It was the public’s first chance to hear telephone conversations by the governor that federal agents say they secretly recorded before they arrested him on corruption charges last month.

For those who had heard prosecutors’ descriptions of Mr. Blagojevich’s foul-mouthed, crass demands for money, a job or a cabinet post in exchange for the Senate seat President Obama vacated, the four recordings played in these halls might have seemed casual, elliptical, even forgettable.

But even these few minutes of recordings which, prosecutors said, revealed Mr. Blagojevich’s effort to collect money from a horse track owner in exchange for signing legislation to benefit the racing industry, left lawmakers here reeling, they said. Senators said there was something powerful in hearing the actual ringing of a telephone, a voice they knew well, and the urgency in that voice that a deal be struck “before the end of the year though, right?”

“It hits me right here in my stomach,” Senator Dan Cronin, a Republican, said as he left the chamber. “It sort of reminds me of some Hollywood movie or a couple of thugs in a car driving around. It’s so surreal and so perverse. But I think hearing it, hearing those voices that I recognize and knowing exactly what they’re doing, it’s a real bad feeling.”

You have to go to paragraph #5 before you see any party affiliation, and that is some Republican senator who is not even close to being the main subject of the article.

Now for a story from the Chicago Tribune.

Impeached Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has been removed from office
By Ray Long and Rick Pearson Tribune staff reporters
January 30, 2009


Sweeping aside six years of scandal and crippling political infighting with a historic impeachment vote, the state Senate on Thursday ousted one governor for abusing his power and anointed another who built his political career around having no power at all.

Senators voted 59-0 to remove Rod Blagojevich, who walked out of the silent chamber after delivering an impassioned plea for mercy. Within hours they applauded his former running mate and lieutenant governor, Patrick Quinn, who was sworn in as the state's 41st governor vowing a new course for Illinois.

No party affiliation in the opening paragraphs (although it does mention it much later on)

Next up is an AP story.

Gov. Blagojevich's impeachment trial rolls along

Gov. Rod Blagojevich's impeachment trial turned Wednesday to issues that had nothing to do with allegations he tried to sell President Barack Obama's vacated Senate seat — instead focusing on accusations he broke hiring laws, wasted taxpayer money and illegally defied the state Legislature.

Impeachment prosecutor David Ellis opened the third day of proceedings by saying he planned to trim his witness list to avoid repeating material, meaning testimony could wrap up Wednesday.

Among those expected to testify were Auditor General William Holland, whose reviews of government agencies often found examples of mismanagement and improprieties under Blagojevich, and experts on the powers of a legislative committee the governor defied.

But Ellis said he may cut testimony from lawmakers describing the findings of the House investigation and testifying on the damage the Blagojevich scandal has done to the state.

Republicans objected, saying they wanted to hear from every possible witness, even if they're just summarizing the conclusions of the Illinois House impeachment probe.

Again, you need to go 5 paragraphs deep before you find a party affiliation, and again, it’s Republicans, not the focus of the story.

Now let’s look over this AP story, and see if you notice any difference.

Fla. House speaker quits over college job scandal
By BILL KACZOR Associated Press Writer

Trouble started for one of Florida's most powerful state officials the day he took his post. Now, just over two months into his tenure, GOP Speaker Ray Sansom has stepped down.

Sansom on Monday gave up his position as Republican leader, which entitles him to serve as speaker, while the House GOP was meeting to consider his ouster. The meeting was called amid investigations into whether he'd improperly accepted a job from a state college.

The focus of the story is identified as a Republican 3 times in the first two paragraphs. A total of 3 party mentions in 4 sentences. The only surprising thing is they omitted “Republican” from the headline.

Seriously, do you think this is a mere coincidence? Even though it happens time and time again? Even though every single example you find is the same way?

Really? Coincidence, and not a pattern? Anyone want to stick with that?


More Trouble for Rangel

No, Charlie Rangel is not facing more problems related to his Caribbean properties that he has been using to hide all sorts of income and evade taxes. This latest round of bad news comes courtesy of his neglecting to disclose royalty income from his 2007 memoir.

Irony Alert – the title of the book is And I Haven’t Had A Bad Day Since.


Pelosi Says Anything To Advance Socialist Agenda

Nancy Pelosi has made the absurd claim that every month that goes without passing the Confiscation Of Your Hard Earned Money To Be Given Away As A Reward To Liberal Cronies Act of 2009, America will lose 500 million jobs. A country of 303 million people will lose 500 million jobs each and every month without her pet pork bill.

You could forgive her if she slipped once and just laugh about the silliness. But Nancy has made this claim at least twice. Now she has gone beyond mistake and entered the realm of outright lying.

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Oops, O Did It Again

When will it end? Yet another Onomination is facing problems. This time, PBO has nominated a congresswoman for Secretary of Labor. Now it comes out that she sponsored two bills to destroy secret ballots when voting for unionization. You understand the Democrats on this issue, don’t you? They want unions to be able to come into a workplace and use peer pressure and any other type of pressure to force workers to vote to unionize. Okay, off the soapbox. She sponsored these two bills while she was secretly working for the lobbying group supporting the bills. Plus, she was the Treasurer, in charge of spending the lobbying money. Has there ever been a more blatant show of conflict of interest? Well, okay, maybe the David Obey case, but that’s another story.

So, does this Democrat congresswoman from CA reveal her conflicts? Nope. She does not mention them on House financial disclosure forms. She’s kept the whole thing secret…until now.

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Are You Sure You Want Government More Involved?

There is a man in San Diego who wants to pick up trash along a state road. He does not want money or recognition. He merely wants to make his neighborhood a bit cleaner. Along comes the government to muck things up. Seems this samaritan can’t pick up trash unless he has a permit, or he will be cited and fined. So he tries to go through the red tape to get permission.

Here’s where it gets bogged down. The state is not giving out new permits at this time. Why? Because they are “overhauling” the system, because they were sued. They were sued because they issued a permit to pick up trash to none other than those evil Minutemen – the organization of volunteers who are trying to keep this country safe from illegal immigration. The state was sued…because they allowed a group to pick up trash…and the group feels that breaking the law is bad.

Some After Daschle Desert Offerings

After Tom Daschle had to slink away out of the limelight, the media lapdogs predictably blamed…Republicans, of course! That is the same as criminal’s whiny family blaming the police when the criminal is hauled off to prison. It’s an age-old tactic and it rarely ever works.

Here’s the cherry on top of the Daschle sundae – an ad for Daschle from 1986. SNL couldn’t have written anything funnier.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

ramblings part 2

Found a couple of items as I was cleaning up the computer.

A couple in PA has three children. They name their children JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, Adolph Hitler, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie. Then, they get upset because a local store refused to decorate a cake wishing happy birthday to Adolph Hitler. Aryan Nation? Adolph Hitler? This is why some people say there should be requirements before you can raise children.

UPDATE - young Adolph and his sisters have been removed from the home by Childrens Services. Go figure.

PC Alert #1 - The Salvation Army was forbidden in the UK to shake their collection tins in time with the music being played before Christmas…because it may offend other religions. Because it may offend other religions. Because it may offend other religions. Yep, it’s just as funny and stupid the third time you type it.

PC Alert #2 – first guide dogs for the blind are forbidden in taxis, and now they are forbidden from a restaurant. Why? Because they offend Muslims. When is enough going to be enough? When are we going to stand up and say, Hell no, this is not going to happen, in fact, you get out, because stupidity offends me.

The NY Times published an anti-Iraq War editorial by Obama during the campaign. A week later, they refused to publish a response editorial by McCain, claiming it was not newsworthy or some other such bunk. Later, however, they deemed it newsworthy to allow a terrorist to write an editorial full of lies by giving Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground space in their pages. I dare anyone to say the Times is not a liberal mouthpiece rag.

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Wolf Blitzer was covering the RNC electing Michael Steele chairman, and he made the comment that he “did not see a whole lot of black people” among the crowd. Well, Wolfie, when looking at the talking heads on the MSM shows (not that I really watch too much of that rot), I don’t see a whole lot of conservatives…or Republicans…or intelligence for that matter.

On the same show, Donna Brazille made the outrageous quote about the RNC picking Steele, “clearly, they've taken a page from the Democratic Party. Ron Brown was the first African-American to lead a major political party”. So, Donna, you’ve boiled it down to race, have you? Michael Steele has no qualifications to lead the party, and the only reason he was elected was because of his race? Isn’t that a bit racist, Donna? Are you a bigot?

Here’s a fun fact to know – while reporting the ouster of Gov Blagojevich by the Illinois State Senate, not one of the major news networks identified his party affiliation. Not that night after the vote, or the next morning on the news shows. Could they have forgotten that he is a Democrat?

Rene Zellweger went on the Late Show and proclaimed she has a “crush” on Jimmy Carter, in part due to the fact he writes poetry. Wow. Now if only he was not harmful to the security and safety of America, and if he weren’t going off the deep end of liberal psychosis.

A recent survey found almost 60% of people do not think humans are to blame for global warming. According to (a great site – hint hint), “those crazy right wingers probably think some magical ball of gas in the sky did it.”

A New Jersey DJ is selling his business and the phone number associated with the business. The reason this is newsworthy is the number itself. Recognize 867.5309? If that does not bring the name Jenny to mind, you need to brush up on 80’s music. The number (and business) is selling on ebay and the bidding is over $300,000.

Listening to a sports talk station this morning, they played a clip of a show where some goober was talking about PBO and comparing him to a motivational football coach. The quote was, “when Obama is finished talking, you just want to run into a wall.” I thought to myself, yep, that is so very true, but not in the way you think. When I hear Obama talk about turning America into a socialist country, I want to run into a wall myself, or maybe just bash my head a bit.

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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What? MSM Bias? You joke!

Hey, how about an example of MSM bias? I know there are STILL some out there who think the earth is flat and that the mainstream media are not raging lefties who would rather chew their arms off than type something nice about conservatives.

Okay, just for you who can't see the forest, the desert, the world, the sun, and the galaxy for the trees.

Look at this article. Try to find a party affiliation on the mayor embroiled in a scandal involving an underage boy. Or look here. Or here. Keeping it honest, if you look real deep in this one, you'll finally find he's a Democrat. But you won't find it out by reading

Now, let's go to the archives on Mark Foley. Look here. Bam! He's a republican. Here. Bam!

How about Larry Craig? Here, the one sentence recap of the video id's Craig as a Republican. MSNBC puts Republican in the headline so you don't have to even read the story. Reuters begins by placing Republican as the first word of the story.

Go ahead. Deny there's a bias. I can keep this up forever.

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Sayonara, Tommy

Tom Daschle has joined the growing club whose members are nominated by PBO to be an important cog in the administration only to find themselves facing scandal despite the press lap dogs and wind up running for the hills with tail tucked firmly between their legs.

So, PBO has to find someone else to fill the HHS slot. On the brighter side, he found someone to fill the Commerce cabinet position, and it doesn't appear to be any scandal attached to this appointment. Of course, that could be because he's a Republican.

This is getting to be almost too easy. It's reminiscent of the Clinton years. We will not run out of funny stuff for four years.

Marion Barry for Drug Czar

You just gotta love James Taranto. The author of Best of the Web Today has come up with a novel suggestion for PBO's cabinet.

While discussing Tax Cheat Daschle and Tax Fraud Geithner, Taranto points out that Obama has a vacancy for the Drug Czar position, and mentions Barry.

Barry was once the mayor of DC. His conviction for not paying federal or local taxes from 1999 through 2004, along with the video of him smoking crack, helped make him available for his current job as DC council member. Those jokers in DC will accept anything, won't they?

In the three years since he has been on probation for tax evasion, Barry has failed to pay taxes twice. Prosecutors are trying to get his probation revoked. I would ask the question, what the heck happened in 2006? That's the only year Barry has filed taxes since 1999.

Back on topic. Taranto thinks Barry might be angling for the Drug Czar position. I personally think it's a perfect fit for the Ocabinet.

Too bad Charles Manson was not available to be nominated for Attorney General.

How 'bout that ethical cabinet full of superstars and brain power?

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Beating The Dead Horse of MSM Bias

I just can't stop pointing it out for those of you who are still, not clinging to guns and religion, but clinging to the notion that the MSM is anything but a leftie mouthpiece/ventriloquist dummy.

Recall back just a few weeks. George Stephanopoulos twice raved about the Obama cabinet picks, calling them "unparalleled in brain power" and saying "We have not seen this kind of combination of star power and brain power and political muscle this early in a cabinet in our lifetimes." This is the same person who was a prominent part of the Clinton administration, so yeah, he's unbaised, sure.

Okay, so calling Stephie biased is like saying Yao Ming is tall. Well, let's look at Andrea Mitchell, who proclaimed the "all-star cabinet" had its "meritocracy," while declaring it was made up of "superstars," who are "people with so much brain power and so much education."

Let's fraud, tax cheat, supposed IRS expert who doesn't understand tax rules, lobbyist, lobbyist, lobbyist, withdrew nomination for unknown reasons, facilitated a pardon for a white collar criminal and expatriate...yep, quite a lot of 'brain power' there. That would certainly be an all star group, especially if they were in the same cell block.

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Who Needs Formalities and Traditions?

First, He fought for his Blackberry. Then, PBO took off his jacket and cranked up the heat, because he's more comfortable in a relaxed setting. Now, he has put aside the tradition of being announced (Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States) and has stopped the playing of Hail To The Chief when he enters or leaves a room, replacing it with a piano rendition of...Sting?

What next? Adultery in the Oval Office?

Oh, wait...


Another Liberal Radio Station Bites The Dust

Well, the liberals have invaded Washington. DC is overflowing with Democrats all over the place. This is on top of the permanent residents there being overwhelmingly liberal in their voting history.

So, tell me why the latest attempt at liberal talk radio has failed - in the nation's capital, the hotbed of liberalism? They even used the name Obama 1260. Now the owners are converting the format to financial news.

Maybe those coattails aren't too long.

Of course, this is only more ammo for lefties to jump out of their skin and demand the Fairness Doctrine be shoved down our throats. In truth, it makes sense for lefties to support the doctrine.

First, it shreds the whole idea of a free market and capitalism, and since most lefties are socialists, they hate capitalism.

Second, forcing stations to air leftie talk programs are the only way most of these brain-dead goobers are ever going to be on the air more than a week. It has to do with talent, intelligence, and common sense, among other things.

Third, it's a way for them to shut down the true stars of a free market airway - the Limbaughs, the Hannitys, the Boortz's, et al. Actually, it's the only way they can shut down any opposition, and they are used to using courts to shut down opposition, especially because they can't win an ideological debate with ideas or logic.

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Monday, February 02, 2009

The Audacity of Hubris

The quote of the week comes courtesy of PBO's press secretary, not exactly a job thriving on honesty right now.

Robert Gibbs actually stood there and said the following today:

"if Daschle is confirmed he will closely follow the ethical guidelines and rules of the administration."

My first reaction was Did he actually say that? Has he ever heard the names Timothy Geithner? Bill Richardson? Hillary Clinton? Charlie Rangel? Chris Dodd? Eric Holder? David Obey?

Granted, Rangel, Obey and Dodd aren't technically part of the O Administration, but they are closely aligned with it.

But still, hasn't Gibbs heard about Bill Clinton accepting money from foreign countries, which will deal directly with Hillary now? How about Geithner overseeing the IRS - will "I Forgot" be acceptable to escape punishment now? For everyone else other than liberals, I mean.

Is Gibbs aware why Richardson removed his own name from nomination? Think he has ever heard of the Marc Rich scandal? Might he be aware that Eric Holder was in that up to his neck?

Try to think of one single nomination...that has not had some taint associated with them after the nomination? And now he is going to say HHS is going to be run with the same ethical guidelines.


side note - try in your wildest dreams to imagine the press skipping merrily along swallowing every bit of koolade served up by the administration if this were a Republican in office. Now tell me there's no bias in the sloppy media.

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Yeah, Government Sure Is Different, Now

Aren't you glad of the sweeping changes brought into the government by PBO? You know, the "change" and "hope" we were all innundated with ad nauseum by the lap dogs...I mean the mainstream media. This was going to restore government to the way things should be. Yeah.

So, tucked away in the stimulus know, the Confiscation Of Your Hard Earned Money To Be Given Away As A Reward To Liberal Cronies Act of $2 Billion (Billion, with a B) to be handed over to the National Parks. Yep, that'll stimulate the economy. Oh wait, who is the lobbyist for the parks? The son of the man in charge of the Appropriations Committee? Wow. I guess if the father and son were Republicans, the media would recognize a conflict of interest.

I digress. A constituent (that means a voter from his district) of the above mentioned committee chairman tries to ask about the $2 Billion. He approaches an aide to the elected official who works for the constituent. This is fairly similar to the owner of a business going up to the admin assistant of the middle level manager who works for the company.

Does the constituent get an explanation? Does he get the time of day? Nay, nay. He gets chewed out, subjected to an angry rant by the aide of the man who works for him.

Gosh, it's soooo nice to see all of this change.

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Change? New?

Put your mind in the wayback machine. Go back a couple of months. Try to remember all the hoopla about change that PBO was going to enact. Then flash forward to the present.

"We've gotta restore the American people's confidence in the ethics process by ensuring that political self-interest can no longer prevent politicians from enforcing ethics rules."

Geithner sworn in as new Treasury Secretary, despite "forgetting" to pay taxes

Nominee Daschle forced to pay back taxes after "remembering" he didn't file properly.

Note - that last one goes especially well with this quote

“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter. ”
Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507

Back to the Obama quotes

"I don't take a dime of their [lobbyist] money, and when I am president, they won't find a job in my White House."

Obama administration breaks own ethics rules

And let's not leave out...

Bill Richardson withdraws nomination

Dems response to Republicans calling for Charlie Rangel's resignation as Ways and Means Chairman in wake of tax problems - so do you!

Eric Holder, AG nominee, was the go-between for the Marc Rich pardon

How about these?

"People are very hungry for something new. I think they are interested in being called to be a part of something larger than the sort of small, petty, slash-and-burn politics that we have been seeing over the last several years"

"I am convinced that whenever we exaggerate or demonize, oversimplify or overstate our case, we lose. Whenever we dumb down the political debate, we lose. For it's precisely the pursuit of ideological purity, the rigid orthodoxy and the sheer predictability of our current political debate, that keeps us from finding new ways to meet the challenges we face as a country."

Obama's response to Republicans trying to compromise on stimulus package - "I Won"

Remember Obama lecturing us on thermostats?

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen."

Obama tries to grow orchids in White House, disregards whatever any other country will say

I guess it IS going to happen, but I agree, it's NOT leadership.

How about one for the road?

"I think when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody."

(insert your favorite story about Socialism here)

UPDATE - Another one bites the dust. This was another of Clinton's cronies found to be a bit over the line of the law. Touted by PBO as someone who has been working to improve the IRS but was not smart enough to pay employment taxes on her help. Clinton and Obama thought this person was smart enough to have high positions in the OMB, Treasury Department, and White House staff. Good Grief.

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