Things we learn from ed
Here is a list of the things you can learn from watching just one night of the ed schultz show on MSNBC. I am not capitalizing his name purposefully because I am not sure he deserves it.
If you joined the other five people who watched the show, you would now know (according to ed):
It’s okay to accuse Republicans of anything and to call them demeaning names but heaven help anyone who says anything about a Democrat (according to ed);
Glenn Beck is a racist who is trying to get blacks upset enough to riot which will usher in more Republicans (according to ed);
Blacks are ignorant enough to riot over a peaceful demonstration (according to ed);
Conservatives (but only conservatives) spread hate (according to ed);
Advising people visiting a strange town about areas to avoid is racist, if you are conservative (according to ed);
Beck wrote on his website that his followers should leave their “racist signs” at home (according to ed);
It’s wrong to publish home addresses of people (as long as those people are liberal and you are conservative, otherwise it must be hunky-dory, according to ed);
It’s impossible to Restore Honor unless the NAACP is involved (according to ed);
Newt Gringrich has decided the Ground Zero Mosque is not worth protesting, which makes him a coward and fraud (according to ed);
Tax cuts are for the rich and therefore should be avoided (according to ed);
Bush made everything bad and took the country to the brink of ruin and Obama has saved the country and made everything all better (according to ed);
Sarah Palin is an idiot and Levi Johnston is just as good as she is (according to ed);
The only people who have seen tax raises since Obama took office are smokers and tanners (according to ed);
The government saved the auto industry and wall street and they are in great shape now (according to ed);
Forget about Obama promising the stimulus would not allow unemployment above 8% because, “you know how political promises are” (according to ed);
Any problems still around are due to Republicans filibustering everything, one after another (according to ed);
It was nobody from the government that fired Shirley Sherrod, it was blogger Andrew Breitbart (according to ed, but who knew Breitbart was even her boss?);
It’s okay to attack a Republican with dirty attacks even if you don’t know the entire truth because people should just “check for themselves about what the facts are” (according to ed);
It’s wrong for a network to be slanted towards one political side, as long as the network is Fox, and the political side is conservative. Otherwise, it’s okay (according to ed).
All of that in just one show. Wow. Oh, and of course one last lesson - if you are not a liberal-spewing progressive hatemonger whose eyes glaze over when thinking of conservatives, don't expect to be asked to guest on ed's show (unless you are ready to be pummelled).
Labels: Ed Schultz, Glenn Beck, mainstream media bias, MSNBC