Monday, November 21, 2005

Monday Musings and Ramblings

Black holes are where God divided by zero.

Every single person who says we were wrong to go to Iraq is admitting they would be happier if Saddam were still in power, killing thousands, allowing the raping and mutilation of women and the discriminatory murder of those who are not from his tribe. Every person who gets giddy with any and all bad news from Iraq is guilty of helping the enemy, and, whether they admit it or not, they would be happier if more Americans were to be killed. Politics over nationalism, you know. Until a person admits to that, they have no standing in the debate and are branded as being dishonest.

Gas prices are falling quickly. Where are the news stories trumpeting this?

Hillary Clinton says lying under oath is “simply reprehensible and should never be tolerated”. Later, Senator Pot also said that the kettle was round, too.

Great column by Larry Elder on the rudeness that seems to be pervasive in today’s lefties.

I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.

Mike Adams reports on a genocidal racist who is on faculty at NC State University who advocates “exterminating white people off the face of the planet” in a speech. Kind of makes you rethink getting all crazy over Bill Bennett’s comments, doesn’t it?

So USA Today plays around with a photo of Condi Rice and gets caught. What a shame.

Just how much is an oil company “allowed” to make in profits before it’s price gouging? Those shouting the loudest must have the answer.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

You Mean They Have To Pay Rent?

The news comes out that FEMA is going to stop paying rent for all the evacuees on December 1, and the whining and teeth-gnashing have begun. Let me get this straight – a natural disaster hits your home, and now you are entitled to a lifetime of welfare? Well, where do I sign up? The eye of Ivan passed directly over my house, and while I was able to continue to live in my house, I figure that comparatively I should be getting at a couple of years of mortgage payments.

There are two types of people who were hit by Katrina – those with insurance and those without. Those who had insurance have received payments by now, and those who had no insurance, those who drained the rest of society and made us pay for their shortsightedness, will still be taken care of by the government. Strike that, they will be taken care of by the taxpayers and the government will take credit for it.

I support helping those who are hit by disasters. I also support those who are hit getting back on their feet and becoming productive members of society again (or for the first time). I do not support paying their rent forever.

If those hit by Katrina were worth so much effort, so much of an outpouring of help, then what about those hit by the storms a year ago? Many of those people lost homes, cars, jobs, etc. How about the homes destroyed by wildfires, or mudslides? Where is their handout? Why are they not receiving rent-free apartments at taxpayer expense?

What about the small business owner who was robbed last week? Will his inventory be replaced by my taxes?

Hey, I’ve got a great idea. Let’s take money from all the rich people (who are evil and don’t deserve it anyway) and use it to take care of those poor downtrodden souls whose only error is that they were born poor and have no recourse in life, no chance, no ability to make anything of themselves. We could call it income redistribution.

Oh, wait, that idea’s already been used…by Lenin, Marx, Ted Kennedy, Hillary, John Kerry, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi.

It’s called Socialism.


I should have known. FEMA has already caved and will "work out refugee housing".

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

How To Tell If You Are A Leftie

A community service primer designed to help those who don’t realize when their opinions are not quite in synch with reality.

If you thought Clinton and Berger were innocent even after they were convicted, but you are ready to hang Karl Rove before he is even indicted, you are a leftie.

If you don’t see the irony in multi-millionaires like George Clooney, Barbara Streisand, Martin Sheen, Sean Penn, et al, telling people making under $30,000 that they need to give more and pay more taxes, you are a leftie.

If you are happier with the thought of America losing the war in Iraq than winning, because it would help your political leanings, you are a leftie.

If you can’t go a whole day without uttering the phrase, “Bush lied”, but you still insist Clinton did nothing wrong, you are a leftie.

If you were bent out of shape over Trent Lott praising Strom Thurmond at his birthday party, but you don’t see anything wrong with Jesse Jackson’s calling NYC “Hymietown” or the fact that Robert Byrd was once a card-carrying member of the Klan, you are a leftie.

If you can’t see the humor in Ann Coulter’s writings, you are a leftie.

If you think a Christmas tree or a manger scene on the lawn of City Hall is going to destroy civilization as we know it, you are a leftie.

If you refer to reverse discrimination by quotas as…well, if you try not to refer to them by any name because it would reveal what it truly is, but you still insist it’s the correct thing to do while fully denying that you are doing what you are actually doing, you are a leftie.

If you don’t laugh out loud when you hear that Michael Moore has over 2000 shares of stock in Haliburton, you are a leftie. If you are not bothered by his proclamation that “I don’t own a single share of stock”, yet the truth reveals that in addition to Haliburton, he owns 2000 shares of Boeing, 1000 of Sonoco, 4000 of Best Foods, 3000 of Eli Lilly, and 8000 of Bank One, you are surely a leftie.

If you thought it was okay for Rosie O’Donnell to verbally pistolwhip Tom Selleck (or at least attempt to do so) about gun control, you are a leftie. If you still thought it was okay after learning she sent her child to kindergarten with a bodyguard carrying a loaded pistol …on school grounds…with children present…and she defended the decision, then you are just a foolish leftie (redundant department of redundancy, I know).

Monday, November 14, 2005

Monday Musings and Ramblings

News item - Mary Mapes recently said her story on the President’s Guard service was “true” and “no one has proved that the documents were not authentic."

News item – Ted Kennedy tried to save people who were stuck in the water. No, really…

News item – Palestinians are up in arms and quite upset over being targeted by suicide bombers.

News item – racial attacks are increasing at an alarming rate.
1. black lefties in Maryland attack the Lt Governor, a black man, by pelting him with oreo cookies, depicting him in blackface on a website, and calling him names such as “Uncle Tom”. This action is defended as appropriate by black Democratic leaders. One state senator said, “If you are bold enough to run, you have to take whatever the voters are going to give you.”
2. This comes within days of an editorial in the Milwaukee Sentinel (sadly the link now calls for registration) calling for Judge Clarence Thomas to have an asterisk(I found another link that works) “because he arguably does not represent the views of mainstream black America.”
3. In a related story – black students in NC are accused by other blacks as “acting white” if they make good grades.
The silence from Jesse Jackson, Charles Rangel, et al, is astounding.

News Item – the Washington Post has a story on a covert CIA operation in Europe and the silence from the lefties is deafening. Perhaps they had their shorts wadded out from all the fuss over the Valerie Plame non-scandal.

News item – A post in my local newspaper where people call in with their opinions contained a post by someone who maintained that had the Democrats won the White House instead of Bush, the terrorists “never would’ve hit us”, conveniently forgetting all those attacks in the 90’s like the first World Trade Center bombing, US Embassies, the Khobar Towers, and the USS Cole.

News item – leftie after leftie trot themselves in front of cameras to discuss Supreme Court nominations and accuse the Republicans of having a litmus test, and they maintain a straight face while doing so.

News item – France, which prides itself on smashing America whenever possible, has its hands full with rioting from those who think the French government is not quite fair to them.

News item – in yet another PC example of zero tolerance gone wild, a child is forced to walk around all day in school in their underwear. Although it does not say, I wager the costume was Bush, or maybe something religious. Or the school might have considered the costume a weapon.

News item – An employee at a San Francisco (I know I could just stop right there) Child Welfare Agency shows pictures from a gay S&M porn site that involve a staff psychiatrist to a supervisor. When the pictures are forwarded up the chain of command (the term is used loosely in this instance), a top level supervisor orders an immediate investigation -- of the supervisor for creating a hostile work environment. Evidently, they don’t consider it wrong for child psychiatrists from foster care programs to publicly pose in gay porn, but somehow it’s wrong to be aware of them doing it, and hostile to help them in their attempt to publicize their lifestyle. Where is the ACLU on this? No, the answer is not “at the website doing research”.

News item – it’s almost daily that some Leftie somewhere decries the fact that more people are incarcerated, yet the crime rate has fallen, and the sledgehammer of irony just misses another one…

News item – Anthrax, a weapon certifiably capable of destruction in the “mass” column, was found quite some time ago in Iraq, a fact which continues to elude most ‘journalists’.

You just can’t make this stuff up, people. The Lefties continue to shoot themselves in the foot (and other parts of their anatomy). It’s to the point of being insanely hilarious. Comedians dream of coming up with material that good.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

And They Allow Her To Breed

A 27 year old woman, with four children ages 4 months to 10 years, has been arrested in connection with the death of her youngest. It seems the mother (I use the term loosely) went out to a bowling alley with her 4 year old daughter and her husband and had 6 drinks, all containing double shots of liquor. Talk about your night on the town. Then 'dad' was responsible enough to bring 'mom' and daughter home before continuing his partying ways. Once ‘mom’ got home, she thought it would be a good idea to breast feed the baby. She fell asleep (passed out more likely) and suffocated the infant. Her blood alcohol level was estimated at 2-3 times the legal limit.

But wait, the best is yet to come. This ‘mom’ was already on probation. For what, you ask? For neglect of the same baby she killed. Under terms of the probation she was on, she was not allowed to drink alcohol nor was she allowed to have unsupervised contact with all four of her children at once. As a repeat felony offender, she faces 29 years in prison.

The previous incident of neglect involved her leaving the children home alone while she got sauced. Officers were alerted and were on the scene (thankfully) when she returned home and wanted to breastfeed the baby.

It is not mentioned in the story, but I would wager that this couple lived in a trailer. I certainly hope the good people of the state of Wisconsin don’t wait for another death before yanking the three surviving children out of that sad situation.