Monday musings and ramblings
Yet another pedophile teacher let go without punishment. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t exactly see how setting them free with little or no jail time helps to deter other drooling predators from getting jobs in the school systems in order to prey on young children. Meanwhile, another teacher is held without bond for admitting to having sex with an 11 year old student. Are they going to let her go as well? Maybe she can marry the student and have his child, and they can live happy ever after, just like Mary Kay Latourneau. Here is another story and another one. When do we as parents put an end to these degenerates abusing our children? To hell with tenure, damn second chances, don’t give me that junk about “you can’t rape a boy”. We as a country are condoning rape and abuse.
If you're too open minded, your brains will fall out.
Oh boy, look out for the fallout on this one. There is a report that has come out detailing how the White House has obstructed justice during a probe of wrongdoing by the administration. The headlines should be screaming any time now. Ummm, strange, the silence that permeates the air. Oh, wait, here’s why. The report says it was the Clinton administration doing the obstructing. Never mind, return your attention to American Idol.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you a mechanic.
He’s 16 years old. His mother is in prison for cocaine. His father is in prison for manslaughter. He beats his grandmother (his legal guardian) with a 2x4 because she won’t give him beer money.
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
You won’t hear about it from any of the leftie media outlets, but one of Saddam’s top generals has written a new book in which he claims to have seen bin Laden in Baghdad meeting with Saddam and also says that chemical weapons were shipped to Syria just before the Americans arrived to kick terrorist booty.
My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.
A prominent leftie from the media has finally admitted what millions of us could see all along – he does not support American troops. I wonder how many others of his ilk will come out of the US-hating closet.
Monday Funny
A man living in Newton, Massachusetts received a bill on his as yet unused credit card stating that he owed $0.00. He threw it away. In April he received another and tossed that one, too. The following month the credit card company sent him a nasty note stating they were going to cancel his card if he didn't send them $0.00.
In retrospect, he probably should have let them do that. Instead he called the company and was informed that the problem was the result of a computer error. They told him they'd take care of it.
The following month he reasoned that, if other charges appeared on the card, then it would put an end to his ridiculous predicament Besides, they assured him the problem would be resolved. So he presented his card for a purchase. It was declined.
Once again he called. He learned that the credit card had been canceled for lack of payment. They apologized for another computer error and promised they would rectify the situation.
The next day he got a bill for $0.00 stating that payment was now overdue. Assuming that this bill was yet another mistake, he ignored it. But the following month he received yet another bill for $0.00 stating that he had ten days to pay his account in full or the company would take necessary steps to recover the debt.
He gave in. He mailed in a check for $0.00. The computer duly processed it and returned a statement to the effect that his account was paid in full.
A week later, the man's bank called him asking him why he wrote a check for $0.00. He explained the problem at length. The bank replied that the $0.00 check had caused their check processing software to fail. The bank could not now process ANY checks from ANY of their customers that day because the check for $0.00 caused a computer crash.
The following month the man received a letter from the credit card company claiming that his check had bounced, that he still owed $0.00, and unless payment was sent immediately, they would institute procedures to collect his debt.
This man, who had been considering buying his wife a computer for her birthday, bought her a typewriter instead.