Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Defining Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism

How would you like for the Administration to decide how much you will get paid at your job?

I am simply amazed that there is anyone with an IQ over 20 that refuses to acknowledge the largest power grab in American history. This is moving beyond Socialism into Facism.

In case you are not familiar with the true meanings of some words…read these and then call Neal Boortz, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush, and others wrong. Ignore all the blogs out there warning that you are losing your freedom. Close this blog and go watch American Idol.


an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language


A theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

A theory or system of social reform which contemplates a complete reconstruction of society, with a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor. In popular usage, the term is often employed to indicate any lawless, revolutionary social scheme.

1. a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
2. an economic system based on state ownership of capital [ant: capitalism]


A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)

A system of government that flourished in Europe from the 1920s to the end of World War II. Germany under Adolf Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, and Spain under Franco were all fascist states. As a rule, fascist governments are dominated by a dictator, who usually possesses a magnetic personality, wears a showy uniform, and rallies his followers by mass parades; appeals to strident nationalism; and promotes suspicion or hatred of both foreigners and “impure” people within his own nation, such as the Jews in Germany. Although both communism and fascism are forms of totalitarianism, fascism does not demand state ownership of the means of production, nor is fascism committed to the achievement of economic equality. In theory, communism opposes the identification of government with a single charismatic leader (the “cult of personality”), which is the cornerstone of fascism. Whereas communists are considered left-wing, fascists are usually described as right-wing.
American Heritage Dictionary of cultural literacy


Absolute control by the state or a governing branch of a highly centralized institution.

1. Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed: "A totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul" (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.)
2. A practitioner or supporter of such a government.
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

1. a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)
2. the principle of complete and unrestricted power in government [syn: absolutism]

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Who Painted It?

Oh my stars and garters. Hillary visited the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and actually asked, “Who painted it?”

Can you imagine the uproar if a Republican had uttered those words? Of course, you probably won’t even see a mention of it on network news, because Hillary is a fellow leftie.

Every single nuance of whatever Bush said was dissected and made fun of. Lefties still talk about Dan Quayle. Funny, they have trouble remembering that Al Gore could not recognize the busts of the Founding Fathers at Monticello.

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Economic Catch 22 and Wealth Envy

In 1993, Leftie Bill Clinton stoked the fires of class envy and hatred by pushing the law that changed the tax code barring high salaries to executives in large corporations. This gave rise to the current structure of executives signing contracts that pay a small salary and high bonuses.

Now, Leftie (socialist) Barak Obama comes along and tells companies that bonuses are bad. Not just excessive bonuses, or bonuses paid by companies receiving bailouts. All bonuses. Period.

It was government interference that started this whole economic fiasco we find ourselves in now. It was government interference that almost destroyed our economy. The answer is most certainly not more and more and more government interference.

If gasoline ignites and starts a fire, you don't put it out by dousing the fire with more gas.

So go ahead. Sit back and do nothing while Obama 'punishes' success by telling companies what they can and cannot pay to top execs. Sit back and watch while the top execs flee to overseas companies that aren't stupid enough to limit compensation.

Sit back and wonder why this country is going to hell in a handbasket. Believe when the lefties ram it down your throat that all blame lies with those evil rich people who work hard and earn their money. Buy into the wealth envy. Why should someone who works 80 hours a week make more than someone who sits around playing video games all day? Hey, it's your RIGHT to make a living, isn't it? How dare someone drive a nicer car than you? It's not FAIR that someone lives in a better home than you. You should be given a home and a car. If you don't pay for it later, who cares? *BOB will bail you out.

* BOB = Big Obama Brother

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Obamas Spending Their Own Money?

Stories are circulating that the Obamas are spending their own money redecorating the White House.

Are you actually gullible enough to swallow that?

They didn't spend their own money for the inauguration, or the campaign, so why would they start now? Heck, Obama barely spent any of his own money when he purchased that Million Dollar Mansion in Chicago.

You know who is paying for everything for the Obamas. The little man. The unimportant working class. Anyone who is not on welfare. The peasants.

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Children of Politicians

First off, let me say that I have always held the belief that unless they are putting themselves into the limelight, children of the famous should be left alone. I don't like seeing children of politicians being dragged through the slime by their opponents. I have always tried to steer clear of commenting on Chelsea Clinton, unless she was campaigning for her parents, which is a different story. I am not going to say anything about the Obama girls, they are just too young.

This has never stopped the lefties. The media has acted like sharks in a feeding frenzy when it comes to the Bush twins or Sarah Palin's children. That has always shown a lack of class on the part of the attackers.

Having qualified all of that, this post will address some stories concerning political children. I am trying to focus more on the way the stories are covered, and not the stories themselves. So, please do not get the idea I am out to get anyone's daughter.

Joe Biden's daughter has allegedly been caught on video snorting cocaine, after her father became Vice President. The press has mostly treated this story like a hot potato, with the vast majority of the stories condemning those who would report the story.

Let's compare this to the treatment the Bush twins received from the media. How about this, or this, for a total lack of class? I could find no mention of Biden's daughter on either site.

This site will sell you T shirts denigrating the daughters. Strange, no Obama or Biden shirts to be located.

This page contains page of jokes about Bush girls. Did a search for jokes about Biden’s daughter, only came up with jokes about Palin’s daughter and McCain’s daughter. Nope, no bias here.

This page did address the story on Biden's daughter. It contains these lines.

“However, the video is unlikely to undermine his position with President Obama. Mr Obama admitted in his own memoir that he had used marijuana and cocaine - but not heroin - as a youth.”

“This month Mr Biden swore in a new US drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske, whose stepson has a history of marijuana arrests.”

Ohhhhh, so now it’s OKAY to have children who do drugs. No big deal, like it was a couple of years ago.

Here's an unintentionally hilarious site that tries to take the high moral ground that children are off limits and it’s the GOP’s fault for going after Biden’s daughter. You just know that neither the author nor any of their friends ever, ever said anything bad about the Bush or Palin children.

More attacks on the people who dared report the existence of the video of Biden’s daughter snorting cocaine. Typical leftie behavior. NOW they’re upset over children of politicians being scrutinized. They used to be upset over such things, but it hasn't really bothered them since...oh, about January of 2001.

This idiot takes all of 3 seconds to make the leap from Biden’s daughter to claiming the proven-to-be-lies rumors about Palin’s daughter are stone hard facts. What a maroon.

I truly disliked even posting the links to these despicable sites. However, I felt it necessary to prove the disparity between the treatments of the Bush girls, the Palin children, and Ms. Biden.

Again, I would just as soon none of these reports were made. I feel they have proven my point on the ever-growing bias in the media.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Oops, My Bad - Vol 3

Word has leaked out that during Bush’s last town hall meeting, all of the people he picked to ask questions were plants who worked on his campaign.

The networks reacted in a predictable manner. Perky Katie Couric and Jolly Charlie Gibson attacked the President on their shows, decrying the obvious conflict of interest. Keith Olbermann called for the President to be impeached, even though he’s already out of office. Jon Stewart and Bill Maher made the predictable unfunny jokes. Hollywood celebs decried how power could be misused in such a manner. The wacky girls at the View spent almost an hour on how deplorable this act was.

Oops, My Bad.

Actually, it was Obama’s town hall meeting, and the questioners were all involved with his campaign.

The silence from Couric, Gibson, Olbermann, Stewart, Maher, the View chicks, and other celebs has been palpable.

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ramblings part 2

Angry Racism From South Of Here

Brazil’s president says the blame for the world’s financial troubles are squarely on “white people with blue eyes.” He also said that he does not know of any bankers around the world who are not white.

Interesting. I wonder how the media will treat the hate speech from this racist.

Slap In The Face From The Navy To Vets

The US Navy has awarded its highest civilian award to John Murtha? This is a slap in the face to every veteran and to anyone else who that pig has denounced over the years.

That's The Ticket

How about we rename the Terrorists from Guantanamo? Then how about we release them from prison? And just to put the cherry on the topping, let’s give them welfare paid for by the schmucks who are their targets for death.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Where's The Beef? At The Ballpark

When you head to the ole ballpark this spring to catch a baseball game, why not order up a 4800 calorie hamburger?

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ramblings part 1

Still Angry over AIG people getting bonuses?

Then surely you are livid over someone making over $320,000 for just over a year’s work at Freddie Mac, right?

That would be Rahm Emanuel. Still angry? Or just hypocritical?

Pelosi Braindead?

Nancy Pelosi thinks that if the government pays for healthcare, then businesses and individuals don’t bear that cost.

Neal Boortz wants to know if Pelosi is “really this braindead?” Good question.

He Really Should Read More

A republican lawmaker said he would not have voted for the punitive taxes for the AIG bonuses if he had known then that they are unconstitutional.

Maybe he should have read any one of the hundreds of blogs, mine included, that declared just that.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dog State or Cat State?

Over 90 cats have been removed from a home in NJ. Meanwhile, over 80 dogs were removed from a house in Alabama.

I guess NJ is more of a cat state.

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Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Democrat

President Bush announced he was sending more troops into Afghanistan, and leftie groups came unglued, screaming everything from incompetence to treason.

President Obama announces he is sending more troops into Afghanistan, and leftie groups say, “no comment.”

If you support moveon.org, and you don’t admit to their hypocrisy on this, you are either an idiot or a liar. Of course, if you support moveon.org, there's not a lot of hope for you anyway.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

ramblings part 2

My, What Clean Teeth You Have

What do you get when the government gets involved where they should not be? Almost $3 Million in payments for teeth cleanings…for toothless people...in one state.

Tales Of TOTUS

Obama’s teleprompter is garnering as much news time as he is lately (and might have a higher approval rating). I hear the teleprompter is in the running for Time Magazine’s Person of the Year award.

Must Read For Those Who Are Outraged About AIG

In case you have not read it yet, here is the powerful, enlightening letter of resignation from an AIG executive.

How To Wipe Out Terrorism

Call it something else. First it was terrorists becoming "enemy combatants", now this. Wake up, Janet. Almost every terrorist act is due to Islamic fanatics.

ramblings part 1

Teleprompter? What Teleprompter?

President Obama ditched his teleprompter for a huge TV. I guess someone hoped that no one would notice. The MSM didn't.

Is Clothing Next?

Your government in action – banning the sale of black cars as an homage to global warming screechers.

Another Obama Nominee Falls By The Wayside.

Is The Media Waking Up?

The loving lapdog media isn’t so loving anymore. What a shame. Welcome to reality, people. Maybe now you’ll listen to people smarter than yourselves – people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Neal Boortz.

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Poor Keith Olbermann

He still desperately wants to matter. Now that the object of his white hot hatred, George Bush, has left office to begin a quiet private life, Keith must feel like he doesn’t matter unless he’s still foaming at the mouth.

Here’s his latest. He actually gets worked up over a cable news host using sources for material. How did he find out about this? He used a source for the material, a source he uses frequently.

That mote in Keith’s eye must be the size of a redwood.

This was all in response to the DisHonor Awards, presented by the Media Research Center. Perhaps Keith got his lingerie bunched because he was nominated but did not win. The awards were given to the most ridiculous comments from newscasters from last year.

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Hotel Industry Fighting Government Hypocrisy

The hotel industry is peeved that ole BOB – Big (Obama) Brother, the renamed Federal Government, passed limits last month on corporate travel, just before the BOBers took off for trips to the beach themselves.

In response to this attack on their livelihood, the industry has begun a counter-offensive by posting this website.

Kudos to the hotel industry. Way to fight back.

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Big Brother No Longer Buying American Condoms

Big (Obama) Brother, the renamed Federal Government, gets on their high horses when private businesses purchase items from overseas, proclaiming loudly that the businesses are “shipping American jobs overseas” and “outsourcing OUR jobs.”

Ironic, then – this news that BOB (Big Obama Brother) has decided to ship some American jobs overseas themselves, by switching from condoms made in the US to ones from China. The reason? Price. You know you can make cheaper product when you don’t have to pay outrageous taxes.

The Grand Exalted Teleprompter will have to soon begin every speech with, “Do As We Say, Not As We Do.”

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Red White and Blue is Unhip

Here's an important piece of news - President Obama’s new recovery logo.

It’s dissected by two graphic artists – one from NY and the other one the guy from LA who is being sued for his Obama posters that used an image from an AP photo.

Read this line carefully.

“The thing about the colors is that they aren't just the default red, white and blue colors that feel so forced upon you during an election cycle -- what I consider the redneck nationalist's version of patriotism -- it looks a little more hip.”

That says so much about the dirtbag who said it. I wonder if someone pointed out to said bozo that the colors in the logo are red, white, blue and green.

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Mainstream Media Bias Alert, Special Olympics Edition

I don’t want to pile on President Obama for making yet another gaffe, but the media didn’t have too much to say about Obama’s “special olympics” remark on Leno, did they?

UPDATE – color me wrong. MSNBC had something to say about it. They claim that O was merely trying to compliment the Special Olympics.


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Mainstream Media Bias Alert, Part 3

CBS spends over two minutes reporting on an ethics investigation on John Murtha, the bozo leftie from PA, without once mentioning that he is a Democrat. But as soon as they mention a critic of his, they put up the dreaded (R) behind his name.

When the networks run a story about a politician in trouble, why do they refuse to identify that politician as a Democrat? They certainly have enough opportunities to do so.

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Mainstream Media Bias Alert, part 2

CNN’s Jack Cafferty, not exactly known for being unbiased, says it is “refreshing” to have a president that is leading, adding, “What a welcome change to feel like someone is running the country instead of running it into the ground."

I guess the blinders fit him snugly.

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Mainstream Media Bias Alert

MSNBC, the lapdog network that allowed Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann to routinely attack President Bush and call him names like war criminal while telling the President to “shut the hell up”, has become the watchdog of speaking against the administration, accusing Glenn Beck of “stoking hatred” by saying we are being put on the road to socialism.

My guess would be that the good folks at MSNBC completely miss the irony.

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What Next? Obama Nominates Palin To A Post?

After President Obama "borrowed" McCain's ideas on taxing health care benefits, he took another line from McCain's campaign, one that he jumped on with both feet and tried to crucify McCain for saying - that the American economy is fundamentally sound.

Now comes an update on Obama plagarizing this line from the McCain campaign - predictably, the mainstream media are falling over themselves to praise Obama after ignoring or ridiculing McCain when he said the exact same thing months earlier.

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Look For Authors To Get Tax Breaks

Obama becomes the first president to sign a book deal before leaving office, and he signed his even before he took office. Amazing.

Here’s the best line of the article.

“In addition, the financial disclosure showed Mr. Obama brokered an amendment to an existing book deal with Crown Publishing to put off writing a nonfiction book until after he leaves office.”

The book deal is for a children’s version of Dreams From My Father, which according to Obama himself, must be a work of fiction.

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I'd Rather He Spend Time On BBall

This is too funny. Duke’s Coach K tells Obama to focus on the economy, not filling out his March Madness brackets. Of course, every minute he spends on mundane junk is another minute he's not destroying American freedom and capitalism. Even HuffPo approves of his spending time picking a bracket.

UPDATE - Obama is cruising along with a 53% rate on his picks after a disastrous first round, despite few upsets. At least it's higher than his rate of picking suitable cabinet nominees.

Why Is This Funny?

The second rate comedian/actor from Borat dresses up as a foreign documentary maker, complete with crew and cameras, and gains access to non-secured areas of an Alabama National Guard base. Somehow, this has been recognized as comedy.

I think the funniest thing about this story is that the "actor" was able to go so long without being recognized. That speaks volumes about his talent and appeal.

Supply Your Own Punchline

You just can’t make this stuff up

So, Obama is Irish now. So, the good folks at NBC traced his roots to a small town in the Irish countryside and sent Al Roker there to do a report.

The town’s name? Moneygall.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009


More Bad Luck With Nominees

Poor Obama. He can’t find anyone to fill his cabinet positions. Anyone who is honest, that is.

Maybe he will wind up being bipartisan simply in order to fill vacancies with people who can pass vetting.

Can't Say God When You Pray

Another “the lunatics have taken over the asylum” story. This time, a hospice in Boca Raton has banned the in-house chaplains from saying “God” in public. This would include leading prayers in the chapel or counseling families of terminal patients unless they were alone in a closed room.

Thank God one of the chaplains had the decency to resign in protest. It’s unfathomable why the six others have not followed suit.

I Just Have No Comment On This

Obviously, when running for Congress, there is no requirement for being able to speak clearly and concisely. You only need to love to hear yourself speak…and speak.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Oops, My Bad - Vol 2

George Bush read someone else’s speech from a teleprompter, even going so far as thanking himself. The mainstream media had a ball with this video, splattering it across the universe.

Oops, my bad. Obama gave the speech. Good luck trying to find the video, as the lapdog mainstream media has successfully conducted a news blackout so far.

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Sit Down For This One

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Lefties admit their latest global warming scam will cost triple what they promised at first. That’s on top of the doubling for the cost of health care ‘overhaul’.

Try to think of one government program that did not wind up costing at least three times what you were promised at first. Lefties rank ahead of used car dealers when it comes to bait and switch.

To summarize, liberals either deliberately lie just to get your vote and approval on projects that they know full well will at least triple in costs…or they are among the most stupid people on the planet when it comes to math.

Either way, do you seriously want them running your life, spending your money, and telling you what to do every step of your life?

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Let's Destroy Credit Unions Next!

Congress almost destroyed the economy by implementing the Community Reinvestment Act under Jimmy Carter, and then expanding it under Bill Clinton. So what do they want to do now? Expand it even further under Obama, to include credit unions.

Do you think it’s mere coincidence that credit unions were not forced by lefties to make stupid loans to people who could not repay them, and they are the healthiest section of the banking industry today? So now lefties see some more money they can grab to increase their power.

When is American going to wake up? Sadly, it will almost surely be after it’s too late.

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Obama Backs Down On Railroading Military

UPDATE to last week's post.

Obama has backed off the plan to make vets use third party insurance to pay for service related injuries.

Don’t let up. This is only a pause in his path to socialism. Don’t stop paying attention.

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday ramblings

Mainstream Media Bias Alert!

Compare the treatment of Michelle Obama to the way Laura Bush was treated in 2007 by the same ‘journalist’, Robin Roberts.

Go ahead, deny a bias in the media. It only makes you look like a goober.

Top 5 Myths About Obama

No, walking on water is not mentioned anywhere. Being a great communicator is.

They Don't Trust People In CO

State lawmakers in CO have decided that people in New York and California know better who should be president than people in their own state.

Vast Left Wing Conspiracy

Lefties accuse conservatives of being a “vast right-wing conspiracy” all the time. Now comes word that it’s the lefties who get their talking points from an online ‘community’ where they gather to compare notes.

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AIG Hypocrisy

It makes my skin crawl listening to politicians talking bad about AIG. It reminds me of rapists and murderers discussing how bad jaywalkers are.

Okay, so they are outraged over less than 1/10th of 1% of the bailout money being spent for bonuses, including some who got over $4M. The question then becomes where was the outrage when Franklin Raines took in over $50M in bonuses for a six year period where he lied and Fannie Mae began this whole economic slide, almost taking down the entire country?

We have Chris Dodd, that bastion of honesty, lying through his teeth about writing the amendment to the stimulus bill that not only authorized AIG's bonuses, but basically tied their hands and forced them to pay out the money. The next day, Dodd turns around and admits to inserting the amendment but now is claiming someone in the administration told him to do it, and he won't name names.

Surely you understand this was a contract between two private parties, and the law stated any contracts signed before the stimulus bill had to be honored, and the provisions of the contracts stated that should an employee not get his money, he could sue and collect twice the amount plus lawyers fees.

Surely you understand that it's illegal and unconstitutional for congress to now make up laws to retroactively confiscate the bonuses, and if they are allowed to get away with this, it opens the door for them to retroactively decide to take anybody's money they don't like.

Back to Franklin Raines, who was twice as corrupt as Ken Lay at Enron. Here's a story on the Fannie Mae bonuses. Here's another story on the money Raines received. This story details the $2.6M Raines was paid after he was forced out at Fannie Mae for lying and illegally overstating earnings to qualify for the bonuses. By the way, Ken Lay went to prison for the same offense, yet Raines was saved from prison by his Democratic buddies, including Obama.

At this link, you can read comments from people who compare Raines to Lay, and consider Raines to be worse. The largest bonus being given to AIG employees is $4.6M, while in 2003, Raines was paid almost $20M, and it was based on his lies.

Even after being caught red handed, Raines agreed to a sweetheart deal where lefties claimed he was paying back over $24 Million in exchange for not being criminally prosecuted. In fact, over $15 Million was worthless Fannie Mae stock options, and another $2 Million was paid by Fannie’s insurance, underwritten by, you guessed it, taxpayers. The bulk of the remainder was him giving up his future retirement benefits, while he was allowed to keep almost all of the nearly $100M he illegally stole from taxpayers.

In 6 years, Raines made almost $100 Million from running Fannie Mae into the ground. Almost $53 Million of that was from bonuses that came from vastly overstating earnings. Remember, overstating earnings was the thing that got Enron in so much trouble.

One last thing - don’t forget that AIG gave over $100,000 to Obama last year. Will he give that money back?

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Senior Bowl Leaving Mobile?

The city of Mobile hosts the Senior Bowl, the GMAC Bowl, and the Gulf Coast Classic, a regular season game between two black universities. The GMAC and Senior Bowls rake in money, TV exposure, and people for the city. The Gulf Coast Classic rarely sells out, rotates through teams, and most people have never heard of it.

Accordingly, the city decided this year to raise the amount of money they give the Gulf Coast Classic from $40,000 to $275,000. They were considering almost double that, but the local uproar caused them to tone it down a bit.

The city gave the GMAC Bowl $150,000, about what they give them every year.

Although they gave zero dollars to the Senior Bowl, they did approve spending $90,000 in services for the game.

Now, the city is acting surprised and shocked that the Senior Bowl is considering offers to move the game, possibly to Tampa. The officials of the bowl game have been approached over the years to move it, but have not done so yet. The contract with Mobile expired after last year’s game, and Tampa came calling.

If you were the Senior Bowl, would you move?

Everyone is running around trying to cover themselves, including the mayor of Mobile who denies even knowing the Senior Bowl had been asking for more money for over two years, despite being on the board that runs the game and despite documented proof that they have followed every step properly to request money. There have even been hearings about it at the city council.

This mayor’s legacy will be trying to annex every inch of business outside the city limits in an effort to rake in more city tax dollars, and he is shocked that the Senior Bowl might want a better deal.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009


There is a site for e-cards that has a card poking fun at the pregnancy of Gov Palin's teenage daughter. It's completely tacky and lacks class, therefore I will not post the link here. I hesitated to even mention it and give them more publicity, but felt the need to call them tasteless.

I find it absolutely hilarious that Obama’s approval numbers are lower now than Bush’s numbers after his first month in office.

In an annual report of media coverage, the Project for Excellence in Journalism noted that newspapers were overwhelmingly slanted towards Obama. In related news, most newspapers are going under because less people are reading them. You can tie the two facts together if you choose, I’m just passing along the info.

In a State of the City address, the mayor of Salisbury MD warned about what she considers to be a great danger to the city – bloggers. Yep, a free media is so much worse than socialism run amok, governmental waste, and corruption.

I missed the passing of Ron Silver, an anachronism in today’s Hollywood, and for that, I am deeply sorry.

Ron Silver was a great person, in that he was not afraid to stand up for his principles. Once a liberal, he saw the light and became a staunch conservative who stood up and spoke out against Hollywood lefties who think they know better than anyone else.

You will be missed, Mr. Silver.

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Same Sex Partners Yes, Military No

Recently, I informed you about Obama trying to decrease health care for the military. Now word comes out that he wants to increase health care benefits for same sex partners of federal employees.

Quite the juxtaposition, don't you think? Rather telling about the man's personality. This is worse than Bill C admitting he loathed the military or not saluting.

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How About "Domestic Fear Engineers"?

First lefties stopped calling them Islamic Terrorists. Then they stopped calling them terrorists, period. Now, Obama has decided that the scum who are being held at Guantanamo should no longer be called “enemy combatants.”

Why do lefties think that simply renaming something will change not only how the something is viewed, but also will change the basic meaning of the something?

The answer can be found in the abortion debate. In one of the most well-known and most successful name-purging events in history, lefties decided that they were losing the ideological debate on abortion, and they knew they could not counter the argument that abortion kills a human. So, they just decided that they would start calling themselves “pro-choice”, because after all, pro and choice are two positive words, not like the negative word abortion. Press releases went out and lo and behold, the press lapped it up like pablum. The other side said, well, okay, then we will now call ourselves “pro-life.” Today, decades later, most leftie lapdog media outlets still refuse to use the term, opting for the double negative “anti-abortion” when describing pro-lifers.

Want another example? Try and find a mainstream media outlet who will identify Obama’s “tax cuts” for those who don’t pay taxes as what it is – more welfare payments.

Welcome to 1984 newspeak.

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Obama Thinking About Largest Middle Class Tax Increase According To...Obama

I have to give credit when it’s due to the NY Times.

During the campaign, McCain proposed taxing employee health benefits. Obama ran attack ads that called the proposal the “largest middle-class tax increase in history.”

Now, Obama is proposing taxing…yep, you guessed it…employee health benefits.

Even the Times picked up on the hypocrisy.

Please, someone…piece together something that shows Obama proposing this tax, and then slice in the commercial where it labels it as the “largest middle-class tax increase in history” and post it on youtube. That would be fantastic.

They could use this ad from Nevada, or this one about taxing benefits causing everything to unravel, or this one, or this one that trumpets the "largest middle-class tax increase in history", or this one featuring Biden, or this one.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Too Young Even For Bill C

According to Bill Clinton, it's okay to use human embryos used for stem cell research because they are not going to be fertilized anyway.

Although the host, Obama’s choice for Surgeon General, refused to correct Clinton while Bill made the mistake six times in a short time, the National Institute for Health explains on their website that the embryos have already been fertilized, as is common knowledge…except to Bill.

He might have paid attention if the embryos were wearing a skirt.

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Speaking of Hussein...

Good Morning America has discovered that Obama has a middle name!

Wow. What great investigative reporting!

Hope that doesn't make them racist.

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Oops, My Bad - Vol 1

I have decided to make these a regular feature of my ramblings.

The Bushes met with wealthy socialites while in the White House, rubbing shoulders with the elite, attempting to cozy up to the snobby part of town. The media skewered the Bushes at elitists, pointing out how out of touch they are by having these meetings.

Oops, my bad. It is the Obamas holding the soirees, and the media is eating it up.

All Praise Obama!

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Poll - Teens Blame Assault Victim in Domestic Violence

This is shocking, considering what a nation of victims we are producing.

In a poll of Boston teenagers, nearly half say that Rhianna is to blame for her singer boyfriend beating her up. More than half said both were to blame equally. That means almost no one said it was his fault alone.

Additionally, over half said the media wasn’t being fair to poor Chris Brown.

Is this the Michael Jackson case all over again? “It’s okay to do whatever you want, just sing for us!”

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Saturday, March 14, 2009


Why can’t Obama find someone to work under Secretary of Tax Fraud (a new cabinet position, evidently) Timmy G.? Could it be his standards are too high?

Go ahead. Chuckle at that last comment.

More and more Republican governors are rejecting at least parts of the Confiscation Of Your Hard Earned Money To Be Given Away As A Reward To Liberal Cronies Act of 2009, otherwise known as stimulus money.

Way to go, governors. You have a lot of support.

The House took some time to address a vital issue – proclaiming March 14 as Pi Day, honoring the mathematical notation pi. I guess they did not have any more pressing issues to look at.

Here’s a story of three kids who are home schooled, are testing two years above their grade level, and the judge who is saying they must return to public schools. We can’t have individual achievement without government interference, after all.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

ramblings on Friday the 13th

Don’t look now, but a major news network actually put together that when the rich get richer, it benefits us all. I wonder how long it will be before they discover that by extension, the opposite is also true. After that, it’s merely a step to knowing that raising taxes on the rich hurts everyone. Gosh, how would they be able to look in the eyes of their beloved lefties after that?

Continuing with the tax thread, Whoopi Goldberg discovered in 2007 that she did not like inheritance taxes. Last year, she discovered she was paying way too much in all sorts of taxes, including income tax. And yet, she continues to support lefties who pledge to raise taxes forever. Does it remind you of Venus Williams, who once whined about her property taxes being too high?

One more tax story. Continuing to prove that lefties never met a tax they did not like, Gov Blago's replacement in IL is considering an income tax hike of 50%. Woohoo, let the party begin.

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Hate Crimes Are Just Worse

A female athlete in South Africa is gang raped, beaten, stabbed 25 times and killed, and people get all worked up…because she was a lesbian and they are upset that lesbians are being raped to “cure” them of homosexuality.

I guess, according to these people, that it would have been much better if the woman raped, beaten, and stabbed to death had been a heterosexual.

That’s the logical conclusion of labeling some crimes as “hate crimes” and attempting to label them as “worse” than “ordinary” crimes.

If A is worse than B, then it has to follow that B is better than A.

Many sensible people over the years have been making this argument (that labeling some crimes as "hate crimes" is an injustice), but it falls on deaf ears of those who are staunch lefties. Too bad.

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Who Plays on Our Fears? (Media Bias Alert!)

If you support the current administration, the current congress, and the idea of the stimulus bills, bailouts, etc., you have to read this article.

Mainstream Media Bias alert! – Think back to the last administration. Whenever President Bush would speak on anything relating to the war on terror, lefties and the media would trumpet he was using 9/11 to advance his agenda (how many times have you seen AlGore screeching about playing on our fears?). Now, Obama admits openly that he is using the financial crisis to advance his agenda. Do you hear a peep from the major networks?

Your only available choices are to admit the media bias, continue to be self-deluding, or attempt to remain ignorant. Open your eyes, lie, or be stupid. Not much of a choice, unless you’re a leftie.

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Obama Out To Railroad Military

President Obama has provided more evidence that he has no affection for the country’s military. This is the only group that he does not want to expand medical coverage for. In fact, he wants to cut medical coverage for veterans.

Thank goodness that even leftie senators are against the latest. Obama wants to force veterans to have to use private insurance to cover service related injuries.

Wouldn’t you know it that this would be the line in the sand where Obama doesn’t want more government involvement?

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who? Me a Socialist?

President Obama was interviewed by a journalist who asked him if he is a Socialist. He dismissed the question but later called the reporter to deny, deny, deny.

Obama had this to say in regards to the possibility of his being a Socialist.

I did think it might be useful to point out that it wasn’t under me that we started buying a bunch of shares of banks. It wasn’t on my watch. And it wasn’t on my watch that we passed a massive new entitlement -– the prescription drug plan -- without a source of funding.”

So, his answer to “are you a Socialist” comes down to “Hey, I didn’t start this. I saw to it that it snowballed like crazy. I doubled the deficit in less than five weeks. But I didn’t start it. So there.”

Aren’t you confident in your chosen leader?

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A state government has begun a program to provide mortgages to Christian families. The ACLU had nothing to say on the matter.

Oops. My bad. It is a program to provide mortgages to Muslims.

A Republican has claimed that American democracy has been around longer than European democracy. The same Republican mangled the names of at least two foreign diplomats while speaking in front of them. The media has jumped all over this story, from Chris Matthews to Keith Olbermann, who have called the Republican everything from stupid to a moron. People from Letterman to the Today Show and the View have all made fun of the Republican.

Oops. My bad. It was actually Hillary, and nobody said a word. Good thing they don’t hold her to the same standard they held Sarah Palin to, huh?

Speaking of Hillary, she gave a gift to the Russian Foreign Minister and botched it as well. It was a red button that was supposed to have the word “reset” on it to symbolize the resetting of relations between the two countries. The Russian word on the button actually translates to “overcharge.” I guess it was a good thing it did not say “Staples.”

Absolute great quote posted on Neal Boortz’s website. Here is a great line – “What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.”


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Monday, March 09, 2009


Investors Business Daily has a great article on the economy.

If it’s Monday (or Wednesday, or...), it must be another Obama nominee in tax trouble.

Republicans have introduced a bill to kill the program that allows poor children to attend the Sidwell School, where the Obama kids go. The kids under the microscope are black. People are up in arms proclaiming the Republicans are racists, don't care for the poor, only care for themselves, etc.

Oops. My bad. It is the Democrats who are trying to kill that program and hurt poor minority children.

And here comes the uproar from the media...

(please don't be ignorant enough to think there will be any)

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Hope for Failure


Now comes a story that minutes before reports of the attacks on the morning of September 11, 2001, James Carville and Stanley Greenberg were hosting several Washington reporters and touting the fact that they wanted Bush to fail, and rushed a poll in order to prove their desires, but were disappointed because they could not find more people to agree with them. As soon as the attacks began, Carville demanded that no one speak of him wanting Bush to fail, and media lap dogs complied.

Original Post

Lots of media attention has been paid to the lefties coming unglued over Rush Limbaugh's proclamation that he hopes that Obama's socialistic economic policies fail. Let's look at some articles now and from an earlier time in the recent past.

The Huffington Post compares Rush to Bin Laden and says, "We are in such terrible times, the President needs the support of ALL Americans, even unpatriots like Rush Limbaugh.”

Rahm Emanuel thinks that Rush’s belief is the “wrong philosophy for America."

Leonard Pitts says no one should hope any president fails, and to do so is "disloyal."

Other notables (and unnotables) who have slammed Rush include Columbia Professor Lincoln Mitchell, Andy Borowitz, Paul Abrams, James Moore, Keith Olbermann and Janeane Garofalo, Joy Behar and the other girls from the View gang (minus the intelligent Elizabeth Hasselbeck), Keith Olbermann (again), and Chris Matthews.

Now let's step back in time just a bit.

In early January 2001, as President Bush was taking office, E J Dionne wrote that most Democrats were wanting the president to fail.

In 2006, while in the midst of a war in Afghanistan and Iraq, a poll revealed that the majority of Democrats hoped that President Bush failed.

Why do lefties conveniently forget their past actions and words? Why do they allow such damning hypocrisy to show? Why are they egotistical enough to assume no one will ever hold them to past promises, proclamations, writings, etc?

Because the people who vote for them are idiots who can't remember, and so rely solely on what is spoonfed them by the lefties and their mainstream media lapdogs.

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Discussion on Class Envy/Warfare

UPDATE - The fine folks at ABC have graciously rewritten the original article in an attempt to change the entire focus. They did this by pointing out in nearly every sentence that higher tax rates only apply to higher income. Will that alter the views of the people who are quoted in the story? Doubtful. Will it stop people from trying to earn less in order to avoid higher taxes? Doubtful. Will it, in fact, change anything? Nope. But it is a flagrant attempt to get back in the good graces of the most holy (you know who).

Original post

The lemmings at ABC have broken the unwritten law of current media – they have actually printed some truth about Obama’s socialistic tax plans. I’m sure they did not mean to do it, and throughout the article, they try to insert quotes to show it’s not really as bad as they wind up admitting. But the fact remains that they did a no-no.

The article in question addresses the tax portion of Obama’s new plan to tax, tax, tax and spend, spend, spend, spend. ABC went out and talked to people who are logical and full of common sense.

If the all-knowing government is going to stoke the fires of class warfare and induce hate on those who actually achieve, then why bother achieving? Maybe a sequel to Atlas Shrugged can be aptly named Obama Taxed.

A growing movement of people are making plans to cut back on their earnings, to slow down their economic growth, to lay off employees, see less patients, sell less product, make less money…all in the name of sanity. If your tax rate is going to go up dramatically at X amount, then why struggle to make X and have it taken away to be given to lazy bums who won’t work? Why not just make (X-1) dollars?

If it was not so sad that people are actually buying this junk, it would be hilarious to read some of the apologists trying to make it sound as if that won’t work, when they then turn around and admit it will.

The article writer tries to get onboard as well. She claims the tax increases (letting the Bush tax cuts lapse) are going to “garner an estimated $338 billion,” according to Obama’s budget. She does not mention, nor will the administration admit, that figure is based on people continuing to produce and earn at the same levels. If the top earners give up, because they are increasingly taxed at higher rates, the taxes collected go down as well.

Most third graders can understand this concept. Most Obama voters cannot.

Here’s a telling quote from a dentist. “I've put thought into how to get under $250,000," she said. "It would mean working fewer days which means having fewer employees, seeing fewer patients and taking time off. Generally it means being less productive."

An obvious Obama supporter who is identified as a financial advisor says, "to focus keeping your income below a quarter million dollars is not going to have any spectacular magic for individual tax payers. The difference between $249,999 and $251,000 will probably have zero tax impact."

But then he goes on to admit, “If the value of all your itemized deductions goes from a 33 percent level to a 28 percent level than there would be a reason for people to do dramatic things to reduce their incomes."

Considering that Obama wants anyone with household income above $250,000 to go pay a significantly higher bracket, his last statement completely contradicts his earlier statement and renders his entire line of reasoning null and void. Who does he advise on finances? Minimum wage earners? He obviously has no clue about higher income brackets.

Then there is this quote from a professor at the School of Business at the University of Maryland. “You have to be pretty close to $250,000 in terms of your income to get underneath it."

This goober teaches business to college students? What does that statement even mean? Someone who is not “pretty close” to $250,.000 in terms of their income does not get underneath it? So, according to the ole prof, if you make $150,000, you are not underneath “it”, with “it” being either $250,000 or the higher tax bracket. Both are patently wrong, and the statement would sound better if it were pronounced by a six year old.

The professor almost redeems himself by becoming Professor MOTO (Master Of The Obvious), by declaring, “What Obama is doing is pitting the poor against the upper middle class. He'll tax the rich for the health benefits everyone else wants."

No S***, Sherlock.

Another apologist comes out in the article.

Supporters of Obama's budget plans say that those who are at the top and complaining need to look at the bigger picture.

"Those who are going to be taxed more are obviously going to complain but I think they may miss the point," said Lisa Rotenstein, the chair of the Harvard Healthcare Policy Group at the Institute of Politics.

"This could have broader implications for the American economy as a whole – improved health care means a healthier workforce that is more productive," said Rotenstein.

In other words, shut up and take your medicine because it’s good for the country. Work harder and make less because it’s patriotic.

Compare that tripe to the words of an attorney from LA. “Why kill yourself working if you're going to give it all away to people who aren't working as hard?"

Whose the smarter one there?

You want to talk about idiocy? In the middle of the article, ABC has a poll. The question is, “Is it fair to reduce high salaries to sidestep President Obama’s tax proposal?” They want to know if it’s FAIR to decide how much money you want to make? Good Lord.

What’s even worse are the answers you can choose. They are as follows.

No. The rich have had too many tax breaks. They should be ashamed for finagling the system.

The only people who will select this answer are those who have made it their career to finagle the system.

No. I have to pay high taxes and so should that high-income bracket. They can afford it.

Okay, sheer class warfare stupidity here. Tax rates are progressive in our system. The more you make, the higher your rate. So this answer is wrong solely on that basis, yet those who have been weaned on the “hate the rich” mentality will jump on this one. I bet over half who select this answer pay no taxes whatsoever, and get free handouts that are paid for by those filthy rich mongrels.

Yes. I also would find ways to decrease my salary to avoid taxes.

Who wouldn’t, in that position? This is the only choice offered that isn't complete lunacy.

Yes. Why should ordinary folks, even those making $250K, pay when big corporations get bailed out.

I could have gone with this answer, until they tossed in that caveat at the end. ABC will simply claim that anyone who picks this answer hates big corporations and wants their taxes raised as well as rich individuals.

It’s sad that lefties have made careers out of promoting wealth envy as a way to snatch power and become rich on their own. What’s sadder still is that there are still idiots who buy into their alternate realities of let’s tax the rich so we won’t have to pay any taxes.

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Monday, March 02, 2009


Welcome to the Party

The Financial Times has apologized to Republicans and admitted that PBO is a liberal.

Biggest Wastes of Money

Also known as the list of the 15 strangest college courses in America.

Here’s the answer for PBO’s Deficit

How much will it cost under Obama to fill up your tank? For this man, it cost $81 Billion.

Political Karma

Here’s a story of the new administration pledging all of the new ways they were going to run things once they won, and boasting of all the change they were bringing, only to get bogged down by bureaucratic red tape.

Welcome to Washington.

PC Spreads to the Strangest Places

Iran wants an apology from Hollywood, in part for the portrayal of their ancestors as violent…in the movie 300.

Maybe they should have used dramatic license and made the bad men who attacked Sparta a bunch of white Christian rednecks from Alabama. That seems to be the only group you can say anything about nowadays.

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I Had The Phone In One Hand And...

A man sees a woman driving a van full of kids at a school. He notices she is breastfeeding an infant and talking on a cell phone, all while attempting to drive. He follows her, tries to get her to stop the dangerous behavior. She nags at him, so he calls the police, who track her down and give her a ticket.

Thank goodness no one was hurt by this complete buffoon. Breastfeeding AND talking on a cell? How was she steering the car?

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Open Up! Water Police!

The city of San Diego is paying $70,000 to pass out yellow tags to residents who can place them on the front doors of neighbors who they feel are abusing water restrictions.

I wonder if any of them remember the early 90’s when then-mayor Maureen O’Connor was trumpeting how she cut her own water usage 20% before it was discovered she had two lots and the water bill was only reported from one lot. Locals had long wondered how she kept a koi pond and watered the yard every day and still managed to cut her water usage and pay a lower bill than most apartments. It turned out she was one of the city’s biggest water hogs, but of course it was all neatly swept under the proverbial rug, with her being a leftie and all.

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Unions and Government

If the lefties ramming more unions down our collective throats by any means necessary does not scare you, you are simply not paying attention.

First the lefties begin by forcing workplaces to have union votes open, not a secret ballot. This allows union thugs to force workers to vote pro union, and it goes against every single nuance of voting that calls for being able to vote your conscience in secret without worrying about being harassed.

Now they say if the unions can’t come to an agreement with the company on a contract, a government agent will step in and arbitrarily impose a two year contract.

With the recent history of anti-business displayed by PBO and the Lefties, what chance do you think that any company will get a fair shake by a government goon?

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Do We Get Nine Months To Kill This Nomination?

This one is for HHS, to replace Tom “what taxes?” Daschle, and it’s Kansas Gov Kathleen Sebelius. Gov Sebelius is about as pro abortion as one can get. Kansas has some of the most lax abortion laws around. Teenage girls, as well as preteens, flock to Kansas to get abortion on demand. Kansas, under Gov Sebelius, will allow a 13 year old girl to cross state lines and abort her baby without parental notification.

Remember that.

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Another Problem With a Nominee?

Seems that PBO has a new nomination, this time Adolfo Carrion as the Director of Urban Affairs, or as Neal Boortz has named him, the Czar of Hip Hop.

Here’s the big surprise part – the nominee comes with baggage. Specifically, there are accusations of accepting money from people with funding requests before him while he was ‘serving’ the people of NYC. There are records of large campaign contributions either just before or just after this guy approved zoning projects that helped those who contributed to his campaign war chest.

What a shock. Did you ever wonder why PBO keeps nominating people who are shady? Perhaps if you think about his political background, you’ll realize they seem completely normal to him.

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Today's Mainstream Media Bias Lesson

Chris Matthews tries to explain his unadulterated bias. This is the goober who could be heard muttering, “Oh God” when Gov Jindal was preparing to give the Republican response to the Obama Great Giveaway speech.

In related media bias news, CBS called Jindal a “Debbie Downer” for not kissing PBO’s feet.

Try to think of one person they ever criticized for opposing Bush. Just one.

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