Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If I wear a meat outfit, will I get some media attention in order to speak on politics?

So, who are lefties listening to now for their political advice?

None other than lady gag-gag, or whatever she decides to call her goofy self lately.

Keep on listening to pundits like that, lefties. Entertainers are such knowledgable creatures when it comes to actual life, and they never let their emotions get in the way of logic.

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Three ex Presidents walk into a bar

Jimmy Carter has found yet another calling. Now he has decided to become a comedian.

At least that is the only explanation I can come up with for his latest statements, wherein he declared his post-presidency to be "superior to that of other presidents."

Hope he doesn't hurt his arm while patting himself on the back. Of course, that's the only pat on the back he'll get, as he is almost universally recognized as having been one of the worst presidents in history, and his time since has been one wacko-filled statement after another.

More humor from the stand up guy from Plains - ""The Carter Center has decided, under my leadership, to fill the vacuums in the world. When the United States won't deal with troubled areas, we go there and we meet their leaders who can bring an end to a conflict, or an end to human rights abuse, and so forth. So I feel that [I] have an advantage over many other former presidents in being involved in daily affairs that have shaped the policies of our nation and the world."

Got that? The Carter Center, under his leadership, decides when the entire rest of the country is wrong in foreign affairs, and they swoop in like Superman (or maybe Underdog...or Super Chicken) to end human rights abuses and make the world a safer place.

Gosh, that's almost as good as Obama claiming that his ascendency to the throne...errr, presidency...would cause flooding waters to subside and the world to begin healing itself.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

I'd like to see that yardstick used on some politicians

Good article by Peggy Noonan on the Tea Party.

Noonan uses a device commonly employed by Glenn Beck. Where Beck uses a number line, Noonan refers to it as a yardstick. It works just as well either way.

Start with a 36 inch yardstick. 0 is the liberal end and 36 is the conservative end. That keeps liberal on the left and conservative on the right. What gets the Tea Partiers going is that while Republicans might be to the right of liberals, but they have both been on the left side of the ruler for some time. When liberals start at 0, Republicans start at 12, and the compromising always ends up between the two, still well on the liberal side of the equation. This analogy explains spending went up even with Bush in office.

People have seen the light. It’s time for spending cuts, not debating on the size of the spending increase. After all, arguing over too much of a bad thing and just a little of a bad thing still means you wind up with a bad thing no matter what.

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He's the guy the "mainstream" media won't tell you about

Who is the Science and Technology czar John Holdren?

He’s the guy who wrote in a book over 30 years ago that the US should be “de-developed” by diverting “frivolous and wasteful” resources to “fill the genuine needs of underdeveloped countries.”

He’s the guy who repeated these ideas recently on talk shows and said he would use any means to get there, including the “free market economy.”

He’s the guy who wrote, “Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided for every human being.”

He’s the guy who hates the idea of what America is, and wants to drag us down to make us even with third world countries.

Just thought you ought to know.

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Maybe it looks like Algore or Hillary

Wonderful article. If Obama’s 19 months has been a success, what does failure look like?

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And the liberal elites think we are the stupid ones

Health care insurers are raising rates due to Obamacare and the White House is confuzzled.


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We're also too stupid to understand tax raises are good for us

Victor Davis Hanson has it down perfectly. The elites from the progressive movement know that the only reason that we don’t worship at the altar of Obama is that we are ignorant boobs incapable of understanding his mightiness.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Leftie hypocrisy is a redundant phrase

Harry Reid arrives at a global warming conference disguised as a clean energy summit...in a fleet of good old gas-guzzling SUV's.

Could have been worse. He could have parked all the SUV's at Algore's gargantuan energy-sucking mansion and flew in by borrowing the plane that Obama uses for his dog.

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At least he's investigating something

Eric Holder’s DOJ is investigating “hate crimes” against Muslims.

Yeah, better that than looking into crazy accusations of voter intimidation by Black Panthers.

Or hate crimes against Christians.

Or “beat whitey” night.

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We have met the enemy and it is us

Do you still doubt that the American system of free enterprise is under attack by the government?

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11. We didn't have to listen to "hope and change" every five minutes

Victor Davis Hanson gives us this hilarious item in the NY Post on why we miss Bush (the President, not the cheating running back).

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So why doesn't every winner turn in their Heisman?

Reggie Bush has come up with a unique way to answer questions about his giving up his Heisman trophy before the committee could vote on taking it away from him.

He says it's out of respect, and it does not represent an admission of guilt.

Southern Cal has already been put on probation because of Bush's guilt. They may yet be forced to give up a national title (as should be). It was almost a foregone conclusion that the committee was going to strike Bush from the list of winners and demand their trophy be returned. Reggie just beat them to the punch, and now he gets to claim it was out of "respect."


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Thursday, September 16, 2010

If I were smarter, I would call that a conundrum.

George Packer writes a long boring article that can be summed up thusly: If you are not a leftie, you’re too stupid to know better. This train of thought, if it can be described as such, is becoming the mantra of the progressives in an ever-increasing cycle of narcissism. The more they lose, the stronger their insistence that their opponents are just idiots.

I won’t bore you with the entire article, and I would not recommend it if you are driving or doing any activity where you should not be sleeping. However, I want to point out one particular section.

“This is why Obama seems less and less able to speak to and for our times. He’s the voice of reason incarnate, and maybe he’s too sane to be heard in either Jalalabad or Georgia.”

Ahhhh…that’s why Obama no longer instills awe with the dumb masses. He’s too sane (read: we are too insane). He’s just too smart for us hillbilly types who can’t grasp complete governmental control of our lives and our money.

The question does occur to me, however, that if those who oppose Obama are simply too stupid to understand things, who exactly is Packer addressing in this article? He can’t be trying to convince lefties – that would consist of preaching to the choir, to coin a phrase preferred by us hillbilly nonsensical stupid types. He surely can’t be trying to convince us that we are stupid, because his described depth of our stupidity would prevent us from comprehending what he is saying.

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I would guess it's okay as long as the tenants are filthy non believers

Wonder what the Koran says about being a slumlord?

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And trashing on the feelings of those affected by 9/11 is being sensitive

A Democrat congressman from MN claims that if you are opposed to the Ground Zero Victory Mosque, you are a religious bigot, “nothing more, nothing less.”

He also denies that the families of those who died on 9/11 are involved. Nope, just bigots.

Classic Newspeak. Up is down, right is wrong, logic is bigotry.

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Maybe TOTUS watched the rally

Hmm, for claiming to not get Glenn Beck as well as claiming to have not even watched the Restoring Honor Rally, BHO sure had a lot of comments about Beck and the rally.

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The administration about nothing

Hilarious comparison of Obama and George Costanza from the Seinfeld show by James Taranto.

Here are the first two paragraphs.

“Reader Daniel Loomis sends along his capsule summary of "The Summer of George," the eighth-season finale of "Seinfeld," which aired May 15, 1997: "George uses his severance from the Yankees to stimulate the perfect summer--the 'Summer of George'--but spends it playing frolf (frisbee golf), watching 'The White Shadow,' 'investing' in a recliner with a built-in refrigerator, taking midmorning naps, banging his head on tables, and having insignificant telephone conversations. Eventually, he ends up in the hospital having to relearn to walk."

“And here is Loomis's capsule summary of "The Summer of Recovery," the finale of the first full season of "Obama," a midseason replacement that premiered to hype and high ratings but is now struggling and may face cancellation: "Barack uses his trillion dollar stimulus to create the best summer ever--the 'Recovery Summer'--but wastes hundreds of billions on things like studies on how cocaine affects monkeys, investigating the link between yoga and hot flashes, bus-stop art, international ant research, and an upgrade to the statehouse and political offices in Topeka, Kan. Eventually, the economy ends up barely ambulatory."”

Spot on.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Proof that Arianna would not know logic if it slapped her in the face

George Will is not only extremely smart, but is also adept at putting things in a way that is completely understandable by all but the densest of people.

Makes you wonder, then, why Arianna Huffington could not see the total logic of Will's words when she foolishly went against him on the air.

"WILL: We started arguing about the tax cut. The president says we can't afford the tax cuts for the wealthy because that would add $700 billion to the deficit over ten years. Which is to say over ten years it would add less to the deficit than Obama added with the stimulus in one year. "


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Boortz nails it

Neal Boortz writes this on his website today.

"The Community Organizer is demanding these tax increase on these evil wealthy people for one reason .. and one reason only. Barack Obama has a deep-seated hatred of wealth inequality. He feels it is wrong for one person to have significantly more than another. That's why he preached the idea of income redistribution to Joe the Plumber. That's why he said that capital gains taxes had to be increased, even though it would mean less revenue, because of "fairness." That's why he said that at some point we have to recognize that some people have "just made enough money." To Obama it doesn't matter what effect tax cuts would have on the economy or on the jobs picture. Those people just shouldn't have that much money, period. The government will simply take the money and then the government can spend it for job creation and everything will be OK."

That is all exactly correct. However, I would add one small caveat to his statements.

"Barack Obama has a deep-seated hatred of wealth inequality"...unless that inequality belongs to either himself or one of his crony friends.

"He feels it is wrong for one person to have significantly more than another"...unless that person is himself or one of his crony friends.

"That's why he said that at some point we have to recognize that some people have "just made enough money"...unless that person is himself or one of his crony friends.

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Not to mention she got their intelligence when it comes to making private things public

John McCain’s daughter (who has achieved her fame in the same manner as Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian) has written a book about politics and sex where she reveals she is a common criminal.

She admits to stealing Romney signs during the primary campaign. She goes further to declare that the people who caught her and took her to task for breaking the law are “lame.”

What a buffoon. She’s evidently got the hubris of Hilton and Kardashian as well.

PS – speaking of Hilton, don’t you love that her claims that she borrowed the purse with gum, I mean cocaine, was completely shot down by the pictures she tweeted of her new bag of which she was so proud?

Who says being a celebrity junkie is a bad thing? (I would have said celebrity slut, but too many people would take that the wrong way with regards to Paris...and Kim as well)

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How would that fit in their agenda?

CNN continues the myth of Islamophobia.

Yet, if they could only read, they’d know that there are more hate crimes against Christians than Muslims.

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Media bias example # ....I lost count

Chris Matthews has abandoned any semblance of being even remotely anything other than completely prejudiced.

On his show, he tells a Progressive Liberal Democrat that he hopes “your party gets organized up there” and “win this thing!”

Yep, no media bias here. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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Let's not forget all the civic improvements in France, Poland, etc

A history teacher in France has been suspended for not being neutral enough when teaching her students about the Holocaust.

I guess the teacher, who is Jewish, should allot more time for showing Hitler’s nice side. Maybe some pictures of the SS taking dips in a pool and sunbathing, or a slideshow of the Luftwaffe air-dropping ice cream and party favors on London.

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The beat is no good and you can't dance to it

This is a great story about how Obama does not understand the role of the President and thinks he should be in constant campaign mode. It stands to reason that a community organizer who has never held a real job and has never worked in the private sector would think he’s still campaigning…it’s all he’s done for the last 7 or 8 years.

The best line in the Weekly Standard article is the explanation on why the administration continues to blame Bush for everything. “Blame is like classic rock for this administration – they like it so much they never stop playing it.”

I would say it's closer to muzak. It's mindless and it will lull you to sleep.

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You'd understand this if you weren't too stupid

For a long time, I (along with many many others) have pointed out the fact that lefties think that only they have the superior intellect to "rule" over the masses, and that the masses are so stupid as to need saving from themselves. This is a huge reason why it's almost impossible to debate a leftie - disagree with them and they will snidely dismiss you as not being able to comprehend the big picture.

This is a fascinating read by James Taranto on oikophobia. In it, he goes to great lengths to illustrate that liberals believe that majority of Americans are too stupid to understand higher ideals, and thus must be ruled over by the cultural elite.

This train of thought explains the seething hatred of anything Palin, the disdain for Tea Partiers, the complete dismissal of any objections to Obamacare, the Ground Zero Victory Mosque, class warfare, or any of a number of leftie ideals.

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Oops my bad, NYC racism edition

Rudy Giuliani asked people to vote for a white man running for a NY state senate seat by proclaiming that he looks "more like us." Mainstream media outlets made this the top news story of the day, with spokespeople from the White House, major administration departments, and congressional leaders from both houses expressing outrage and disbelief that a major political figure could utter such a racist remark. Outraged calls for immediate retraction and apologies flooded the offices of Giuliani. Pundits from all major news outlets were unanimous in condemning the comments.

Oops, my bad.

It was actually former mayor David Dinkins who uttered the words, in support of a white man's opponent for the state senate seat. And we are STILL waiting for the condemnations to begin...from anywhere...(insert cricket sounds here).

There's obviously no racist intent in Dinkins' words. There's nothing to see here. Move along.

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Don't tell us, tell them

Obama held an actual press conference today, instead of just addressing us from his pulpit (or throne), wherein he said that the enemy is Al Qaeda, not Islam.

Great. But we are not the ones you need to be saying that to. Tell the Muslims that. Especially the ones who burn US flags and shout about how evil we are.

Tell Islamic Rage Boy.

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I want to be nap czar

Okay, this is not a joke. Nor is it satire.

America now has an Asian Carp Czar.

Let the celebration begin.

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I wonder if they had to pay any of them?

How do you get a full house at a community college auditorium for a speech by the leader of the free world, the President of the United States?

Well, if it’s Obama, you need to go around begging students to stop doing homework in order to fill empty seats.

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This is one reason I love baseball

This is the tale of two catchers who have spent 14 years in the minor leagues trying to make it to the big show.

Neither speaks English as their main language. One is from Venezuela and the other is French Canadian. One played 976 games before the call up and the other played 978. Both are catchers. They were both called up to the major leagues on the same day, September 1st.

What a great feel-good story for both of these young men.

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Is it just me, or is Crist beginning to look more and more like John Kerry?

Charlie Crist is doing everything in his power to look just like a Democrat, including waffling on topics such as obamacare. According to Crist, he would have voted for obamacare, except that later he explains he would have voted against it.

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Hypocrisy alive and well in congress

Charlie "you can't call me a crook because that would be racist" Rangel attacks the president in 2005, then says it’s wrong to attack president in 2010 because the “enemies of democracy are listening”.

Tip of the hat to Best of Web Today.

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Next they'll have Abe Vigoda and Betty White discussing problems faced by today's teenagers

So, NBC decides to have a panel to discuss the Restoring Honor Rally coordinated by Glenn Beck.
Who did they invite to be on the panel to "objectively" discuss the Rally?

Al Sharpton and the NAACP President, Ben Jealous.

Sounds like a completely objective review took place, doesn’t it? Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), most of America will not know, because the vast majority of America no longer watches the Anti-Conservative, America-Bashing, Leftist-Leaning, Progressive-Supporting, Liberal-Biased Mainstream Media, otherwise known as, “Hey, Who Are Those Guys?”

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The good guys lose again

Muslims announce a plan to build a mosque/community center/hummus bar very close to the site where radical Islamic terrorists attacked and killed thousands of Americans. So close, in fact, that part of the plane they used in the attack hit the building they are replacing.

Millions of Americans are outraged, as it is a Muslim tradition to build a "victory mosque" on the site of your greatest conquests. Obama and other progressives come to the defense of Muslims, saying it's their "right" to build wherever they want while completely ignoring the fact it's a slap in the face of Americans everywhere.

A small church in central Florida announces they will burn korans on the anniversary of the worst attack on American soil (you know, the one by Islamic terrorists).

Obama and his buddy progressives attack the church and pastor, calling them all sorts of names and demanding they stop their plans. Additional opposition comes from the Vatican, several other countries and leaders, and lots of other sources.

Muslims call for attacks on Americans, shouting death threats while burning US flags...all before the church strikes their first match. The same media who have said they will not show the church burning korans gleefully report on flag burning by Muslims.

Now for the calls from the Vatican, other countries, and even the Democrats for Muslims to stop burning flags...(insert crickets chirping here). I read an interesting comment on a forum yesterday that stated how strange it is that a small church in Florida can be more important to the world than all of the Muslims combined.

The pastor backs down, saying they have shown the Muslims in their true form.

Meanwhile, the rhetoric from Islamic radicals does not subside. I fully expect it to increase over the next few days, as they will be emboldened by yet another apparent victory.

Once again, the good guys lose out while the evil villains win.

Don't take "the good guys" to mean the church. I've already gone on record as stating it was wrong of them to plan on the koran burning. By good guys, I mean freedom loving Americans. By villains I mean radical Islamic terrorists and those who, for whatever reasons, wish ill for this country.

Now other churches are announcing plans to burn korans (here and here).

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Thursday, September 09, 2010

It's a good thing he was not picked up in Arizona, they might have violated his rights

This man is an illegal alien.

Along with a lot of his illegal buddies, he has two prior convictions for DUI, for which his license was revoked.

He was in the custody of ICE who turned him loose, along with a half million of his closest buddies.

He got drunk, went driving, hit a car head-on, leaving one nun dead and two others seriously injured.

He will soon be a convicted felon.

Not to worry, Carlos, Eric Holder and Barrack Obama are in your corner and will soon have this little mess tidied right up. I am sure they'll have you back on the streets before November 2nd. Don't forget your voter registration card. Heck, fill out five or six, and take some for your pets and houseplants.

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Ministry of Truth is not that far off

How do you get better labor numbers than you had hoped for?

Simple. You just make up the numbers.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Shades of Winston Smith.

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Daily poll of how many idiots are left

Rasmussen has come out with their daily presidential tracking poll.

The most shocking news of the latest poll is that there is STILL 41% of the country that actually approves of the way BHO has gone about attempting the systematic destruction of the American economy and system of free enterprise.

That's still a lot of koolade, even when you take into account that at least 30% comes from complete idiots such as progressives, communists, anarchists, and people who are so blinded by one cause (such as environmentalism) as to be willing to trade the country for it. Even subtracting those who deliberately want the country ruined, and you still have a good chunk of people who are blind to the last 19 months.

Of course, the good news is that 58% of the country disapproves of BHO's actions, with 47% strongly disapproving. That's more than the entire number of approvals.

Gives me hope for some change.

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Maybe they are showing solidarity with those who cut off the heads of Americans

The city council in Hartford CT has announced they will ask for imams to begin each council session with Muslim prayers as “an act of solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters.”

I assume they mean the brothers who flew the planes into the World Trade towers, or have blown themselves up along with thousands of innocents.

I assume they mean the sisters who have been stoned to death for loving the wrong person, or not wearing their clothes just right, or for being mistaken for someone else who did not. Or maybe they meant the women who have had their noses cut off by their husbands because they ran away rather than face more beatings.

Could the goobers on the city council look any dumber?

UPDATE - It looks like the city council may be rethinking their plan.

They still look like goobers.

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Keep your hope and change

So, Obama has decided the best way to try and salvage something from November's elections is to come out with the tired rehash known as "Republicans bad, progressives good" otherwise known as "wahhh, wahhh, it's Bush's fault." Hey, if your record (when you finally have one) does not work, just go back into campaign mode.

Here's some hope and change for you - Obama has added more to the national debt than Washington through Reagan...combined. That's right. Add up every dime of debt from the administrations of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. This covers 50 terms, 200 years, the Great Depression, two World Wars, a Civil War, many other wars and police actions, several recessions, and untold other things. Add up all that debt, and you STILL come up with less than Obama has saddled on your children's backs...in just 19 months.

Of course Obama had the help of his willing accomplices, notably San Fran Nan and Harry "I had nothing to do with the bad economy" Reid, along with all other leftist progressives.

And now, Obama wants us to vote for progressives disguised as Democrats in November because we should be "willing again to choose hope over fear, to choose the future over the past, to come together once more around the great project of national renewal, then we will restore our economy, rebuild our middle class and reclaim the American dream for the next generation."

He thinks that the American public is stupid enough to just ignore the last 19 months and go back to blindly drinking the hope-n-change koolade again. He thinks that by just repeating what he said while running for president as an almost-complete unknown, that voters will ignore what they've seen with their own eyes for the last year and a half.

God, I hope he's wrong.

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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Maybe he was auditioning for Don't Forget The Lyrics

Many of us thought “they talk about me like a dog” was a strange line, and now we find out it is a direct quote from a Jimi Hendrix song. Obama plagiarized his off-the-cuff teleprompter-less remark…say it ain’t so.

I guess it's a good thing he did not plagarize Sir Mix-a-lot.

Hat tip to Michelle Malkin.

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Reid has a Bart Simpson moment

Harry Reid says he “had nothing to do with” the bad economy.

I guess he had nothing to do with the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae debacle that led to the economic problems that led to the Stimulus debacle. Oh, and I guess he did nothing during the stimulus package debate/vote. Likewise I assume he did absolutely nothing while Obamacare was passed. Same for all the other power-grabbing moves by the elitist government. We need to accept that Reid sat by while the other senators passed spending bills amounting to trillions that we don’t have.

In that case, isn’t Reid admitting that he has not done his job? Isn’t that one of the best cases for tossing him out on his ear? Shouldn’t he be replaced with someone who will actually do something?

I know if I do nothing at my job, I’m gone. So, Harry, we’ll take you at your word, and gladly fire you come November for admitting that you are incapable of performing your duties.

Thanks for being upfront about being useless.

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Maybe we can pay for some pro Hugo ads in Venezuela, too

Taxpayers are footing the bill for pro Palestinian billboards in Israel.

How's that hope and change working for you?

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She did not know it was illegal to use your position to grant favors to your family

The black congresswoman’s illegal largesse to her family and friends now amounts to 23 scholarships improperly handed out (at last count).

The congresswoman, who is the former head of the scholarship committee, claims she was not aware of the nepotism rule.

She's either incompetent by reason of stupidity, or evil by reason of intentionally misapproprating funds and then deliberately trying to avoid prosectution by lying.

Which is it, Eddie Bernice?

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They are also pictured under the definition of "lapdog"

The overwhelmingly white media are pictured in the dictionary beside the definition of “hypocrisy” after reporting on the Restoring Honor Rally.

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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Weighing in on the Quran burning

Let me get this in before it happens.

I am against burning the Quran.

I don't like fanatical Islamists. I don't like how a great many Islamists approve of terrorists and refuse to condemn them. I don't think Islam is a particularly peaceful religion, rather it is based on overcoming enemies by force - deadly if necessary.

That does not excuse the act of burning their holy book. It's wrong.

Just as I expect Muslims to step forward and condemn terrorists who kill innocent people by bombing, beheading, jihad, or whatever, then I must also step forward and condemn this non-violent act.

There are other ways to express opposition to terrorism than endangering the lives of American servicemembers.

There. I've gone on record, as have millions of Christians, in opposing Quran burning.

Now we await for any Muslims to step forward and condemn terrorism.

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Do you know who is in bed with Obama?

How much do you know about Richard Trumka, the AFL-CIO head thug who was buddy-buddy with Obama on Labor Day? Are you scared of big labor? You should be.

You may want to read what Michelle Malkin has to say about this punk. Anyone who thinks Obama is not aware of his past is either an idiot or a liar.

Here are some quotes from the article.

Trumka warmed up his rhetorical muscles this past week with full-frontal attacks on former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. He indignantly accused her of “getting close to calling for violence” and suggested that her criticism of Tea Party-bashing labor bosses amounted to “terrorizing” workers.”

This is the same Trumka who Malkin writes about later.

“Meet Eddie York. He was a workingman whose story will never scroll across Obama’s teleprompter. A nonunion contractor who operated heavy equipment, York was shot to death during a strike called by the United Mine Workers 17 years ago. Workmates who tried to come to his rescue were beaten in an ensuing melee. The head of the UMW spearheading the wave of strikes at that time? Richard Trumka. Responding to concerns about violence, he shrugged to the Virginian-Pilot in September 1993: “I’m saying if you strike a match and you put your finger in it, you’re likely to get burned.” Incendiary rhetoric, anyone?

A federal jury convicted one of Trumka’s UMW captains on conspiracy and weapons charges in York’s death. According to the Washington, D.C.-based National Legal and Policy Center, which tracks Big Labor abuse, Trumka’s legal team quickly settled a $27 million wrongful death suit filed by York’s widow just days after a judge admitted evidence in the criminal trial. An investigative report by Reader’s Digest disclosed that Trumka “did not publicly discipline or reprimand a single striker present when York was killed. In fact, all eight were helped out financially by the local.”

In Illinois, Trumka told UMW members to “kick the s**t out of every last” worker who crossed his picket lines, according to the Nashville (Ill.) News. And as the National Right to Work Foundation (pdf), the leading anti-forced unionism organization in the country, pointed out, other UMW coalfield strikes resulted in what one judge determined were “violent activities … organized, orchestrated and encouraged by the leadership of this union.””

The emphasis is mine, designed to draw your attention to the scary facts about this union thug who is bff’s with BHO. They celebrated Labor Day together, touting big labor (just another nail in the coffin of the private sector, don’t cha know).

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More hate crimes against Christians than Muslims

Surprise! FBI data shows that there have been more hate crimes committed against Christians than against Muslims.

Darn! Lefties just hate when facts and truths get in the way of a good emotional argument.

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Oops my bad, homeless edition

Homelessness rose 50% during in one year during the Bush administration, and the headlines lasted for weeks. Pit bull journalists dug relentlessly for reasons why the administration would be so uncaring as to allow such a dramatic rise in the numbers of homeless. Calls for accountability were rampant as the media sought to find those responsible for the crisis.

Oops, my bad.

The rise occurred over the past year, while some guy who attended muslim school as a child has resided in the White House, and the silence from his lapdogs in the lamestream media has been deafening.

It's been over two weeks since Fox reported this. Have you heard a peep from any of the goobers at NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, or any of the other pseudonetworks? Didn't think so.

Move along, there's nothing to see here.

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Reeducation camps coming to a site near you

Sec of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius can not comprehend that people who oppose Obamacare might actually know it, understand it, and still oppose it.

She thinks the answer to people opposing Obamacare is some good old-fashioned progressive re-education.

Makes me want to get in a pickup and drive for the hills while shouting "Wolverines!"

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Lefties to USA - get over 9/11

Progressives and their liberal lapdog media have been telling Americans to just get over 9/11 (and yet they are still 'celebrating' Katrina).

Makes you wonder what would happen if the KKK announced plans to build a community center across from the MLK Memorial. Or, what if the Westboro Baptist Church (I know, they are "Baptist" and a "church" in name only) announced plans to build a community center in downtown San Francisco?

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Friday, September 03, 2010

Who watches the Watchmen?

Oooh, we are scared. The progressive liberals are going to “monitor” Tea Party functions for examples of “racism” and embarrassing moments that they will post online at a website.

The funniest thing about this is the fact that almost every picture they are going to post will be of liberal plants trying to pretend to be outrageous Tea Partiers.

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Kettle to pot: Have you looked in the mirror?

There are those who are critical of expenditures at the National Institute of Health for things like teaching cocaine addicts to meditate or studying hookah smokers.

Joe Biden says those people are too ignorant to grasp science.

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They're probably watching Burn Notice

CBS News hit an all time low in viewers.

Gee, maybe they need to move even further to the left...

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Thursday, September 02, 2010

Another reason I won't live up north

The Governor of Massachusetts regrets that we have freedom of speech.

What a sad commentary.

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Well, it's one of the reasons

This is why I love Ann Coulter.

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Oops my bad - State Fair edition

A gang of white thugs roamed the fairgrounds, openly claiming it was “beat darkie” night. Several black people were attacked by the white crowd, and some were severely hurt.

A black State Representative was quoted as saying that there is not enough information to call this racially motivated. He has also said that there are some areas of town where blacks just should not go.

Oops. My bad.

It was black thugs roaming the Iowa State Fairgrounds. It was black thugs loudly proclaiming it was "beat whitey" night as they attacked white people savagely. It was, however, a black state representative who doesn't have enough info to decide if the attacks were racially motivated.

I hope he has someone to help him dress because he's a functional idiot (I'm taking him at his word).

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That explains the same sex marriage law

A man in Boston was arrested for taking off a woman's shoe at a bus stop and licking her feet. He was charged with Annoying a Person of the Opposite Sex.

In other words, Massachusetts feels it would have been okay if he had licked another man's foot.

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Too stupid to even wrap fish in it

Most of the time, the NY Times is not fit to read. This recent opinion piece, however, stands out in its stupidity. The editorial is about the Justice Department not bringing charges against Tom DeLay

Sample this from the piece.

"But many of Mr. DeLay’s actions remain legal only because lawmakers have chosen not to criminalize them."

You got that? The only reason DeLay got off without being prosecuted was a tiny technicality, according to the NY Times, that the "offenses" weren't actually against the law.

I guess the Times figured that should never stop a Republican from being charged.

I wonder how they feel about Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, and the rest of the criminal rabble on the other side of the aisle?

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