Thursday, August 27, 2009

Being politically correct makes people do really stupid things

The CDC is considering “promoting” circumcision for all males as a way to lower the spread of HIV.

How about not having sex with so many people, especially gay sex, or not sharing needles, as a way to cut down the spread of HIV? You know, not doing some of the actual things that spread HIV?

Nooooooo. That would not be PC to even suggest that.

Then how about this? Consider a tax on those who voluntarily do the actions that contribute to spreading of HIV. How is that different from considering a tax on fast food by reason of overweight people causing a drain on the health care system?

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My heart’s broken

Alec Baldwin has decided not to move to Connecticut and run for the Senate against Joe Lieberman.

Lieberman had responded to Baldwin’s musing about running against him by saying, “Make my day.” I do respect that man and his sense of humor.

Of course, Baldwin never moved to another country as he promised he would after Bush won.

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Remember the words of Rahm Emanuel who said, "why waste a good crisis"

Try to keep your blood pressure down as you read how Obama plans on sullying the memory of 9/11 by turning it into a national day of governmental service.

Yep, making people work for the Socialist Network and Big Obama Brother is surely a great way to memorialize those innocents who were slaughtered by Islamic fanatical terrorists.

First, stop calling them terrorists. Second, stop calling it a war on terror. Third, try to make people forget the slaughter. Looks like the plan is coming together.

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Real astroturfers revealed

Here is more evidence of the truly fake protest movement, which is being orchestrated by union thugs and other lefties, to counter the true movement. It's the opposition to the government run health care that is the true grass roots campaign. That's been proven at every meeting, despite the lies from the media lapdogs and leftie celebrities.

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Astroturfing run amok

Lefties tried to organize astroturf protests for a meeting in Washington and the meeting was cancelled over safety concerns.

Why? Because the meeting wasn’t even about health care. It was about the Mt. St. Helens volcano monument.

Hey, astroturfers! Get it together, people!

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Latest name to add to the list

Lefties have come up with yet another attack name to hang on the protesters that they cannot intelligently debate.

David Letterman says that health care protesters are the Taliban.

I guess that’s why I don’t miss anything when I don’t watch him.

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Mainstream media bias proven beyond a shadow of a doubt (again)

MSNBC makes one of the dumbest excuses in journalistic history to explain their story covering a black man carrying a rifle to an Obamacare rally and trumpeting how “white people are showing up with guns strapped to their waist or their legs.”

It smacks of the Dan Rather National Guard story. Combined with the media completely pushing the Obama/Hitler posters as a Republican thing and ignoring the Lyndon LaRouche connection, the media has once again shown they are nothing more than leftie shills.

There is no more doubt, no more conversation on the matter. Anyone who denies liberal media bias is either not paying attention, totally ignorant of current events, or simply lying.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

There's more than one reason I don't live in Sweden

According to a survey, contracting sexual diseases makes men in Sweden feel more manly.

In other news from Sweden, a 62 year old man was convicted of 9 counts of child rape, two counts of rape, one count of sexual harassment, 7 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, and child sex abuse. The cases involved 8 girls ranging from age 11 to 16. The pedophile was sentenced to only 7 years in prison.

Wait, it gets worse.

An appeals court overturned two of the child rape charges, and the one sexual harassment charge, leaving all the rest, and cut his sentence to 5 years.

They also cut his victim compensation in half, to less than $38,000.

Hey, if you want to catch STD's, Sweden's the place to live. It's also a great place to be a pedophile. Less than one year in prison per child.

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Maybe it's got something to do with Obama telling vacationers to stay away from Las Vegas, or maybe it's just because Reid's a goober

The is the best news to come out of Nevada in some time – Harry Reid is facing a serious challenge in his senate race.

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I guess that Commander In Chief thing is harder than it looks

Evidently, Obama is not handling the situation in Afghanistan very well with respect to troop deployment.

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Will the press sing "I Hate Myself For Loving You" or "I Will Survive"?

Chris Stirewalt writes an article in the Washington Examiner on the breakup of the love affair between the media and Obama.

This could get ugly.

I wonder if Chris Matthew's leg will stop tingling?

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Someone check her meds

Maxine Waters is living in a fantasy world.

Ms. Waters says that Obama should stop being a nice guy trying to “reach across the aisle” to compromise with Republicans.

It’s so sad to see that a member of congress can’t even keep up with the news, and so out of touch with reality.

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Oops, my bad, Social Security edition

Republicans said there would be no cost of living adjustment in social security checks next year, for the first time since the mid 70’s. They said it would not happen for the next two years. Protests were extremely loud as the networks led every night all week with the story, showing videos of older citizens who they described as people would would wind up eating dog food or dying because of the “draconian” cuts by the evil Republicans. The President was savaged on TV and in print by every journalist around, as well as every comedian, hollywood celebrity, and anyone else who could find a microphone.

Oops, my bad.

This announcement came under the Obama administration, with Democrats in control of both houses.

Funny how the silence is deafening.

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If paying taxes is patriotic, then people who pay nothing but get money back are...?

The Wall St Journal on the high cost of liberalism.

If paying taxes is patriotic, as Joe Biden told us, then we are about to enter one of the most patriotic times in our history.

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Isn't this sort of like some guy in a softball league saying Derek Jeter doesn't have the credentials to play?

Dave Zirin is the "sports editor" for The Nation Magazine, an extremist leftie publication funded by rich liberals, that coincidentally has never had a sports editor in 150 years but now has found one who will mention sports while he bashes conservatives.

During a discussion on college football, this little-known sports writer interjected a blast at Sarah Palin by claiming she never graduated college.

Here and here and here and here is proof that Sarah indeed has a degree. In fact, it's a Bachelor's in Journalism.

And yet I can find no evidence that Zirin has so much as an Associate's in Journalism, basket weaving, or anything else for that matter.

Jealous much, Dave? Sounds like a bonafide case of Palin Derangement Syndrome to me.

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Death of a Kennedy

Ted Kennedy has lost his battle with brain cancer.

I recognize there are a lot of people who respected and admired him. In deference to them, and to Kennedy's family, I will not write anything else about him today. I will not gloat, or make jokes, or do any of the other crass things that a lot of lefties did when Reagan died. I think it shows a lack of class to do so.

I disagreed with almost all of his policies, but today is not a day to discuss that, or to bring up the past.

RIP Ted Kennedy.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This is not what they mean by colorblind

MSNBC highlights the black man who carried a rifle to an Obama speech last week as a racial thing, by saying white men carrying guns. They do alter the video just a bit in order to not show that the man is black, however.

The black man has been quoted as saying he was exercising his second amendment rights.

Now he’s a racist according to MSNBC, who also calls him white.

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Gee, a rich liberal who wants laws changed at will to benefit him - what a shock

Democrats in Massachusetts passed a law preventing the governor from appointing a successor if a US senator leaves office. This was passed when John Kerry was running for president and might leave his Senate seat. The governor at the time was a Republican.

Now Ted “Chappaquiddick” Kennedy has written a letter to state lawmakers asking them to overturn that law, because he might not be able to continue serving. By the way, the current governor is a Democrat.

The ironic thing here is that NBC totally missed the connection. It was Kennedy who led the charge for the change originally.

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They can't talk about us talking about this after we've talked about it, it only confuses the matter

The NY Times keeps talking about cutting back on treatments for end of life patients, and then criticizes Republicans for saying Democrats are talking about it.

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An honest leftie - talk about your endangered species

The leader of Greenpeace admits his organization lies and distorts facts.

That’s probably the most truth we’ve ever gotten out of Greenpeace.

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It's their favorite pasttime

Good piece by Caroline Baum on how lefties play the blame game.

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I know it's not part of the Post Office, otherwise the cost of sending email would go up every six months

Jesse Jackson Jr says a public option for health care would keep the insurance companies honest, like the Post Office does for Fedex, UPS and DHL. He actually says because of the great job the post office/government does, that keeps UPS from charging $100 for an overnight letter.

I guess he has not heard of free enterprise, or the law of supply and demand, or capitalism, and how those things work to keep prices low, EXCEPT when government gets involved and throws things out of whack.

Of course, Jackson also says that email is part of the Post Office, so you have to take everything else the goober says with a huge grain of salt.

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Maybe she could do a show on TV hosts that get suckered out of other people's money

Here is a story of people who took the disaster that befell them from Katrina and turned it into a money making machine.

First they conned the government into paying them assistance way longer than they deserved. My goodness, they are STILL receiving taxpayer money??

Then, they conned Oprah into giving them interest free loans on nice homes built by Habitat for Humanity in Houston – three years ago – after which they continued stealing from taxpayers like you and me.

Now, they’ve been arrested for bilking the government out of tens of thousands of dollars. This is fraud, waste and abuse.

I wonder if Oprah or Barack will have anything to say about this.

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Oops, my bad, PR edition

I have not done one of these in awhile, so here goes.

A group of PR firms with close ties to several Republican politicians, including some who are very high on the food chain, have been found to be enjoying tremendous success financially by virtue of their political allies. The networks have sent their top reporters to uncover who is behind all of the money, and who exactly is benefitting.

Oops, my bad.

It’s President Obama and his top advisors who are tied to the PR firms, and the lapdogs are in hush hush mode.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Just in case you thought I did not read the comments

I had a comment from this post. The entire comment is posted below.

You are wrong. The "paid" event was always a meeting of the Lake Zurich Chamber of Commerce. It's a breakfast meeting, and they (not the Congresswoman) charge $25 admission. The money goes to the Chamber of Commerce, not to the Congresswoman.

Meanwhile, Rep. Donald Manzullo required people attending his "town hall" today to join a right-wing organization and make a payment. Where's your outrage over that?

Republicans are hypocrites. You have no integrity.

I posted it here because I wanted to reply out here, where everyone could see my response.

First, it actually was a paid event, so putting quotation marks around it does not lessen that fact.

Second, it was obvious from the reports in the link that it was a Chamber event. Michelle Malkin even provided screenshots of the announcement. Nobody tried to hide that fact. What was being highlighted was the fact that the announcement was promoted as a “Town Hall Breakfast” originally until word got out, then it was changed to a “Chamber Breakfast” with the congresswoman.

Third, I did not post about that alone, because of the fact that since it was the Chamber charging, and not Bean, I did not really think it was worth posting about. However, when the news then came out about her hastily called telephone town hall meeting, and all the trouble that people had trying to get to it, much less have their questions asked – well, THAT was post-worthy. And that was the main point of my post. I thought I had made that fairly obvious. So defending her by focusing solely on who actually charged for the breakfast meeting is a bit of misdirection.

So, I was not wrong. Apology accepted.

Next, you claim that Don Manzullo was requiring people to join a right wing organization and pay for attending the meeting. You ask where my “outrage” is concerning that. You finish by calling all Republicans hypocrites and you say I have no integrity.

I did a search for Manzullo, since I had not heard of any town hall meetings he has held, free or paid. Here is what I found.

Manzullo held two meetings on 8 August. There's no report of anyone being charged for them. Here is a letter to the editor about one of the meetings with no mention of a charge.

He held a meeting on 14 August, again with no mention of required payments.

He held a meeting on 19 August. Here is a report on it by Here is a newspaper report on it. Here it is being promoted by a local Aids organization. I don't think they are all Republican mouthpieces who would not mention a fee if there were one.

Now, he did speak at a business luncheon the same day as the town hall meeting on the 19th. I can find no mention of a fee, but it was always promoted as a business luncheon so even if there were a fee, it would not be out of bounds. Plus, there was a town hall meeting planned for later that same night, and it came fee-free.

In Friday's edition of the paper, this article appeared, with a sidebar note about yet another town hall meeting Manzullo is hosting tonight. It mentions free parking but still nothing about a required attendance fee.

Most of the articles mention that Manzullo's aides went through the crowd that could not fit in the auditorium, passing out his business cards that guaranteed them a seat at the next town hall meeting.

I'm sorry, but I can find nothing to indicate he charged for any town hall event. In fact, all the evidence only proves that he went out of his way to be accomodating and meet with everyone possible, in direct conflict with your claim.

As I said in my response to your comment – if you can provide proof that he charged for a town hall event, I’ll post it. Until then, I have no proof and can find no evidence to support your claim.

As to the Republicans are hypocrites remark…I am a Libertarian, so if you were aiming at me, you missed.

As to the lack of integrity comment, I think this post shows that to be an obvious lie and a personal attack (right out of Saul Alinsky’s playbook) made out of either ignorance or anger. This time, apology not accepted until you apologize in print.

You’re welcome for the information, Matt.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Why is there a near complete media blackout on these racial hate crimes

Have you heard about the racially tinged torture slayings that happened in California?

Of course you haven’t, because the murderers are black, and the victims were a white Marine and his black wife.

Of course you haven’t, because the black men spray-painted racial epithets on the wall, including “Nigger Lover.”

The victims were bound, gagged, tortured, raped, and shot in the head. Items were stolen from their home including his dress uniform, preventing his being buried in it.

Why would you hear about this? It’s not like it was a hate crime, or racially motivated, right?

Meanwhile, Michelle Malkin is keeping the heat turned up by being just about the only national media reporting on the trials for the black men accused of kidnapping, torturing, raping and killing of a young white couple in Tennessee.

Obviously not a hate crime. Right?

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Maybe they only see protesters if they are dressed nicely

Where are the media people worried about protesting? This group of protesters have taken to staking out someone’s home and harassing them around the clock, and yet the media won’t address their actions, much less critique their clothing choices.

They’re too busy with the town hall Nazis – see here and here and here and here and here.

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Did I misspeak by revealing that?

Did the White House misspeak when saying so many times that this person or that person misspoke?

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Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. Lie down with criminals, get up with politicians.

Doug Ross makes a most compelling case that involves Obama, Rezko, Valerie Jarrett, and poor people living in the slums owned by Rezko. He then asks the question, “And these failed, small-time bureaucrats want us to trust them to control 20% of the entire U.S. economy -- the whole American health care system?

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Bean in hot soup

It seems that congresswoman Melissa Bean took a beating for charging $25 admission to her town hall meeting, so they simply changed the name of the event.

Later, after having to change the name of the event, she decided to do a telephone town hall meeting. Of course, the details leaked out rather slowly, and people were not able to find out about it in time, others did not get called as they were supposed to in time, and yet others did get to listen in but were not able to ask any questions. They did not allow a lot of people to call in, saying only those who had asked prior to the announcement were on the list to be included.

In other words, they put up a ton of hurdles for everyone to have to jump over just to get to talk to their representative.

Typical leftie response.

You can read about all these details at Michelle Malkin's website.

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Want to tweet to God?

Here’s your chance.

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There you go

They have universal health care (otherwise known as government run health care) in the UK. Obama has used it as an example before to tout his Obamacare.

A woman in the UK was recently refused an ambulance when she went into labor and was forced to deliver her child on the sidewalk.

There you go.

Oh, and in government run health care news in Canada, they are considering cutting back on thousands of surgeries because they simply can’t afford the government run health care there.

There you go.

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Politics of personal destruction, leftie style

Andrew Breitbart is spot on in his analysis of the politics of personal destruction as practiced daily by lefties.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

I knew it was a Kucinich follower!

The creator of the Obama Joker poster has been revealed.

It is a 20 year old college student of Palestinian descent from Chicago who was a Dennis Kucinich supporter.

It turns out he did not put the caption “Socialism” on the bottom. In fact, he is quoted as saying that “doesn't make any sense to me at all, to accuse him of being a socialist is really ... immature. First of all, who said being a socialist is evil?"

So, for those of you who just knew it was the work of some evil conservative conspiracy…


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She's going to run out of people to protest against

Cindy Sheehan plans on traveling to Martha’s Vineyard to protest Obama leaving troops scattered around the globe.

At least Goober Cindy is an equal opportunity moonbat.

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Ask for reason and logic and you shall receive

The lefties claim they are open to reasoned, logical debates on health care.

Okay, here is a reasoned, logical refutation of Obama’s op-ed piece in the NY Times.

Let’s see what happens now. Will the doctor, if anyone on the left actually responds, be villified, personally attacked, and dragged through the slime, while being accused of being a Republican shill, nazi, terrorist, mobster, et al?

Only time will tell.

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Compared to Perky Katie, she's a intellectual giant

How can you not watch Michelle Malkin and simply be blown away with respect and admiration for this lady?

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On what does she blame the lefties who pay thugs to be bussed in and attack normal people?

Media lapdog Katie Couric blamesfear” and “ignorance” for the town hall protests by normal Americans who are simply concerned for their liberties.

Who's a good widdle lappie dog? You are, perky Katie, yes you are.

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It's an ever-growing list

Gateway Pundit has been assembling some of the stories on union thugs attacking normal Americans concerned for their liberties.

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I am Kenneth Gladney

Andrew Breitbart writes a chilling take on the media lapdogs who hear Their Master’s Voice.

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If these were Republicans, it'd be the lead story on every network for a week and Olbermann would be having a duck

Remember the pseudo-doctor Roxana Mayer who lied to the nation at Sheila Jackson Lee’s town hall meeting? She claimed to be a doctor who has been practicing for four years and accepted accolades and applause from the crowd, and yet it turned out that when real journalists (you know, non-lapdogs) actually looked into her story, she is not a doctor, nor has she ever been one. She turned out to be a planted organizer/Obama delegate.

Now it turns out that the liar Mayer was invited to the town hall meeting by the Che Guevara loving Obama organizer, Maria Isabel. Lo and behold, Isabel is shown sitting right next to Mayer at the meeting, right in the front row.

How do you think they got such good seats?

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Man! The recession is hitting everybody!

I received an email yesterday that I had to share with you. We are all familiar with the Nigerian bank email that has made the rounds for over ten years. This is an offshoot of it, but see if you can see any differences. I copied and pasted the email without any alterations. It is printed below.

I am Mr. Richard Tang,from Hong Kong. I want to offer you a project of44.5US Dollars and invest in your Country and I really seek for a reliable / Trustworthy partner for for this project.

If you are interested please contact me back at my private address I would be delighted to give you details of this business.

Thank you,
Mr. Richard Tang
Who can pass up such a lucrative offer? 44.5 US Dollars? Sign me up!

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In support of Congressman Massa

Much is being made of congressman Eric Massa (D-NY) who says he will vote against the desires of his constituents. But that is the form of government that we have, and it’s designed to be that way.

I can not blame a man for voting his conscience, regardless of how his district wants him to vote. He may be wrong, and the result may be dangerous for America. However, he is doing what he truly believes to be best, then he is doing the right thing.

Then, in the next election, the constituents should ensure they elect someone whose beliefs are closer to their own. That’s how the representative democracy works.

In fact, I wish more politicians were like this man. At least he is honest enough to admit he will vote his conscience, knowing it may well doom his next election chances. Too many politicians will lie and say whatever the particular group they are in front of wants to hear.

I listened to Glenn Beck on the radio yesterday, and his guest host, Joe Pagliarulo, was incensed about Massa, and he did a pretty good spiel about how that is not the job description of a representative.

I stand by my point that you simply cannot take a popular vote for every single thing that comes up in government. If you were going to do that, why vote for representatives in the first place? Why not just hold a vote on every single issue?

Here’s another point. Let’s say you are pro choice, otherwise known more correctly as pro abortion. You get elected to represent a group of constituents. The majority of those constituents are pro life. Are you going to put aside your personal principles and vote against abortion because more people in your district are pro life?

As I said, I respect Massa for standing up for his principles. He’s dead wrong on this issue, and I would vote against him if I lived in his district, but not because of his refusal to stand up for his beliefs.

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Who can be responsible for the orchestrated violence at town hall meetings? HCAN!

Rosita the Prole on HCAN and who is behind this latest group. She posts pages from their website that urges members to gather at town hall meetings and prevent free speech. It also makes the ridiculous claim that it’s conservatives attacking people.

This is a typical tactic of the left. They cannot win debates with logic and reason, so they attack, they make it personal, and they project by taking their own tactics and accusing their opponents of doing what they themselves are in fact doing. It’s worked for them for years, mainly because the media lapdogs will lap up anything they say and repeat it like good leftie mouthpieces.

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The violence from the left continues and the media is blind

More violence at a town hall meeting. Again, it’s lefties who attack a normal American who is simply concerned with the loss of his liberties.

Why is Youtube becoming the only way to view these videos? Why are the networks not on this story? Why do the media lapdogs content to curl their tingle-laden legs under their glassy-staring eyes and bask in the radiance of their master?

As the man who was attacked by an Obama supporter (according to reports, a black female) is leaving, you can hear other leftie thugs taunt him by laughing and asking if he has health insurance.

Classy all the way.

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Cash for Codgers

The Cash for Clunkers worked so well the government decided to do another program.

Welcome to Cash for Codgers.

Tip of the hat to Papa Mike for that one.

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100 years ago, they would have told you that doctors would never kill an unborn child, too

A chilling tale of death panels.

Of course it’s fiction and could never come true.


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Why do average Americans need to educate "journalists" about current events?

Turns out Lawrence O’Donnell isn’t as smart or up on current events as he might think.

He repeatedly scolded an average American on national TV because she said Obama said he was in favor of a single payer system. O’Donnell said multiple times that never happened.

Of course, anyone with an IQ over 50 knows Obama actually did say it. More than once, in fact.

Who’s a good media lapdog? You are, Larry. Yes, you are.

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At least she stayed off the phone during the interview

I’ve never been a huge fan of Rick Sanchez of CNN. But, I have to give him his due for interviewing Sheila Jackson Lee and taking her to task over the town hall incident of talking on the cell phone while a constituent is asking her a question.

Lee tries to make up some bizarre story about the video being doctored, and Sanchez presses her on it to explain herself.

Finally, Lee gives up and refuses to comment on the video by saying she has never seen it.

Understand? She can’t comment on her own actions at an event that she was present for, because she has not seen the video.

What a colossal waste of oxygen.

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It was certainly not the happiest place on Earth

Congressman Alan Grayson from central FL announced he was hosting a town hall event. Funny, the announcement did not mention the fact that it immediately followed a Democratic party meeting, allowing the lefties to pack the hall with their followers.

The meeting was held in a union hall on top of everything else. Watch the video of the Vietnam veteran who is disgusted with the way the matter was handled.

Here’s how the Orlando Sentinel reported on the farce.

Do you think it was mere coincidence that this meeting was scheduled at the exact same place and immediately following a meeting of lefties?

According to first hand accounts, only about 30 people were allowed in, after the lefties packed their people in. They were also checking ID’s to ensure attendees actually lived in the district (also after the lefties had taken up over 90 seats). However, six people who were denied access because of that were escorted in by a campaign worker who referred to them as family. It’s a good first hand report, and sounds to be objective.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

RIP Robert Novak

Robert Novak has died. He was a respected journalist. He will be missed.

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Why are the lefties so worried about what is being worn by normal Americans who happen to be concerned about their liberties?

P. J. Gladnick writes on NewsBusters and exposes the total hypocrisy of lefties, especially Robin Givhan of the Washington Post, who supposedly is a “culture” writer.

I guess we are lucky she’s not a journalist. She might actually write something that makes sense.

In her article, Givhan tears into the nazi, terrorist, racist, mobster, rioting people otherwise known by non-lefties as Real Americans.

Remember the Brooks Brothers attacks, where lefties said the Americans were dressed too nicely to be protesting? Well, now they are dressed too shabbily to be protesting.

Maybe Givhan was afraid they might not be able to tell them from Code Pinkers and other assorted old hippies who usually have the protesting thing sewn up for their side.

Don’t worry, Ms. Givhan. You can still tell them apart. These protesters smell much nicer, and their logic is inescapable as well. They make intelligent arguments for their side, instead of just popping off shouted slogans.


Look for the link where Givhan the Hypocrite wrote to attack the family of Chief Justice John Roberts for dressing too NICELY.

Make up your mind, or at least ask the people responsible for giving you your talking points to make up your mind for you.

Who’s a good lapdog? You are, Robin. Yes, you are.

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PC run amok alert

Did you know that lefties are changing textbooks to edit out some words they deem offensive? You know what they say about rewriting history.

Now, “Adam and Eve” will become “Eve and Adam” so women won’t feel inferior.

No more “jungle,” to be replaced with “rain forest” or “savannah.”

Elderly” and “senior citizens” have been replaced with “older persons.”

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Who's a good media lapdog?

Here’s a list of three big stories the obama media lapdogs avoided like the plague.

Watching the media fawn over Obama reminds me of the old RCA advertising with the dog Nipper intently listening and watching the gramophone, titled His Master's Voice.

I guess it's like the circle of life that GE bought out RCA, and GE owns NBC (Nipper Broadcasting Company?) and MSNBC, who are mesmerized by the sound of their master's voice (not to mention the tingling in the legs).

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Obama’s not the only one who loves plants

Sheila Jackson Lee had one questioner at her town hall meeting that she did not have to disrespect by answering a cell phone in the middle of her question.

That was because the questioner was a doctor who fully supports Obamacare.

Except she’s not a doctor. Despite her outright lying about it at least three times during the town hall meeting, and accepting two rounds of applause for being a health care provider.

And she doesn’t even live in Lee’s district. I thought only those nazi, evil, mobster, racist, terrorist conservatives traveled to town hall meetings outside their districts.

The lady who asked the question was, in fact, an Obama delegate and a host for Organizing for America.

The saddest thing about all this? She shows absolutely no remorse when caught lying through her teeth, and I suspect that's mostly because the press will not acknowledge that she is a stone cold liar. Just imagine the hounding they would give her if she had been found out to be a Republican plant.

I'm not ready to include Lee in on the conspiracy to defraud the public. She may have been ignorant of the entire episode. But Roxana Mayer is guilty as hell, and the mainstream media are accomplices after the fact.

Congrats to Patterico for uncovering the story that the Houston Chronicle tried to bury.

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Mostly, it's just made everyone sick so far

Here's a good article by the Wall St Journal about how Obamacare will affect the elderly.

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Next up to ask a question is a woman from Chicago - tell us your name. Michelle. Okay, Mrs. O...I mean Michelle, ask your question.

Obama holds a “town hall” meeting where, as always, the only ones allowed to ask questions are plants and obamabots.

Michelle Malkin prints the truth about the relationships between the “random” questioners and the Obama machine.

Lefties attack Malkin for “attacking” the girl who Obama used as a prop to ask a question favorable to Obamacare. She was “zeroing in” on the girl, intent on “takin’ that kid down!!”
By the way, the girl is the daughter of an Obama campaign worker, and on their facebook page is a picture taken with Obama. What are the odds?

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But, gosh darn, they've got great cigars

CNN is trumpeting the great example of universal free health care in Cuba.

Meanwhile, Cuba has announced they have run out of toilet paper for its citizens, as well as food and gas.

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Maybe he should have compared it to the DMV

Obama showed pretty bad timing in comparing his Obamacare to the Post Office.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Voting? No ID required, just step right up. Town Hall meeting? Two forms of ID and a notarized statement, please.

Someone…anyone…please explain this one to me.

Congressman Eugene Green, DEMOCRAT from TX, has repeatedly voted against requiring photo ID’s for voting.

Congressman Eugene Green, DEMOCRAT from TX, has decided to require photo ID’s for entrance into his town hall meeting.

Are there two different democratic congressmen from TX named Eugene Green?

Or…could it be? Might he just kinda sorta actually be….a HYPOCRITE?

Okay, there is a third option. He might actually believe that getting into his town hall meeting is more important than voting.

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He “misspeaks” while we “intentionally spread disinformation”

We have been told by the White House that disinformation is being spread, and they imply it’s malicious, when it comes to government run health care.

Funny thing is, the only misinformation that has been proven so far has come from the mouth of Barack Hussein Obama. It seems he claimed the AARP backed his ObamaCare, but the AARP said, back up, champ!

Then Robert Gibbs says during a press conference that the President only “misspoke” and, to his knowledge, there has been no intentional disinformation.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Meanwhile, Obama trots merrily along claiming that opponents are lying and scaring seniors while just making stuff up. One prime example he gives is the “death panels” that critics such as Sarah Palin have brought up and been savaged for doing so. Obama denies there being any death panels in the bill. Of course, he also denied that he wants the federal government to take over health care.

I guess then, that the US Senate is lying as well, because they just removed the “death panels” from the bill. Those are the death panels that Obama says were never in the bill and anyone who says different is lying and trying to scare people.

Someone PLEASE ask Robert Gibbs how the senate was able to remove something from the bill that never existed.

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Really in tune with Mother Nature, I guess

You have to wonder how in the world Debbie Stabenow was ever elected to the US senate when she utters things such as she knows that global warming exists because “I feel it when I’m flying.”

You need to cut down on the flying medication, there, Debs.

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That's one way of trying to keep the rabble out

Meanwhile, Senator Sherrod Brown didn’t exactly publicize his town hall meeting, but people found out about it anyway. Bad news for him.

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She had to answer it, she thought it might be Michael Jackson calling

You just have to love Sheila Jackson Lee, the arrogant piece of something from congress, who answers a call and talks on her cell phone while a person is speaking to her at a town hall meeting. I guess the woman asking the question had it reaffirmed that her representatives could care less what she thinks.

Thanks, Sheila.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

It's only "scaring" seniors if you point out the awful things lefties will do

MSNBC is worried over their assertion that opponents of government run health care are “scaring seniors.”

Yeah, I remember those exact same people being worried when liberals were saying that Reagan and his kind would have seniors eating cat food.

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He's the one man who would never listen to Rush

Every media lapdog is dutifully reportng the Obama with the Hitler mustache poster as being the result of Rush Limbaugh and his right wing minions.

Gee, wouldn’t it be neat if they actually read the poster? It says “I’ve Changed.” Underneath that it says “” which is the website for Lyndon LaRouche, the Communist who has run for the DEMOCRATIC presidential nomination seven times.

Great job of investigative reporting there, guys.

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Love may mean never having to say "I'm sorry," but bipartisanship means getting to say "Shut up."

David Keene writes about the end of the honeymoon for Obama, mainly because the man can’t take dissent.

Don’t forget, he has told his detractors to “shut up” and “get out of the way” because after all, “I won.”

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They know it when they read it

The US Commission on Civil Rights has indeed found racism in the government run health care debate, but it’s not at the hands of the protesters.

The Commission found racism in the bill itself.

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Racist, Nazi, KKK, Angry Mob Road Trip! Pack Your Brooks Brothers!

Well, at least we now know why there were no people at the Obama town hall meeting opposed to government run health care.

They had all traveled to PA to get in Arlen Specter’s face.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Darn! Another grand liberal plan spoiled by logic!

The Wall St Journal has the “truth about health insurance” that explains if you force insurers to cover anybody at any time, then people will only get coverage after they get sick, and costs will skyrocket.

Let me explain this in case you don’t get it.

Let’s say you are an insurance company. You charge people for policies that will pay out if they get sick. You need a lot of people who are not sick paying those small premiums to cover the large costs of the few who are sick. If the government says you have to cover someone, at any time, then there is no incentive to carry the insurance until they get sick. That leaves you with only sick people carrying insurance and you are paying out ten times what you are charging (or more). You will be bankrupt very shortly.

Let’s take this grand idea of Obama’s to other industries. Let’s apply that to car insurance. From now on, companies cannot refuse to cover your car for any reason. So, you don’t have to carry car insurance…until after you’ve had a wreck. Then you call Geico, get a policy for $100, and immediately put in a claim for $5000. As soon as it’s paid, you cancel the policy.

How about extended warranties on your appliances? You don’t have to purchase them until after the washing machine is broke. Then, for $20, you get your machine fixed for $500, and cancel the policy.

Life insurance? Don’t have to sign up until after someone dies, then the next of kin calls State Farm, and Blammo! A payoff of $250,000 for a fee of $25.

How long do you truly think these companies will be able to stay in business?

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Anderson Cooper, Rick Sanchez, Larry King, Wolf Blitzer, Campbell Brown - evidently, they are going to let a lot of people go

CNN has decided to ban talk show hosts from appearing on their fast-falling network.

According to CNN/US president Jon Klein, “Complex issues require world class reporting.”

Does that mean they are also going to ban all CNN hosts?

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Add another name to the list

Don’t expect lefties to stop with all the names they’re calling average people concerned that their health care will suffer once the government takes charge.

Now, John Dingell says we are the same as the KKK. That name now goes right along with nazi, right wing shill, angry mob, racist, Brooks Brothers mannequin, terrorist bomber, Un-American, brownshirt…did I leave any out?

Oh, yeah, we hate kittens and steal money from little kids, too.

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It's sheer coincidence that Obama has never chosen someone at a town hall who disagrees with him

If you have any doubts as to whether or not Obama’s people are stuffing his “town hall” meetings with his own people, take a look at this.

Michelle Malkin is doing a fantastic job keeping up with all the planted people “randomly” picked to ask questions.

If those are all picked at random, I want Obama picking my next lottery numbers.

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Perhaps someone will explain it to them one day

Obama holds a “town hall meeting” and not one person asks probing questions. They welcome the One with standing ovations and shouts of love. He even dares them to question his plan and no one will.

This happens in the midst of daily reports of town hall meetings across the country that the lefties have to now bus in union thugs in order to beat up average people who oppose government run health care.

AP, in writing about Obama’s little love fest, does not mention that it’s packed with his own volunteers, but they do say that, although the President was “braced for a fight he never got,” the “friendly crowd” was all sunshine and lollipops.

And the intrepid writers at AP do not understand why that happened. Nor do they ask why. They mention they think it might be out of “traditional deference for the president.”

Really, AP? You think that’s why?

Do you even know the meaning of the word propaganda?

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Looks like the angry nazi racist mob is retaining their sense of humor

Ummm….who exactly is guilty of astroturfing? Hmmmm?

Looks like the Democrats and union thugs, that’s who.

On the lighter side, the protesters who showed up for the meeting with Maryland Senator Ben Cardin provided some laughs with their shouted slogans. Some examples are:

Astroturfers! Astroturfers! (When pre-made signs were being handed out by the union members. They also handed out mini-American flags that were quickly abandoned which led to cheers of "What happen to the flags? Did they burn your hands?"

USA for Us! Canada for You!

Pay your bills!

Just say No!

Thats not a hybrid! (When one of the few supporters of the liberals honked from a huge SUV. Most people driving by were honking and waving to the conservatives)

Shave your legs! (You had to see the other side to understand-lol)

"Sha na na na-Sha na na na-Hey Hey Hey-Goodbye!" (When each group of supports left. Each group seemed to come together and leave together.)

The union chant of "What do we want-HEALTHCARE! When do we want it-NOW!" was countered by yelling "Our Money" just after they chanted "What do we want?!"-LOL

Supporters dwindled down to about 5 at 9pm with at least 100 still on the opposition side. At one point the 100 cheered for the remaining 5 for showing such determination after their union friend left. (The Union members leaving brought chants of "No Overtime! No Overtime!")

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The only sectors gaining jobs are 1) government and 2) union thugs hired to beat up average people at town hall meetings

How many of the jobs lost last month were due to the rise in the minimum wage?

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Goober, thy name is hypocrisy

The lefties accuse Republicans of paying protesters to organize against the Great Health Care Takeover. Yet, who do you think is advertising to pay people to support their side?

Isn't that what you call "astroturf"? Hmmmm?

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Somebody's got their pants on fire at the White House

The White House is again using the internet to “dispel” any “rumors” being spread the opposition to the Great Health Care Takeover.

Translation – “we can lie better and faster than anyone else.”

Example – the site claims that “not one penny” will be added to the deficit by Obamacare.

Lie! And whoever typed that knew it was a lie. They are shameless.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Warning! Extremely Violent Video! Watch At Your Own Risk! See All The Angry Rioting Mobs In Action!

Your Pajamas TV Video of the Day – an expose on the angry racist riot mobs carrying swastikas who are Republican paid shills.

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Question 11 - Why?

Tom Coburn is a Senator from Oklahoma. He writes and gives answers to ten questions that he says people from congress will not answer at town hall meetings. Good read.

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Wait! Are we mannequins? Or Mobs? Or Nazis? Racists? I can't keep track of all this!

Now the protesters are “Brooks Brothers mannequins.” I guess that’s better than the other names they have called us.

Nazis. Angry mob. Racists. rioters. Un-American. Just like Terrorist bombers.

Is there no end to their name-calling?

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I think I saw Snidely Whiplash at one of the town hall meetings, too!

Now the lefties are comparing anyone who doesn’t march in lockstep with their supreme takeover of the health care industry with Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber.


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Gotta give them something to do besides play Minesweeper

Eric Holder is going to appoint a criminal prosecutor to look into interrogation techniques at Gitmo.

Well, he does have some people just sitting around with nothing to do, now that he has shut down all investigations into voter intimidation by Black Panther thugs.

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It turns out they weren't upset with the CEO's, they were jealous!

Remember the lefties getting all bent out of shape because CEO’s take private jets?

Now the hypocritical ruling class elite of congress think no one will connect the dots when they seek to purchase fancy private jets for their own personal use.


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How to give an interview, Lesson 1 - Let your guest talk

Watch this “interview” and then be honest with yourself.

Was this an interview, or an interrogation?

Where is the media? If this had been O’Reilly grilling someone, it would have been all over the networks as well as Jon Stewart, Letterman, etc. O'Donnell does it and what? Nada. Zip.

Now, still being completely honest with yourself, answer this question.

Do you deny the mainstream media bias?

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RIP John Hughes

He made a ton of movies that were classics.

Sixteen Candles. Uncle Buck. Breakfast Club. Weird Science. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Pretty in Pink. Some Kind of Wonderful. National Lampoon’s Vacation. Christmas Vacation. Home Alone. Dutch. Curly Sue.

This man touched a lot of lives with his work. But I can think of no greater tribute than the piece from this girl.

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Blonde, brunette, or redhead? Definitely a crisis!

Almost 70% of Americans rate their health care as “good” or “excellent.”

What crisis?

Are we seriously going to call this a “crisis” because we can’t reach 100% satisfaction?

Okay, then we have a financial crisis, a housing crisis, an education crisis, an employment crisis, a crisis in entertainment, clothing, music, and food. We have a crisis on where to live. We have a legal crisis.

American Idol is a crisis.

Congress is a crisis. The White House is a crisis.

College football playoff versus the bowl system? Crisis.

Boxers or briefs? Crisis.

Chocolate or vanilla? Crisis.

Lefties have lost this debate. They were not able to pass legislation quickly enough, and people awoke from their zombie state long enough to realize what was being rammed down their throats.

Of course, lefties can’t win any debate unless they get the argument away from logic and aimed towards emotion. That’s where you can fool enough idiots to get your stuff passed, and then by the time they wake up, it’s usually too late.

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Media lapdogs still lapping it up

Paul Krugman is a perfect example of the leftie elitist media lapdog wanting nothing more than to snooze peacefully on the President’s lap, bathed in sunlight.

His article makes a complete mockery of any pretense of journalism as he lies and calls people who are involved in the democratic process everything from racist to birthers to riot mob.

President Bush made a very reasoned, very logical plan in 2005. Social Security is going down the tubes. Everyone knows it. Everyone admits it. Bush wanted to give people the option to take some of their social security money that the government was holding for them and decide where to put it, like you do with a 401K. Leftie protesters came out of the woodwork frothing over any attempt to deprive government of any power. Of course they were spurned on by lefties who just absolutely love centralized power.

Krugman makes the outrageous claim in his article that the 2005 protests were nowhere near as raucous, noisy, or disruptive as the ones at town halls now. Perhaps if Krugman had bothered actually doing any research as he claimed he did, he would have found the proof he claims does not exist.

Here, Jon Henke proves Krugman is lying.

Here, the truth-o-meter goes thumbs down on Krugman with more proof.

Here is an account of 9 people being arrested for disorderly conduct for shouting at an appearance by President Bush.

Here is an ironic account of protesters shouting at Dianne Feinstein, because they thought she might not vote against Bush.

Gee, do we have to go on any further? This took all of fifteen minutes to confirm what has been revealed time and time again - that Krugman is either a liberal mouthpiece willing to lie to make his (Democrat talking) point, or he is totally incompetent.

It’s almost funny to read Krugman trying to call average people a bunch of astroturf fake protesters, paid to show up, aligned with the birther movement, racists, and all sorts of other accusatory names, while he is completely ignoring the union thugs who ARE bussed in, escorted into the meetings to reserved seats, who beat up normal people, who are coached to shout down protesters, and who are arrested.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dems shooting themselves in the feet

Democrats took over the White House much as they did when they elected Bill Clinton, by demonizing Republicans sufficiently enough to fool a lot of people - people who are basically stupid and ignorant of things to an extent where they will vote for an emotion without thinking of cause and effect.

In fact, if you look at how the Democrats have won the White House since Nixon, what do you find? Carter won because Nixon imploded. Clinton lied and snaked his way in, and still could not have done it without the vote being splintered by Ross Perot. Obama won because the Republicans desperately wanted to kowtow to everyone and abandoned their base to try and be "inclusive" which led to McCain, who is a hero and a very nice man, but was not my first, second or third choice for Republican nominee.

So, with the unabashed help of the media lapdogs and union thugs, the liberals overtook congress and the White House again. The media trumpeted their deepest wish that the Republican party is dead. Let the Pax Obama begin.

And then a funny thing happened. As Jimmy Carter did, and as Clinton did, Obama has begun to show his true side. He is not for the little people. He is not truly concerned with any reform. He most certainly is not worried about reaching across the aisle and being generous.

No, he has grandiose plans that basically revolve around this concept - "give me all your money and I'll decide where you live, how you live, and every other aspect of your life, because I know better than you."

The only thing is the American people are not completely idiots, although there are sufficient numbers who can be fooled long enough to vote for a socialist without realizing what they've done. People are beginning to open their eyes. Buyer's remorse is hitting America hard.

Look around you. Go to Michelle Malkin's website or Neal Boortz's page. look at the videos of union thugs being bussed in to terrorize average people who are simply concerned that the government is overreaching its powers. There is a groundswell of anger building in America, and it's directed at government.

I will not sit here and say that it's only Democrats who deserve the anger. Republicans have done some pretty stupid things over the last few years as well. But, as they keep reminding us, the Democrats won, and they have all the power, and these grandiose ideas are their ideas. So they get the brunt of the anger.

Would it be anger if they would simply listen to us? Of course not. Most of the people at these town hall meetings simply want to be heard. Look at the video from Dallas. The AARP mouthpiece starts by saying, "we can all agree that health care is broken and has to be fixed." When the people begin mumbling, no we don't agree, she gets snitty with them. She was expecting trouble and her mindset was to pounce on it before it got out of hand. What she achieved was to further rile these average people. When she unplugged her microphone and stormed out, it was a hilarious moment. Sadly, the other videos of innocent people being attacked and basically mugged by union thugs was not hilarious.

Liberals think that only they know what is best for you. They think you are stupid. They think they have all the power and will never lose it. If they get to enact all of their dream laws, they might be right. They are already hijacking the census in order to illegally secure more power.

Liberals don't want democracy. It's too messy. Free enterprise and capitalism leads to some succeeding and some failing. But socialism or facism - now there's a system you can depend on. No one succeeds, but no one fails either. A total nanny state from womb to tomb. Just hand over all your money, all your intelligence, and all your freedom, and the liberals will take care of you for life. Just do everything they tell you.

There is a revolution brewing, people. I have not seen this much discontent and anger boiling just under the surface in a long time. It's about to erupt. It will only take a few more of these events like they held in St Louis or Tampa yesterday. Or an appearance by Nancy Pelosi like in Denver. Just a few more liberals need to open their mouths and call average people nazis again. Just a few more media people need to show utter disdain for "the angry mobs" waving "swastikas" and causing "riots."

The silver lining in all of this is Democrats are setting themselves up for a huge round of defeats in the next congressional elections. Pelosi won't lose, because there's too many moonbats in San Francisco. She may well indeed lose her majority, however. And then maybe we can stem the tide of this administration trying to steamroll their way Chicago-politics style right into a utopian world of socialism (their view, not mine).

At least one newspaper is admitting that Obama is beginning to look like Jimmy Carter II. I think it's great, because it shows that people are beginning to wake up.

There may be hope for this country yet.

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Friday, August 07, 2009

Read his lips - no new taxes

Investors Business Daily reminds us of what Obama said during the campaign on a stop in NH.

"I can make a firm pledge," he said in Dover, N.H., in September. "Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes." He vowed: "You will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime."
So, unless all smokers make over $250,000 a year, he’s a liar.

Unless all soda drinkers or alcohol drinkers make over $250K, he’s a liar.

Unless he's going to completely overhaul every single plan for government run health care, or abandon them, he's a liar.

I think what I am saying here is…Obama lied about not raising taxes.

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They are good at dictating what the little people will do

Victor Davis Hanson can write a compelling article when he sits at the keyboard.

This one concerns the utter hypocrisy of the lefties, who ride in limos while telling those making $50,000 they have to pay their fair share. Or they ride their personal jets to a speech about wasting precious resources and polluting the environment by not turning off a lightbulb. Or they lecture us about how we should pay more in taxes, but they won’t pay their own taxes.

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Maybe they should just rename it "germ reform"

Careful of what you wish for.

The health insurance lobby helped kill the Clinton health care takeover. You would think the lefties learned their lesson and leave them alone. And for awhile, they did.

But then, polls started showing the lefties that they had little hope of strong-arming one sixth of the US economy away from capitalism without support from idiots who don’t realize what they are actually doing. Accordingly, in order to fool these idiots, Obama and his bunch stopped referring to “health care reform” and began speaking of “health insurance reform.” They tried to outlaw the phrase “government run health care.” They produced slick videos full of disinformation. The talking points said to emphasize insurance as the enemy. They sent Pelosi out there to villify the insurance industry. They even tried to pooh-pooh the massive groundswell of opposition as organized protests funded by the insurance lobbyists (although I truly think they did that because that’s the only way they know how to get a group to protest in support of their issues).

Now, it appears they have awakened a sleeping giant. The health insurance industry is getting into the fray.

Welcome to the battle.

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Thursday, August 06, 2009

Hey! Why not a special issue with multiple covers and he's on all of them?

Obama has been on the cover of Time magazine seven times since his election. Additionally, Michelle was given one of her own, making eight total in less than a year.

Bill Clinton was featured on the cover of Time seven times in his first year, plus one for Hillary.

If you add Reagan and both Bushes together, you get seven covers, plus one for Barbara Bush.

Sounds about right.

Who’s a good media lapdog? You are, yes you are.

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Mainstream Media Bias, GDP edition

The networks barely mentioned it last year when the GDP doubled in the first quarter. Katie Couric, that bastion of objectivity, called the jump “disappointing.”

This year, the GDP dipped for the fourth straight quarter, the first time that has happened since they began keeping track in 1947, and the networks trumpet the news as a “glimmer of hope.”

What is different from last year at this time to now?

Oh, yeah. They weren’t Bush’s media lap puppies.

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You know how those baptisms get out of hand

The headline says it all.

“Pregnant mother tasered at baptism party.”

Police in Prince William County, Virginia, responded to complaints of a loud party at a residence in Manassas. They wound up tasering two people, the homeowner and godfather of the children who were baptized, and a pregnant woman.

How it happened is where the police and partygoers differ in their versions.

According to the man’s son who acted as interpreter, the man simply walked up to the several officers who came into his yard, answered a couple of questions, and innocently pulled out his ID when requested and handed it towards an officer. At that point, he was shot with tasers in the front, side and back simultaneously. Evidently, at least three officers were trigger-happy buffoons who just could not wait to break up a children’s party. Then, according to the son, a woman was tasered for no reason whatsoever as she bent down to help the poor man.

The police version is that the party was loud, they responded, asked the intoxicated homeowner several times to turn down the music, and used non-lethal means to subdue the man after his refusals to cooperate and his growing belligerence. He was arrested for disorderly conduct. The woman, who turned out to be the mother of the baptized children and pregnant (but not obviously so), is being held by immigration officials.

I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle of the two stories, as it usually is.

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Don't you know it's dirty politics to use a video of your opponent that shows his own words and thoughts?

So people uncover a video of Obama himself saying he wants a single payer system of health care, otherwise known around the free world as government run health care. This is damaging, as the polls have shown the lefties that the phrase “government run health care” is not a winner, so they have been downplaying it severely lately. And here comes someone with a video of the man himself promoting the idea. Hard to dispute that.

Or is it? The White House has released it’s own video, with the 'communications director' basically calling the people who posted the video online as liars.

Wait, are Breitbart and Naked Emporer liars, or just Obama? I’m confused, now.

Oh, and one more question for the White House – how is it using “SCARE tactics” to show a video of your very own president using his very own words?

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Don't worry, in ten years, American lefties will be apologizing for this too

In Sudan, a female journalist is on trial for clothing violations, because she wore trousers. Recently, police gassed and beat women outside the courthouse who are supporting the journalist.

I wonder if Nancy Snyderman is jealous of this country, too?

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Wow! Another endless pot of money for us to pillage!

This story will not bode well as it gets more press. The town of Heath, Ohio, installed cameras at intersections and began writing tickets for violations caught on camera.

After four weeks, they have written enough in violations to pay off the cameras and put away over $800,000 in profit, or 12% of the city’s annual budget.

Maybe this is time for one of those hearings on windfall profits.

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He wants to be on prime time AGAIN? Geez, what did we get ourselves into when we lied for him all of last year?

When Obama wants to go out there and have yet another prime time TV special devoted to his agenda, the only way he can get the airtime now seems to be if Rahm goes and does some arm-twisting on the bosses of the parent companies of the networks.

How sad is it (and utterly ironic) that the media is now grousing about having to be lap dogs for Obama?

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Raising taxes = less spending power for people = stronger economy. Oh, NOW I see the connection.

Steve Pearlstein writes in the Washington Post that raising taxes being bad for the economy is a Republican fantasy and there is “very little evidence supporting this view.”

I would have to say that Mr. Pearlstein is either ignorant of the facts or is deliberately hiding them in order to make the point for his liberal agenda. I would rate either option as having an excellent percentage of being correct.

Empirical evidence supporting that revenues go down when tax rates go up would fill a skyscraper. Maybe, by “very little evidence,” Mr. Pearlstein means compared to all the evidence of everything in the universe combined totally and added together. In that case, you can take his word for truth. Sort of.

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They were just taking batting the voting station

If you are not scared of the Justice Department allowing Black Panther thugs get away scott free with terrorizing voters at a precinct by wielding baseball bats, you need to read this piece by Michelle Malkin

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If he can't fool his own people, how can he fool the country?

Obama is out there promising not to raise taxes on the middle class.

Meanwhile, the NY Times, Tax Cheat Timmy, and other Obama administration officials are joining the chorus of anyone with a brain who has already said it’s impossible for Obama to take over the health care industry without raising taxes.

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

It's less a revolving door and more like rewards. Sort of like doggie treats.

How long will it be before the number of mainstream journalists in the Obama administration outnumbers the number of mainstream media lapdogs still covering the administration?

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They're going to have to teach him a lesson

Congressman Dan Issa (R-CA) has made the unfortunate mistake of telling Rahm Emanuel that DC is not Chicago when it comes to politics, and that style of politics will not work.

I think Mr. Issa has not been reading his media lapdog publications and the Democratic talking points memos.

Too bad. Now he’s in for it.

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Look, I'm driving this car off that cliff, with or without your help

Lefties say they will do the government run health care bill, with or without the help of Republicans.

I vote for without. If they are going to shove socialism down our throats, let it be on their heads in the history books.

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How to get that special soundbite

Here is a page from the Mainstream Media Bias playbook.

If Republicans won’t say offensive things, merely put words into their quotes and pretend they said those things, and then get offended by the very word you inserted.

Hey, it works for CNN.

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You can't have opposing views at a town hall meeting, that would be chaos!

What’s the purpose of a town hall meeting?

Is it to gather info and insight on what the average people are thinking? Is it to gain knowledge from a constituency? Or is it to stack a hall full of people who support you and your views in order to have a great photo op?

According to Dick Durbin, it must be the latter. He is warning lefties to avoid getting a “sucker punch” like Arlen “RINO No Moro” Specter and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius got when attending a town hall meeting this past weekend in Philadelphia and they forgot to only allow in ACORN members and Democrat Party staffers.

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Politician as a villain? Funny, if they are conservative. Hateful, if they are leftie. Racial, if it's Obama.

Exactly why is it “dangerous” and “mean-spirited” to have Obama’s face on a poster depicted in Joker face paint with the word “Socialism” underneath?

Was it also “dangerous” and “mean-spirited” to do the same thing to Bush?

Well? We’re waiting. Of course, we’ve been waiting for twelve months for you to condemn the Bush drawing. It only took hours for you to condemn the Obama poster.

Let's not forget that the same rag that tries to make the Obama picture a racial issue published a cover drawing of Bush as a vampire. Let's also not forget that the person who produced the Bush drawing was the same guy who did the famous Obama "hope" drawing.

Let's also not forget all the other times conservatives have been shown as monsters, vampires, etc. - all by the exact same people who are coming completely unglued now about the Obama Joker poster.

Who’s a good media lapdog?

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Don't read this if you support government run health care

Please don’t read this if you are a supporter of government run health care. It will shatter all your illusions.

This article lists ten reasons why our health care system, in its current state of “crisis”, is in better shape than those government run health care systems in Europe and Canada that lefties keep wanting to emulate.

Did you realize that the survival rate for cancer is better among Americans than Europeans or Canadians? You did if you have any common sense.

Did you know that our poor have generally better health than those in Canada?

Did you know that Canadians and Europeans spend much more time waiting for treatment and are more dissatisfied than Americans?

Did you know most health care innovations come from America, and that those innovations will likely be stifled under government run health care?

Again, you knew these things if you have common sense. You did not know them if you are a leftie, and I apologize for shattering your image of government run health care, but you were warned not to read this.

Oh, and by the way, I will continue using the term “government run health care”, because the Democrats in congress can not shut down the freedom of speech, despite their best efforts.

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It's transparent that he doesn't keep his promises

So, when Obama promised transparency, this is what he meant, according to his faithful media lapdogs.

You can just forget about all that other stuff, like not releasing White House visitor logs, or going back on the promise to post bills online before voting or signing, refusing to release data on the cash for clunkers program, and all those other transparency initiatives.

As long as he’s producing PR videos, he’s cool.

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Some people won't be happy unless the rich are paying 120% of the taxes

Still “confused” when it comes to wealth envy? Still think that the evil rich are not paying their “fair share?”

Be confused no more. Here are the latest facts. That’s right, I said facts. These numbers are courtesy of the Tax Foundation and come straight from the IRS themselves. They are for the tax year 2007, which makes this data the most current available.

Let’s begin the fun, shall we?

In 2007, the top 1% of income earners took in 22.8% of the adjusted gross income. How much do you think they paid in taxes? 40.4%. These numbers include people with adjusted gross incomes of $410,000 or higher. That’s a lot of small businesses.

Top 1% of earners. Took in 22.8%. Paid out 40.4%.

Just so you know, that means the top 1% of earners paid more in taxes combined than the bottom 95% of earners combined.

For the first time, they broke it down even further. Let’s look at the top 10% of the top 1%. That’s the top .1%. They earned under 12% of the income and paid over 20% of the taxes.

Let’s expand on this, shall we? How about if you made over $66,532? Congratulations, you are in the top 25%. Your group earned 69% of the income. Bad news is that you paid 87% of the taxes.

Now is it hitting home? Okay, some more fun facts.

Over 47 Million tax returns were filed that either paid zero in taxes, or received extra money thanks to the generosity of the taxpayers who actually pay taxes.

The top 50%, making over $32,879, earned under 88% of the income while paying over 97% of the taxes.

The bottom 50%, making under $32,879, earned 12% income while only paying 2.89% of the taxes.

Tell me again how it is that the evil filthy rich are “not paying their fair share?”

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Aren't these the same ones who thought asking people to report suspicious activity of possible terrorists was an invasion of privacy?

The White House has asked every red-blooded citizen to do their patriotic duty and report anyone caught speaking ill of government run health care.

I am not making this up. They are asking for people to report things they come across in emails or overheard in “casual conversation.”

Hello, Big (Obama) Brother.

Gee, should I turn myself in? After all, I do use the term “government run health care” and we all know that’s on the forbidden list.

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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Democrats would rather arrest people than talk to them about government run health care

Retirees show up in Diane Feinstein’s office, wanting to speak with her about the government run health care bill, and are arrested.

Yep, lefties sure care about the little people, don't they.

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Missed it by that much

Ebony magazine ran an article in 1985 on what famous black people would look like in the year 2000.

Here is their take on what Michael Jackson would look like in 2000.

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He'd rather investiagate a 70 year old woman holding a McCain sign within 100 yards of a polling place

Now we know who in the Justice Department does not consider voter intimidation to be a bad thing, especially if they are intimidating FOR Democrats.

Thomas Perrelli, the #3 man at the department, approved dropping the charges against the Black Panthers who wielded bats at the Philadelphia polls.

Nope, no intimidation there, or at least none worthy of investigation.

Just try to imagine the firestorm of protest from the media if a member of the Bush Justice Department had dropped charges against a conservative group for standing at the doors of the polling place holding bibles.

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I guess this is like the fox thinking only the coyote can save the chickens

Dan Rather thinks that only Obama can save the news media.

That’s what is sinking the news media, and Rather was one of the ones who hurt it worst.

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As you are pondering national socialized government run health care, ponder this

Scott Graham calls 911 for ambulance service several times each day. Scott Graham does not work or own a car and does not want to call a cab.

According to Graham, he has called 911 over a thousand times. According to news reports, he has been picked up at least 603 times from January 2006 until May 2009. That’s at least every other day for 3 ½ years.

According to the news reports, that has cost the taxpayers $118,158 for the hundreds of ambulance rides. That’s just the Medicaid cost. Since the reimbursement is so low, the actual cost is over $360,000. You know the cost is being passed on to the taxpayer, don’t you.

I just can’t wait for lefties to nationalize our health insurance.

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Hey, three months is long enough to find a job, especially in this economy

If you complete your four years of college and earn your Bachelor’s Degree, and three months pass by after graduation and you are still unemployed, can you sue your college for a full refund of tuition?

Evidently, this girl thinks so.

I would have to guess she did not take any business classes. Or economics classes. Or any classes that revolve around common sense. I wonder if she did take classes titled "Lawsuits For Profit 101" or "Total Absolution of Personal Responsibility."

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You know it if you see it, right?

The National Endowment for the Arts took some of the taxpayer money it received from the stimulus bill and spent it on such things as a filmhouse that was showing “the world's only underground kinky art porno horror film, complete with four men, three women and a gorilla.”

How sad is it when porno needs stimulus money? Or, to be more accurate, how bad does a piece of porno need to be before needing stimulus money?

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Well, we know he doesn't know the meaning of transparency, either

When Obama says, “Let me be clear,” people can’t seem to be clear on what he means.

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Wait! They're conservative??

The people at this newspaper are known to be openly supportive of conservative causes, and openly critical of liberal ones. Thus, it’s of little wonder that they publish an article admitting that the current administration can not live up to its own pledge of not raising taxes on the middle class.

The well-known conservative newspaper? None other than the NY Times.


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I didn't get my pills or my surgery because some unknown civil servant in DC decided I wasn't worth the risk

Here’s your government run health care – being turned down for pain medication.

That's right - I said "government run health care." Go ahead, Democrats. Try to shut me down.

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Monday, August 03, 2009

She could have just blocked every channel but HGTV

This lady from Carroll IA is my hero of the day. She is selling two of her TV’s because she is tired of seeing “Obama on every channel and station.”

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I wish she would accept this offer

Pelosi says the health insurance companies are “immoral” and “villains” in how they have treated their customers.

I’ll grant you that without debate, Nancy, if you will agree that you are an immoral villain based on how you have treated American citizens who work hard and pay taxes.


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At least they can't complain about the noise from the neighbors

A family from New Jersey bought a condo in Fort Myers FL. Their vacation home is in a 32 story building.

What makes this special is that they are the sole inhabitants of the condo building. They have all 32 floors to themselves.

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We could all use a month off...or a year...or three

As Obama plummets in almost every area of every poll, one pollster puts it this way: “this is a President who needs a vacation.”

Wrong. This is a country who needs a vacation…from socialism, facism, obamaism, and gooberism.

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Shhh, we don't want them to know this is America

Plans are submitted and approved for a new building at the US/Canadian border in Massena NY. The approved plans call for a large sign spelling out “United States” in front of the building.

Three months after being built, the sign is being taken down. The government says it’s for security reasons. They are afraid that in the post-9/11 world, it may cause risk for customs officers.

What, someone is going to notice that land belongs to the US? We’re going to hide and pretend no one can see us? Oh, no, we’re not America! That’s over there. We’re….well, we’re….oh, yeah, we’re Portugal!

Yep, taking the sign down will surely lessen the chance the border could be a target for terrorists. They will just wander around Canada thoroughly confused, now.

Thanks for keeping us safe, Big Brother.

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Oklahoma meets Chicago politics

Oklahoma legislators approved a ballot initiative for an upcoming election to allow voters to decide if English should be recognized as the state’s official language.

Obama’s Department of Justice swoops in and totally disregards any semblance of State’s Rights by making a veiled threat to cut off federal funding to the state.

Every member of Oklahoma’s congressional delegation has signed a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, demanding to know why the Justice Department sent the threat.

Stay tuned.

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I guess it's also true that not-so-great minds think alike

Hugo Chavez has introduced new government regulations that he says will lead to a “democratization” of the airwaves.

In related news, Democrats are still talking about reintroducing the Fairness Doctrine (no matter what they choose to call it this time) and similar government regulations that they say will lead to a democratization of the airwaves.

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Logical minds want to know

John Stossel nails his analysis (as he usually does) of the minimum wage laws.

During his spot-on writing, Stossel asks the one question that supporters of minimum wage laws have never been able to answer. Never. Ever. So they resort to demonizing those who dare ask it.

The question is this – if raising the minimum wage to $11.70 is so good and necessary, and it won’t affect low-paying jobs, why not just raise the minimum wage to $100 per hour?

Would anyone with an honest attempt to answer that please let me know? I will anxiously await a reply, but I’m not holding my breath.

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It's right there on page 3

Obama is facing heat for his failing policies. Accordingly, he looked in the leftie playbook on how to deal with this none-too-rare scenario.

Then he went right out and blamed Republicans for everything.

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This is like Barney Frank giving out financial advice. Oh wait...

Charlie Rangel is touting an income tax hike as the “moral thing to do.”

Charlie Rangel is a pompous buffoon who is a tax cheat, has broken the law, and has no business serving in politics. He should be in prison.

I refuse to acknowledge anything this goober says as having any moral authority.

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Who does she think she is, Jeremiah Wright?

Maxine Waters blames Rahm Emanuel for the Blue Dog Democrats who are the main stumbling blocks for the unprecedented government takeover of 1/6th of the US economy they call “health care reform.” According to Waters, Rahm recruited a lot of the democrats and “the chickens have come home to roost.”

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They don't realize we have minds of our own

It’s funny to see lefties seem amazed when conservatives don’t march lockstep with every other single conservative.

Salon seems almost confused that there are conservatives who don’t agree with birthers. That is the term coined for the conspiracy theorists who are still insisting that Obama was not born in America and therefore not eligible to be president.

I personally want birthers to shut up immediately for one very important reason that nobody has brought up yet.

If Obama is found to be ineligible to be president, you can look forward to over three years of President Biden.

Tell me that thought doesn’t make you shudder.

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Fighting back against BOB

House Republicans have fought back against being Big (Obama) Brother censoring their official mail.

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