Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Here's To Dawn

I told you I was on vacation the last couple of days. My wife and I went to the retirement of our best friend. After serving over 20 years in the Coast Guard, Dawn has finally hung it up.

Dawn served with my wife for many years, enjoying some great times and sharing many memories. They both did over 20 years of service for the country, and I am most proud of them both.

Dawn's family was there, and we all had a great time while we were there. She has a wonderful husband and two fantastic children. Some might think her life is a bit of a storybook. I think it's the culmination of hard work and love.

So, here's to you, Dawn. This is your week. You deserve more than just one day. Enjoy the retirement, no matter what you choose to do in your next endeavor. I know it'll be a success. I only need look at your track record to know that.

And congrats to all veterans, retired or otherwise. Your service to your country is vastly important, so please know that it's appreciated.

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Posting On Sunday

We are on vacation so I am posting some items a day early. We have something to do tomorrow and will be too busy to post any items. So consider these things as your Monday treats.

I Guess That Qualifies Bush As An Underachiever

It took Bush 7 years to amass the debt that Obama has handed us in less than six months.

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If Only Enough Of The People Will See It In Time

Now that the heavy-handed Socialistic government of Obama has taken over several private companies, and now that they have decided to limit how much employees can make in salaries and bonuses, the smartest employees are leaving those companies to join competing companies that have fewer or no governmental restrictions. This development will have a negative effect on the companies who are receiving taxpayer money, which will hamper their chances at success, which will likely cause them to need even more taxpayer money later, which will open the door for more governmental interference.

You and I pay more taxes, companies that take taxpayer money lose the best and brightest, and Obama gets more powerful. It’s the Socialist Circle of Life.

If only someone had seen this coming

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I Promise...Period...Absolutely...Okay Not Really

The President makes a cut and dried promise that you can keep your current health care plan. He even adds “period” to emphasize his point.

Of course, when pressed for details at a later date, the truth starts coming out, and now comes the legalese mumbo jumbo of what he REALLY means.

Doesn’t matter, though. He made his point when he said “period” and convinced enough idiots to believe him that it doesn’t matter now that he has to backtrack and admit that’s not true.

The idiots won’t notice.

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Some Students Would Pay For Their Teachers To Be In A Rubber Room

NYC has over 700 teachers it’s paying full salaries to sit in “rubber rooms” (hey, it’s their term, not mine) and play scrabble or surf the web.

I guess it’s a good think the city is not in any financial hardships and can afford to pay that kind of money to union people to just sit around and do nothing. After all, the city surely has nothing better to do with an estimated $65 million per year than to pay union teachers who have been accused of violations from insubordination to sexual harassment.

It’s common to sit in these rooms and be paid to do nothing for years, with some have wound up in there for 5 or 6 years.

This is due to the teacher’s unions that make it near impossible to fire anyone, and won’t allow them to be reassigned to productive work while waiting for resolution of the charges.

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Another Story Passing With No Comment

The writer of the song You Light Up My Life has been indicted on rape and sexual assault charges.

It just gets creepy reading this story.

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Sure, We Want Him In Charge Of Our Kids

Arrested in 2007 for DUI and possession of marijuana.

Failure to report arrest to employer, who requires such actions to be reported.

Falling behind on paying fine, failure to report to probation office, failure to report to court hearing.

Does this sound like a good resume for an elementary school principal?

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There Are Just So Many Things Wrong With This Sentence

Underage strippers are going to the state Supreme Court in Georgia to protest the law that they must be 21 to take off their clothes in a bar.

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Mainstream Media Bias Alert, Golf Edition

This article details the differences in how the media treated Bush 41 and Bush 43 playing golf during war and how they are treating Obama doing the same.

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Will They Police Networks For Running Ads For Obama?

The FTC wants to police bloggers for signs of compensation for running ads or promoting products.

This can only lead to more and more governmental controls, which is only a bad thing.

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Mainstream Media Bias Alert, Sex Edition

George Stephanopoulos says that Democrats have a harder time staying in office after sex scandals than Republicans.

His former boss Bill Clinton could not be reached for comment.

When the mainstream media talked about Eliot Spitzer’s affair, he was identified as a Democrat 20% of the time.

When the mainstream media talked about Mark Sanford’s affair, he was identified as a Republican 100% of the time.

CNN discusses “another sex scandal involving a leading Republican” and completely ignores any Democrats who were involved in sex scandals.

Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer, Kwame Kilpatrick, and Jim McGreevey could not be reached for comment.

Detroit City Council President Monica Conyers has pleaded guilty of bribery charges and faces 5 years in prison. Conyers is the wife of Democratic congressman John Conyers.

In response to the confession, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN all plan half hour specials investigating the sexual affair of Republican Mark Sanford, the Republican Governor of South Carolina, who is a leading Republican and holds a Republican leadership post.

By the way, did you know that Mark Sanford is a Republican?

Here's an aside to those of you who, as good lefties, defended Bill Clinton when he was having affairs with multiple women, and standing accused of assaulting a few as well: You have forfeited the license to condemn Sanford. Leave it to the rest of us.

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They Say Things Happen In Threes

First it was Ed McMahon. Now Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson have died. What a week.

Predictably, most people are coming out of the woodwork to mourn Jackson. It's a shame that McMahon and Fawcett's accomplishments will be overshadowed by a pedophile.

I watched on Fox News yesterday as Al Sharpton grabbed the spotlight, trying to latch onto Jackson's coattails by talking about how close he was to the singer. He tried to imply that Jackson was one of the very first black singers to gain wide acceptance and break the color barrier.

Michael Jackson made culture accept a person of color, way before Tiger Woods, way before Oprah Winfrey, way before Barack Obama. Michael did with music what they later did in sports and in politics, and in television. And no controversy will erase the historic impact"

I wonder what Nat King Cole, Marvin Gaye, Sam Cooke, Diana Ross, Sammy Davis Jr, and thousands of others thought of that statement.

Sharpton also said that lots of people who had criticized Jackson while he was alive were now mourning and praising him, and he implied that they were hypocrites.

"It's amazing...to see how many people are now praising him that wouldn't go near him in the last several years."

Well, Mr. Sharpton, just to make you happy, and just so you know I am no hypocrite - Michael Jackson was a perverted little jerk. This is not changed by the fact he could sing, nor is it changed by the fact that he is dead. Perhaps some people are just trying to be respectful of the dead. I had planned on saying nothing about Jackson - the closest I can get to being respectful of him. But you just couldn't keep from trying to turn this into a condemnation of those who thought him to be a pedophile. So I am answering your comments.

Sharpton said "no controversy will erase the historic impact." I say no amount of record sales will erase the controversy.

Sharpton said Jackson "learned to sing and dance past unfair criticism." I say Jackson kept putting out records while he was abusing young boys.

Sharpton says Jackson had "shortcomings." I say he was a perverted pedophile who belonged in prison.

I'll miss McMahon and Fawcett.

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How About Time Off To Wash The Car?

Do we really need laws requiring employers to give time off to employees to attend little league games?

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Mother Of The Year Nominee

A mother, and I use the term very loosely, locks her 4 month old twins in a car in 90 degree plus temperatures and saunters into her local Walmart (it’s ALWAYS gotta be a Walmart, doesn’t it?) to do some shopping.

The woman (I won’t call her a mother again) gets upset when she returns and firefighters have broken out her window to rescue the children after being called by people passing by the car.

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The Teachers Union's Favorite Board Game Is Monopoly

Public schools are run by teachers unions. Most charter schools are not.

Public schools perform worse than charter schools under most criteria, causing a lot of people to seek out charter schools.

Teachers unions are trying to muscle their way into charter schools.

Do you see what will happen to charter schools if unions get their way?

Teachers unions are not about what’s best for the students. They are about power, pure and simple.

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Now If We Can Only Get Them Onboard With School Vouchers For Everyone Else

The Supreme Court has ruled that parents of special education children can seek reimbursement for private school costs.

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Don't Do My Job For Me

The Obama administration issued its long-awaited rules for tallying jobs Monday and warned that local politicians trying to inflate their numbers would surely be caught.”

Yeah, lying and inflating numbers is the President’s job, and he doesn’t want anyone else doing his job.

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I Don't Want My Health Care Run Like The Post Office, Or The IRS, Or HUD, Or...

Okay, this is for all of you who still think national health care is the way to go. They have hard data from which you can judge how government-run health care has performed so far.

Since 1970, Medicare’s per-patient cost has risen 34% higher than the per-patient cost of private insurance. Do you understand that? This is not a small sample, it was taken over a 40 year period. Costs have outrun private insurance by 34%.

What do you think will happen to health care once the lefties nationalize the entire industry? Remember that no government program has EVER come in at the projected cost. Remember that costs usually are four or five times the original estimates. Remember that government programs get bogged down with regulations and are run by people who don’t care and have complete job security.

Do you want your health care run like the DMV? Think of ONE government agency that is efficient. Just one.

Now ask yourself – is this what you want for your health care?

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Up Next - Goodbye Croissant, Hello Steak And Eggs

Who would have thought we would live to see the day when France's leader is tougher and speaks harsher than the US President?

First Sarkozy spoke out forcefully about the Iranian elections and protests while Obama hemmed and hawed about it. Now Sarkozy has come out saying that burqas are not welcome in France, as they are a sign of the “debasement” of women.

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It'd Be So Much Better To Use Police To Stop Them From Doing Their Jobs

I told you about the Democrats in the state senate in NY having hissy fits. Now the Governor has decided to call in state police to make them do their job if need be.

Again, to the voters of NY – you elected these goobers. Hope you enjoy all of this.

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Just Wait, It'll Be Blamed On Bush, Of Course

Welfare numbers are on the rise.


We Haven’t Seen This Type Of Adulation Since Miley Cyrus Or The Jonas Brothers

Even Juan Williams, known as a leftie, admits that the mainstream media has an unhealthy obsession with Obama.

Then we have George Stephanopolos, also widely known as a leftie, admitting that Obama is “obsessed” with Fox News, but he means an entirely different type of obsession.

The best line of all came from George Will, who said there are three great romances in history – Abelard and Eloise, Romeo and Juliet, and the national media and Obama.

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Dissension Among The Media Lapdogs

So MSNBC thinks the NY Times has gone too far by calling Fox News and Jon Voight “Obama Haters” who are responsible for causing violent murders.

Or maybe they’re just jealous they didn’t think of it first.

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Does This Mean Fruit Loops Are Candy?

Obama’s FDA has determined that Cheerios are a drug and should be pulled from shelves and possibly sold only with a prescription.

This is because of the ads that Cheerios run that say the cereal helps lower cholesterol.

The FDA does not dispute the truth in that statement. But they maintain that saying it makes Cheerios a drug instead of a breakfast cereal.

What next? We need a prescription to buy vegetables, because they are healthy? How about fish, known as brain food? Do we have to get a prior approval from our health insurance to buy a carrot?

Can the FDA determine the administration, by virtue of their statements, to not be a valid government, but rather to be a clueless gang of goobers?

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However, He Did Beat An Episode Of Charles In Charge

The All Barack Channel’s informercial on socializing health care got the lowest ratings during its time slot, even up against a brand new show and a CSI:NY repeat. It tied a repeat of an earlier comedy show as least-watched show of the night.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Transparency Doesn't Mean You Get To See Stuff, You Know

More on the administration’s constant breaking of the transparency pledge.

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1.Spend 2.We Won 3.Spend

Michael Barone has a great read on his three rules for how Obama governs.

Basically, the rules are:

- Don’t get bogged down in facts,

- Don’t get bogged down in details, and

- Rule Chicago-style, i.e. the iron-fisted bullying technique.

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I Don't Know What She's Worried About - She's Conservative So ACORN Will Likely Skip Her House Anyway

How scary is it that even members of Congress are afraid of ACORN? Here’s one lawmaker who says she will refuse to answer any census questions other than the number of people who live in the household. She is concerned that ACORN will misuse the data.

Given their history, that's an extremely logical conclusion.

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Speaking Of Hateful (Updated)

UPDATE - Ms. Fox says in an interview that Transformers is for geniuses. I realized I knew next to nothing of the girl who thinks an action movie is for geniuses but hates religious white people. So I looked up her career. Nothing very eventful before Transformers - a couple of forgettable roles and a guest spot or two on tv shows.

In Bad Boys II, she played "Stars and Stripes Bikini Kid Dancing Under Waterfall." I bet she had a time memorizing lines for that part. She was also in the movie Whore, and I'll let that one pass without comment.

Original Story

Here's an example of just how hateful the left is...I mean how nice and caring and sympathetic and respectful and compassionate the left is.

Megan Fox wants all white trash bible beating hillbillies in middle America killed.

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I Hate Those Haters For Hating...They're Just Haters And I Just Hate That! Don't You Hate Them For Hating?

This is a great bit of satire on how conservatives are all haters, and how lefties hate them for being haters.

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Mark The Calendar

It’s a watershed moment in the history of mainstream media! The networks have discovered the term “far left” and applied it to any gay groups that are not happy with Obama.

Talk bad about the big O and the networks will getcha.

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Forget The Research And Facts, If We Whine About Global Warming, I Mean Cooling, I Mean Climate Change, We Can Raise More Taxes!

The White House releases a report detailing how badly climate change is going, and how humans are just killing the planet.

Now if they could only get the guy who actually did the research to shut up. Because he has come out and said they took his report and twisted it to fit their preconceived conclusions.

In other words, it doesn’t matter what the experts say – lefties are going to say what they want. It’s called lying.

Algore must be so proud.

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Even The White House Doesn’t Know What Obama Means

Robert Gibbs has a tough job. Asked to explain what countries Obama was referring to when he made the claim twice in recent speeches that some countries are perfectly happy with their single payer health insurance plan, Gibbs could not name a specific country.


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NEA Declares War On Military

The NEA has declared open war on the military by using dirty tricks including boldly lying about school voucher programs to deny them to military families.

In a letter, the union, which has demonstrated over the years they care only about teachers and they could care less about children, declared the voucher program in DC is a failure and has never shown any signs of success. This is either delusional or outright lying. I doubt they are delusional.

Shame on the NEA and shame on any teacher who cares more about their union than the kids they are supposed to be teaching.

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At Least He Did Not Answer The Questions Before They Were Asked

Here are just some of the words never mentioned by President Obama or most of the press during his press conference this week:

Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Pakistan, soldiers, surge, war, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, enemy, troops, wounded.

Perhaps that was because the “press conference” was largely staged and some of the questions were preplanned and asked by planted reporters. I love the comment that Obama was like the Harlem Globetrotters and the press was like the Washington Generals.

Funny how the Huffington Post used to get crazy fired up by accusing Bush of using plants to ask planned questions, and now it’s proven fact they have done what they used to hate Bush for.

Well, one of the thousands of things they hated Bush for.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Breaking News - Gov Sanford Admits Affair, Resigns Leadership Post

SC Governor Mark Sanford has returned from South America. He has admitted to an affair and resigned his leadership post in the Republican Governors Association.

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Hide Here Until He's Gone, Then Give Me Money, And Presto! He Kept A Campaign Promise!

Obama promises during the campaign to not take any money from lobbyists. So, when he appears at a Democratic fundraising event, lobbyists are not allowed in the room while Obama speaks, but are told to bring checks early the next morning to meet with high ranking Democrats who will gladly accept their money.

Only the most jaded of lefties will not see that as yet another broken campaign promise by Obama.

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Look At His Friends Wrong And You Could Join That Growing Sector Known As Unemployed

According to the White House, firing people who do their jobs by investigating your friends is an act of “political courage.”

It also seems that more Inspectors General are being fired for suspicious reasons.

Meanwhile, Gerald Walpin, the Inspector General fired by Obama for daring to investigate one of Obama’s buddies, wants a congressional investigation.

Does he truly think that he’ll get a fair shake from Pelosi and her flying monkeys?

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Here’s To The Chicken

The San Diego Chicken says this might be his last year. Ted Giannoulas is now 55, and he has been doing the Chicken routine for 35 years. After starting out as a temporary stunt for a local radio station in San Diego and earning $2 per hour, Giannoulas has found a calling.

He is, quite frankly, the funniest and more original sports mascot in history. Every mascot today owes something to the Chicken. I am glad that his routines are copyrighted, because I know he’s been imitated and ripped off more times than you can count. Sporting News named him one of the 100 Most Influential People in sports for the 20th Century. Time magazine lumped his first appearance with Lou Gherig’s farewell speech and Jackie Robinson’s first game as true nostalgia for the game.

The Chicken has appeared onstage with Elvis, Jimmy Buffett, Jerry Lee Lewis, Paul McCartney, and hundreds of others. He has performed for Presidents Reagan, Ford, and Bush 41.

I had the distinct pleasure of seeing the Chicken more than a few times in his early heyday. I was serving in the Navy in San Diego and took in more than a few Padres games. Those memories will stay with me forever.

I took my daughter to see the Chicken this past weekend. She had never seen him other than on youtube. Now she has been a part of history, too.

If this is indeed the last year the Chicken will play, you should make every effort to see him. It doesn’t matter if you have seen him before or not. Go and catch the Chicken. It’s worth it.

It’s just too bad he doesn’t have a number that can be retired.

Check back later and I'll add some pictures I took this weekend. I don't have them on me right now.

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First Gays, Then PETA, Now Environmentalists

Add environmentalists to the growing list of people who were deluded and are now realizing that Obama is not who they thought he was, but is turning into just another politician who lies about anything to get elected.

They would have known that already if they had looked at the (D) after his name (not that having an (R) after your name is necessarily that much better).

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You're Kidding, Right?

PETA has nothing better to do than complain that Obama killed a fly.

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Why Should They Be Different

Gays are upset with Obama for breaking campaign promises to them.

Hey, didn’t they want equal treatment? That’s all he’s giving them.

If you want to see equal treatment, read the next couple of posts.

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Funny How Those Lines Are So Divergent

Get a look at the chart that shows how Obama thought unemployment would go without his gazillion dollar spending spree, how he thinks it’s going with the spending spree, and how it’s actually going in reality.

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I Notice The Times Has Been All Over This "He Attacked The President" Thing For Years

The headline says, “Bush Takes Swipe At Policies Of Obama” but the truthful headline would read, “Bush Answers Eight Years Of Personal Attacks With Honesty.”

So, just how does Bush take a “swipe” at Obama? According to the Washington Times, it’s because the former President said these things:

- that his administration used interrogation techniques that were within legal limits

- that the private sector is better suited than a big spending government to get the US out of a recession,

- that he does not like the idea of nationalizing health care.

How dare he! Why, I guess that’s tantamount to being a racist, right? After all, he did not bow to Obama. He did not get a tingle up either leg. He missed the opportunity to proclaim Obama to be “sort of God.”

No wonder so many people still hate that man. What a potty mouth on him. Can’t someone rein in that wild man?

And how does the White House respond to such scathing attacks? “We won.” Nyah, nyah, nyah. I wonder if Robert Gibbs stuck out his tongue when he said it?

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If You Call Spending Everyone Else's Money Logic

Victor Davis Hanson seeks to assist those trying to comprehend what is going on with the government these days by presenting a primer on Obama Logic.

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Dear President Obama, You Scare Me

This is a great open letter from Lou Pritchett to the President. If the name is not familiar, Mr. Pritchett spent most of his business career with Proctor & Gamble, a huge corporation that was extremely profitable during his tenure. Mr. Pritchett knows a thing or two about business and free enterprise.

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That's Called Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Great news – 40% of Americans now understand that Obama’s policies have hurt the economy. That’s a start.

Also, Americans trust their own economic decisions over Obama’s by a 2-1 margin.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You Would Think A History Professor Would Know About Not Killing The Messenger

A college history professor says that the CBO is the biggest threat to Obama’s health care plan.

We have an administration planning on taking over a huge section of the US economy, turning the country more towards Socialism, and he sees the problem being that the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office is being honest about the cost.

He uses an illustration of how the CBO ruined Clinton’s grandiose plans for health care by saying they labeled employer premiums as a tax. I guess he did not want to admit they were correct.

Isn’t that a bit like sitting around with four buddies discussing how you are going to rob a bank, and when one guy says, but we could go to jail, you reply, well there you go, you’ve ruined it for everyone by causing them to doubt the plan.

I’ve got news for this professor. The real threat to this plan is not the CBO, it’s the delusions of grandeur that lefties are suffering.

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Lefties Will Begin Screaming In Five, Four, Three...

Goldman Sachs will be paying out record bonuses this year.

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Hey, A Little Mascara On The Other Side And You're Right As Rain


Hey, even one of the leading gay activist groups is calling on PH to apologize for his tactics.


I guess Perez Hilton felt just a little emboldened by his getting away with calling Carrie Prejean a vulgar word.

Oops. Turns out that the Black Eyed Peas don’t have as much tolerance as Prejean, and Hilton wound up with a well-deserved shiner.

Maybe he should stop with the celebrity attacks. Maybe he should stop with the bigoted non-stop attacking of heterosexuals. Maybe he should just slink away into the darkness.

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Deja Vu, First Lady Meddling Behind Scenes In National Health Care Debate Edition

There is a hospital in a large American city that began patient dumping, a method of cherry picking patients, ushering the poor out the door to other hospitals so they could focus on patients with money or insurance. Sounds like something the media would have you believe is a Republican plan, right?

The city is Chicago. The hospital is the University of Chicago Medical Center. One of the top executives at the hospital and one of the driving forces behind the plan was Michelle Obama.

I wonder who they’ll dump patients on if they get their socialized national health care passed?

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Maybe They Only Polled Dead People Or Imaginary Characters

If you are a major media news outlet, and you want to do a poll on public support for Obama’s nationalization of health care, and you want the poll numbers to reflect the most positive results for the plan, what do you do?

Well, if you are the NY Times and CBS, you stack the poll with Obama voters, and presto changeo, you get the results you were seeking.

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Mr. President, After You've Taken Over The Entire Economy, What's Next?

Here’s a list of questions you are guaranteed to never hear ABC ask President Obama during that health care infomercial. In fact, it’s more likely you’ll get struck by lightning than hear these questions uttered by any of the mainstream media lapdogs.

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If It Makes You Sick, Just Think Of The Cost Of Getting Better

If you have the stomach for it, here is a breakdown on the Kennedy Health Care bill and what it would mean for you.

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ABC Refusing Paid Ads That Oppose Socialized Health Care

ABC says it will not accept paid commercial advertising that might oppose Obama’s plans, but NBC had no problem at all accepting money for a two hour infomercial for Clinton’s health care proposals in 1994.

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Ed McMahon has passed away. The quintessential sidekick was 86.

From The Tonight Show and Star Search to American Family Publishers (You May Have Won $100,000!) and Bloopers And Practical Jokes, McMahon was at home either as the front man or the enthusiastic setup guy.

Try to find someone who is not familiar with "Heeeeeeeeere's Johnny!" You may have to travel to Timbuktu.

McMahon was suffering from many illnesses in his later years, including the cancer that finally ended his life. Although he was extremely famous, I don't think McMahon was ever recognized for the full extent of his work. Being underestimated seemed to be part of the McMahon character.

Rest In Peace, Ed. You are missed.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Maybe There Will Be A Top Ten List Of Advertisers Who Show A Backbone

Kudos to Olive Garden for cancelling their ads for the Letterman Show for the rest of the year. It’s their money, and they can decide how they want to spend it.

This is not a boycott, so don’t get all worked up. It’s a simple case of a company that is exercising its right to decide how to spend its money.

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SEIU Has As Many Nuts As ACORN

Michelle Malkin has a great link to a commercial that shows an SEIU member threatening lawmakers. Remember, SEIU is just ACORN spelled another way. It’s all the same leadership and a lot of the same members.

You can also read here about more tactics by ACORN. Some great videos, too.

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Amazing Video Of The Day

This is your amazing video of the day. Perpetuum Jazzile is Slovenia’s only jazz choir, and they are fantastic. The video is a production of Africa, by Toto. The group does amazing effects with only their voices and bodies (you’ll see what I mean).

Here is their website. It’s well worth the time.

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I Guess Writing A Conservative Blog Would Fall Under The Same Category

The new and improved DOD has labeled protests as “low-level terrorism.”

Do you hear that, Tea Party attendees?

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School Vouchers Are Bad Because...They Hurt Unions. Yeah, That's The Ticket.

In a Chicago public school - you know, the kind where lefties would never ever send their kids but refuse to allow you to not send yours – 44 out of 77 eighth graders did not pass and will not graduate from Bradwell Elementary.

Come on, all of you obamacons, tell us again why you are against school vouchers which give families CHOICE in their children’s education? You’re all about choice, so explain that to us again.

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Mainstream Media Alert, Party ID Edition

Remember when Elliot Spitzer was in the news? You could not get a major news program to even hint what party he belonged. It took ABC three days to finally utter the word “Democrat” and they were better than NBC.

Well, now comes along another governor having marital problems, and here’s how the news reports began:
“There's some intrigue developing in the nation's capital today. A rising star in the Republican Party is coming forward with a shocking admission and an equally stunning explanation” – ABC

“Nevada's Republican Senator John Ensign admits he had an extramarital affair last year.” – CBS

“Nevada Senator John Ensign says he has no plans to resign. Last night the conservative Republican admitted to an extramarital affair with a woman on his campaign staff.” – NBC

It took the three Obamanetworks an average of Ten Words before they called Ensign a Republican, but it took them days (if at all) to admit Spitzer was a Democrat.

This may sound like a familiar refrain, because it is. That only goes to prove the outrageous bias of the mainstream media. I’m sorry, but if you continue to deny it, you are either an idiot or a willing accomplice who refuses to acknowledge the truth.

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One Day, Reality Is Going To Hit Him Like A Freight Train

Bill Maher says that Obama is not a Socialist, and that in fact, he’s not even a liberal.

No, it’s not April 1st.

Maher goes on to state there is no “left wing” in America, and it’s the press’s fault.

Sounds like somebody fell off their meds.

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I Tell You, Someone Stole Those Strawberries! They Laughed At Me, But I used Geometric Logic To Prove Someone Had A Duplicate Key!

When asked months ago about the lack of negative coverage he is getting from the press, Obama said, “it’s coming.” Asked about it again now, he brushes off any suggestion that the bulk of the national media are overwhelmingly positive towards him, saying, “I’ve got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration,

Roughly translated, this exchange becomes the following:

You have no negative press.

It’s coming.

Okay, it’s been six months, and the press is fawning all over you, refusing to do their jobs. Some people say that is wrong of them. How do you respond?

Uh uh! Do not! No Way! Why, Those meanies at Fox hate me, they’ve always hated me! They’re mean…and ugly…and…and…mean!

Um, how does that address the question of Chris Matthews getting tingling sensations, Couric never criticizing you, Williams bowing to you, ABC turning their studios over to you, and Olbermann and the rest of the Obamacons marching in lockstep right along with you?

Well….well…Did you know those guys at Fox hate me?

Boy, won’t the lefties be happy when they take over the press completely and can shut down Fox. Then Obama will enjoy the same approval ratings as Hugo Chavez and Ahmadinejad and Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong-Il.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Well, Unemployment Is Up Because...Hey, Is That A Comet?

This is a great article from the National Review on how the administration is using sleight of hand, magic, distraction, fuzzy math, and just about any other car-salesman-like tactics to fool the public about the spend, spend, spend policies and how they are completely failing.

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No ID? Well, You Can't Buy Those Cigarettes, But You Can Vote

83% of Americans polled believe that you should have to have a photo ID with you to prove who you are before you vote. The overwhelming majority of Americans recognize this is a simple enough act to prevent massive voter fraud.

Additionally, 91% believe you should have to provide a photo ID or Social Security Number to prove who you say you are before you can register to vote.

Of course, none of this matters to the Democrats (or ACORN).

The only question is why 9% don’t think this is a good idea. It’s a no-brainer. You have to show more ID to get a fishing license than to register and cast a vote. In fact, here are some other things harder to do than cast a vote in an election.

Get a drivers license
Take the SAT or ACT
Cash a check
Get a Best Buy credit account
Purchase a BB gun
Rent a car
Board a plane or buy a ticket
Buy a drink
Buy cigarettes

Should I go on? Actually, the only thing that is actually easier than voting is coming into the country. Funny how that works.

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This Your Car? This Your Property? Okay, Here's A Ticket

Remember when I told you about people getting parking tickets for their cars in DC when the cars were parked on their property? It’s spread to Ohio now.

This is merely another way to raise tax revenues. Gotta spend to get to that cradle to grave existence, you know.

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He's Evil! He Lied! He Was Wrong! Hey, You Know, His Ideas Aren't That Bad...

Obama railed against Bush and promised to have a completely transparent administration. As has been proven dozens of times, anything he has said in the past means nothing. Obama will break a promise at the drop of a hat.

Now, Big O has decided he kind of likes what Bush was doing, and despite those promises and those attacks against Bush, he will continue more of Bush’s policies.

Lie and say anything to get elected. Don’t worry, the people are too stupid to notice.

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Newsflash - Obama Wants To Grow The Government

Remember when Obama promised to only take over a private company if it was absolutely necessary, and only those who had accepted bailout money?

Now he wants to expand on those powers. Gee, who saw that coming?

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You Don't Think They Would Titillate Just To Make A Buck, Do You?

A disturbing report on the MTV show that glorifies unwed pregnant teenage girls.

What do you expect? When was the last time (or the first time) that MTV showed any social responsibility?

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Government Wants To Make Murder Victims Unequal Under The Law

This article discusses congress debating expanding hate crime legislation (as if we really need even more worthless laws) and points out the total dichotomy of the Holocaust Museum killer having yet to be charged with a hate crime.

My problem with this is the same problem I have with any hate crime law. The article says it’s intended to stiffen penalties. Yet the article points out that Von Brunn will face the death penalty for the murder. So, where is the stiffer penalty? What are they going to do, execute him twice?

Hate crimes are a bad, bad, bad idea. They are intended to criminalize thought, not deeds. That by itself makes it Orwellian. However, hate crimes go the additional step to Wrongsville by intentionally making some murders worse than others. By it’s definition, a hate crime law says killing this person is worse than killing that other person. It places more of a value on certain lives, and that value is based solely on race, gender or some other trait that we are supposed to be ignoring.

When it’s not murder, hate crimes are even worse. Hate crime supporters believe that if a person is mugged, they deserve X punishment. However, if the victim is black or gay, then punishment should be X + Y. Why is that? They can’t be saying that punishment can be a deterrent. We know that because they have insisted for decades that capital punishment is not a deterrent. Why are you placing more value on a black or gay victim than a victim in general?

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How Do We Encourage People To Visit America? We Charge Them, Of Course!

In a rundown on how the Senate will be dipping into your pocket this week, this little tidbit catches one’s eye.

“And the Senate will start off the week with a bill to create a nonprofit
corporation to promote tourism to the United States, to be called the
Corporation for Travel Promotion. The nonprofit company would be financed in
part by a new $10 fee on foreign travelers visiting the United States.”

Some random thoughts on this:

- Do we really need another government entity?

- If it’s run by the government, you can rest assured it will be non profit.

- Doesn’t it just roll off the tongue? Come visit the US, Welcome, Gimme ten dollars.

- Have they heard of the Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, which operates under the Department of Commerce?

- What is the over/under on how many days it would take for them to apportion US tax money to make up the shortfall in the non-profit’s budget?

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Congressional Black Caucus Longs For The Good Old Days Of Bush

The Congressional Black Caucus uses a study to proclaim there are not enough black people on Sunday morning political talk shows, despite having to admit that Fox News is one of the best at having black representation.

Too bad they did not remember that Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell used to be regular guests on those shows. Ahh, I guess they long for the good old days when Bush had one of the most diverse administrations ever.

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Costs Never Go Up

Do you believe Obama when he says his health care plan will pay for itself?

Maybe you should read this article by Jillian Bandes, who shoots that down quickly.

Consider these government programs:

- In 1983, congress mandated that Social Security be financially solvent for 75 years and they crowed about it. Even the best estimates now put it as running out of money 21 years early, and most agree that’s sunshine and lollipops.

- The US Postal Service has been under order by law since 1970 to make a profit or break even. They lost $2.8 Billion last year and will be under by $6 Billion this year.

- In 1970, we were told Amtrak would be solvent within 5 years. $30 Billion of red ink later, nobody ever thinks it will make money.

When has ANY government program EVER cost what the original estimates were?

Consider this as well – the government itself has already raised the estimated cost of just part of this massive governmental takeover to over $1 Trillion, and that doesn’t account for things like expanding medicaid. Including everything the administration is discussing pushes the cost to over $6 Trillion by some estimates.

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This Is NOT A Monty Python Skit

A man is the last resident of a block of 70 apartments scheduled for demolition so a newer, more expensive building can be put up. The man resists all efforts by the developer to get him to move.

The man is found dead with his head completely severed from his body, cut off by a chainsaw.

Police label the case as “non-suspicious.” The coroner’s office said, “As far as we know nobody else was involved. There's nothing suspicious about the death. It was in his flat on Bodmin Road. The place is all due to be redeveloped. He was the last resident left there. He lived there alone."

Nobody else involved? They are saying he committed suicide by chainsaw? Or perhaps it was one of those unfortunate accidents.

He was the only resident in a group of 70 apartments, holding up an expensive redevelopment and costing someone millions. I guess he was using the chainsaw to trim the bushes, accidentally tripped and fell onto the chainsaw, cutting off his head completely.

That's not suspicious at all.

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Timeline of Deceit

1992 – Edward Downe Jr is convicted of insider trading, wire fraud, securities fraud, and filing false income tax returns.

1993 – Senator Chris Dodd appears on Downe’s behalf as Downe is sentenced to only probation and an $11 Million fine.

1994 – Dodd joins with Downe buddy Ed Kessinger to purchase a “cold, windy and draughty” cottage on 12.5 acres of “mountain type land” in Ireland. Dodd’s contribution is $12,000. The purchase price is $160,000.

2001 – Dodd gets Clinton, on Bill’s last day in office, to pardon Downe. This is one of the last-day pardons that bypasses normal pardon vetting.

2002 – Dodd buys out Kessinger’s stake in the Irish property, paying $127,000. Downe signs the document as a witness.

2008 – House in Ireland valued at between $101,000 and $250,000 according to financial statements. Dodd is focus of ethics probe over sweetheart mortgages in US, deflects most of troubling spotlight with help of Democratic cronies.

2009 – Dodd has the property appraised. Value of home suddenly becomes $660,000.

2009 – Judicial Watch files an ethics complaint against Dodd for failing to report the 2002 transaction as a gift.

Dodd better thank his lucky stars he’s not a Republican, because then he might be in real trouble.

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Selling Clothes Or Soft Porn?

There has always been a certain fashion company known for advertising that was shocking in order to sell more stuff. I won’t mention the name, because I don’t want to help them gain even more fame.

Suffice to say they are becoming desperate, because they have pretty much lost their edge. Even industry people acknowledge the latest billboard is a blatant attempt to gain some badly needed publicity. The billboard shows four half-naked people in a semi-orgy.

Yep, that’s got a lot to do with fashion.

Here’s the link if you really need it.

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Oops, My Bad, Insider Trading Edition

Congressional members met with the Treasury Secretary and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve in September over potentially troubled banks and the need for legislation to save some of them. The next day, before the information was made public and anyone could have a chance to react, the number 2 Senate Republican cashed in over $40,000 of stock and reinvested it in other venues, making a total of over $116,000 that he dumped out of the stock market in September, as it was falling. There have been numerous calls from congress and the media for an immediate investigation into insider trading by the Republican, as well as calls for his resignation.

Oops, my bad.

It was actually Dick Durbin, the number 2 Democrat in the senate, and the silence from congress and the media is deafening.

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If Only They Would Wake Up

Here's some good news – according to Gallup, the largest ideological group currently in America identify themselves as conservatives.

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Don't Forget It Saved Jobs Too

The administration is scrambling to explain their lies and mistakes that resulted in them promising the stimulus bill would keep unemployment below 8%.


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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Not Even A Heart With Mom In It

This link is for those of you who think it's a good idea to permanently mark your body with ink by paying someone to stab you with sharp needles over and over. Don't worry, the markings never change shape over the years or move to a different location.

Look for the chart that shows locations on the body and what it means to place a tattoo in that area.

Yes, it's true. I served ten years in the US Navy and never got, nor never wanted, a tattoo. Call me a dinosaur.

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Wait Till They Begin Registering Martians

Neal Boortz has a great idea – take all the people who were taken by surprise over the conversion to digital TV and remove them from voting registration rolls.

I could not agree more. This could be a great idea - let's find other ways to clean out the voter rolls.

Sadly, it won't work. Restrictions mean nothing to lefties, who have already shown they can work around them. Things like you have to live where you vote, you have to be alive, you have to be a real person, you have to be a citizen, etc.

To most of us, those are restrictions. To lefties, they are merely suggestions.

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Or Maybe He Thinks He Is The Higher Power

Is Obama a Christian, or a Muslim? Or maybe, he can more correctly be described as an opportunist.

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PJTV Video Of The Day

Here is today's Pajamas TV Video Of The Day. It involves the leftie's superstar, the almost successful Keith Olberman. In case you don't watch him (and from the ratings, there are lots of you who don't) and have no idea who he is, just know that the impression is dead on.

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It's The Staples and Creases That Turn Them Off

A study by the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, has found that men prefer the average woman’s body to that of a Playboy centerfold.

My own unscientific research has determined that for a lot of men, their only requirement is that the woman be conscious and present.

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Two For One Deal

If you are going to kill a woman and her child in New Mexico, make sure you do it when the mother is still pregnant. If you kill them both before the child is delivered, you can perform two murders for the price of one.

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Uhhh...One's West?

Can you tell the difference between Virginia and West Virginia?

Evidently, MSNBC can’t.

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How Many Lefties Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb And Then Apologize To Sarah Palin?

Letterman finally manned up, at least a little bit, and offered a mostly sincere apology for his outrageous"'joke" about Sarah Palin’s daughter.

Governor Palin has graciously accepted.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ABC = All (O)Bama Channel?

Has Big (Obama) Brother finally arrived? On June 24th, ABC News will merge with the White House for at least one night. The national news program will be broadcast from the White House followed by a primetime special from the East Room.

Is there anyone at the major networks with any objectivity left?

How long before they just quit pretending and announce themselves as Obama's Press Corps?

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If This Is Change, Why Do We Keep Getting Deja Vu?

If you investigate a friend of Obama’s during the course of your job, especially if you do a good job at it, you will be fired by Obama.

As always, Michelle Malkin has more in-depth analysis of the subject, including the Michelle Obama/Hillary Clinton Travelgate-esque connection.

Travelgate comparisons, flip flopping, nominees who can't pass vetting, strongarming by unions, nominating lefties for the bench, economy tanking, massive spending programs, trying to take over the entire health care industry...any day now, either the Bee Gees or A Flock Of Seagulls will top the charts.

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Maybe He's Just Another Misinformed Product Of Government Schools

Victor Davis Hanson on President Obama’s mistakes when he speaks about history in his speeches (and there are plenty of examples).

Perhaps BHO is uninformed when it comes to American history, or maybe he just makes stuff up to suit his needs.

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Biggest Flip Flopper Since...Kerry?

Back during the campaign, Obama ridiculed Republicans who said that he wanted terrorists to have Miranda rights read to them. Notice I did not say "their Miranda rights" - this is because terrorists attacking a country during an agression DO NOT have rights to a trial by jury or a lawyer. But I digress.

BTW, tip of the hat to the Weekly Standard and John McCormack for the above.

Forward to December 2008, on a little program called 60 Minutes, where Obama said terrorists don't deserve Miranda rights.

Now forward to the present, where President Obama has directed the military to begin Mirandizing terrorists caught during battle.

And, since Flip Flops always come in pairs, here's another for you.

Back during the campaign, Obama, according to CNN, “believes the Bush administration has downplayed the importance of catching the FBI's most-wanted terrorist because it has not been able to find him.” That was Obama's team describing the hunt for bin Laden.

Also, during a debate in October 2008, Obama said, “We will kill bin Laden; we will crush Al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority.”

Forward to the present, where Obama now says catching or killing bin Laden is no longer a priority.

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Become A Terrorist And America Will Give You A Tropical Vacation

Some of the prisoners in Guantanamo were from China, and they were deemed separatists by the Chinese government. We could not release them back to China, where they would have been imprisoned, tortured and likely killed. We could not release them to many other nations, who would turn right around and ship them to China. Other countries refused to take them.

Now, the Obama administration has found a new home for these terrorist sympathizers. Some of them went to the lovely tropical island of Palau, at a cost of over $15 Million per man. Ain’t that a grand way to spend $200 Million of your tax dollars?

Another 4 of these Chinese Uighurs have been shipped to Bermuda, where they are enjoying tropical swims and ice cream socials. Evidently, Hillary Clinton and others have been in talks with Bermuda for over a month negotiating this transfer. Only one small problem – nobody bothered mentioning this to London, and Bermuda is a British Commonwealth.

Needless to say, London is none too happy over these events. But, hey, what can they expect, after the way Obama has shown he will treat his allies? The only people who get apologies or concessions are American enemies.

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Earlier, Squirrels Made The Lion Dress Up And Put Bows In Its Hair

A lady in southern California hears her three chihuahuas barking like crazy in the garage so she goes out to see what is going on in there. Much to her surprise, she finds the three pound dogs have cornered a 175 pound mountain lion. The dogs kept the large cat at bay for almost an hour while the lady retreated to her daughter's bedroom and watched through a window after calling 911.

Police and Fish and Wildlife officers responded. Reports differ as to whether the cat was tranquilized or shot and killed. Most reports seem to indicate the animal was put down after advancing on the officers.

Okay, who's going to mess with those dogs now?

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Let's Not Let This Sad Story Become More Common

This is a truly sad story but one that may become more commonplace in the future.

Lisa Strong had a history of kidney stones. She felt sick one day, developed a fever of 106, and headed to the emergency room. That is where her real troubles began.

Different people tell different stories, but what is agreed upon is that she went to the ER, told them she thought she had kidney stones, was treated by the ER staff, and then waited 16 hours for emergency surgery to remove the kidney stones.

The cause for the delay is what people can't agree upon. The ER doctor had to call another doctor, appointed by Strong's health care insurance company, to confer with for treatment. This doctor handled everything by phone. Yep, the smartest move when treating a patient is to let the person on the phone decide what to do instead of the person actually there.

The ER doctor swears she told the phone doctor about the kidney stones and infection. The phone doctor says, uh uh, did not. The ER doctor did nothing further because she says she assumed the phone doctor would come down and treat the patient in person. The phone doctor gave instructions over the phone and went back to whatever he was doing at the time, maybe a game of golf or a nice dinner out. And they point fingers at each other while the patient wonders what will happen to her.

You see, Strong developed a bad staph infection from waiting for so long for the surgery. A month later, she wound up losing both arms and legs to amputation.

Strong sued, but the jury inexplicably ruled against her. Lawyers say they could not figure out who to blame. The judge said they were all goobers, so he overturned the verdict and ordered a new trial. Strong is not sure she can withstand another trial so she might let it go. This ordeal has cost her marriage. She now shares custody of her children, and she collects disability payments because she can't work. Her hospital bills are almost $1 million, and she is in constant pain.

I want you to put yourself in Lisa Strong's place. You are sick. You go to the hospital for treatment. Because of government regulations and red tape, they have to call some bureaucrat or a doctor somewhere else and let them order treatment.

Do you want this type of regulation? Do you want your healthcare decided by some number cruncher in DC, who is just as likely to say nope, that person is too old for this treatment to be cost effective?

This is a rare case, but could become much more common under Obama's health care reform. Sure, Obama is out there yammering about how we who oppose his plan will use "scare tactics and fear-mongering" to try and wake people up. Damn straight. If the truth is scary, then I guess we can be guilty of fear-mongering, although it's more accurate to say we are using "truth tactics and reality-mongering."

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I Wonder If Father Potsie Was Involved

Richard Cunningham has pleaded guilty, along with his son, of embezzling $3.1 million from their church in California. Richard is a 76 year old pastor, but he is not this Richie Cunningham. He and his 52 year old son, also a pastor, pleaded guilty of taking the money and using it to buy time shares in Hawaii and Palm Springs as well as cars and golf club memberships. They were sentenced to two years.

The strangest thing about this is that they have repaid the church all the money in restitution. Where did they get that money? And, if they had that kind of money, why take it from the church in the first place?

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Only Right Wing Views Are Extremist And Have Consequences

Joan Walsh, editor of Salon.com, that bastion of fairness, went on another bastion of fairness, Hardball, and declared that Rush Limbaugh is to blame for the Holocaust Museum murder.

She then posted her own blog claiming that “right wing” talk can lead to murder.

So, when a conservative woman is raped, will Ms. Walsh blame Playboy and Politico? Will she blog about left wing hate talk?

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Carrie Prejean Getting Palin Treatment

If you believe that Carrie Prejean was relieved of her Miss California title for “refusing to fulfill her obligations,” and that it had nothing to do with her answering a loaded question from a gaybaiter, you should really come and visit reality now and then.

It’s laughable that lefties think this will hurt Prejean. Her stock will only soar now, as conservative groups will rally behind her. She’s a courageous young woman who is being given the full Palin treatment by the media. Like Governor Palin, she’ll not only survive, she’ll thrive.

By the way, did you read where her replacement said that marriage should be between a man and a woman? I guess she'll "miss" some obligations soon as well.

Oh, and another By the way - perez hilton is merely a paparazzi who can type.

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If We're Comparing People To Animals, How About The Media Being Pack Mules For The Left?

There is an old adage about if you give enough chimpanzees enough typewriters and give them enough time, one of them will eventually type the complete works of Shakespeare. This was obviously the inspiration for the cartoon that depicted the chimpanzee that was killed in NY after attacking a woman. The chimp was lying on the ground dead and two policemen were standing over it while one said, “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.”

You can certainly question the wisdom of posting such a cartoon in today’s PC world, where racebaiters will jump on any and every chance to acquire more power by screaming “racism” over every perceived slight, minor or imagined. Needless to say, Al Sharpton, HuffPo, and countless other lefties crawled out of the woodwork and quickly made the connection that they themselves say is racist. THEY were the ones who tied the cartoon to Obama, which is funny, since Obama did not write the stimulus bill. But then again, lefties never let the truth get in the way of a power play.

So now the Post has caved and created a “diversity council” after needlessly apologizing for publishing a cartoon that had absolutely nothing to do with Obama that racebaiters howled in protest about.

Was it funny? Not really. Was it racial? Nope. Was it ill-advised? See the results. Was it in bad taste? Certainly not as much as any joke at a conservative’s expense by Letterman, cronies on the View, or any other of the thousands of jerks on MSM.

Funny, I can’t seem to find anything by HuffPo or Sharpton or any other leftie media outlet condemning eight years of comparing Bush to monkeys.

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Next, They Hold Their Breath Until A Bill Passes

UPDATE - Now ACORN has decided to get involved. Somehow, they got into the senate chambers, where protesting is strictly illegal, and physically assaulted at least one state Senator and one aide.

Original post

Drama in the NY State Legislature – two Democrats cross over to join with Republicans and give them a 32-30 majority, resulting in changes in committee chairs and leadership roles.

How do the Democrats respond? They throw a hissy fit, stomp out of the senate chambers and lock the doors.

An open message to the people in New York – you voted for these losers who could learn to lose with grace from any little league team. Way to go. Hopefully, you’ll learn the error of your ways. Doubtful, given NY’s history, but hopeful.

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They're Not Fond Of Bloggers, Either

This is why lefties and their mainstream media lapdogs hate Fox so much.

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Proof There Are At Least 11 Women Who Are Idiots

A 29 year old man, with a minimum wage job, has 21 children over 11 years with 11 women.

Who do you think is paying for those kids?

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And Use The Do Not Disturb Sign

Phil Bronstein says the press and Obama need to get a room, and this guy is from San Francisco.

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Hey, Guess What? They Found Another Tax That's Not Just For The Rich

Are you ready for a tax on using your cell phone? The IRS has decided they want to tax personal use of work provided cell phones as a fringe benefit. They decided that unless you provide “proof” that you are using your personal phone for personal calls, you will be charged federal taxes on 25% of your work cell phone bill.

That’s just one more step down the slippery slope, people.

I was listening on the radio this morning as two local talk hosts were discussing health care, and one said that congressional democrats were discussing taxing health care benefits in order to pay for this sweeping governmental takeover (my words, not theirs). He then said this (and I am paraphrasing here) - this would make Obama break his campaign promise to not raise taxes on people who aren't rich.

I don't know where this guy has been , but evidently he is not aware that promise has been broken, smashed, grinded and pulverized already.

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

No Dessert And A Fine

San Francisco has done your mother one better – if you don’t finish all the food on your plate, you don’t get dessert AND you get fined $100.

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Let's Forget The Children And Get Those Nasty Christians

For over 70 years, a group in Tulsa has gone into housing projects and sought to help underprivileged children, including children whose parents were in prison, to try and help them avoid having their lives ruined by drugs, prison, and other potential traps.

Now, they have been told they can no longer come onto housing project property, because part of their program includes bible study groups.

Yep, let’s not worry about trying to help kids. Let’s go after those evil mean Christians.

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When Does Illegal Mean Illegal?

Federal agents conduct raids and arrest 32 illegal aliens. A federal judge has ruled that four of the illegal aliens, their constitutional rights were violated by the raids.

Illegal aliens. People who broke the law by sneaking into this country from another country illegally. The judge says they have constitutional rights not to be arrested simply because they broke the law. He says the people from another country who snuck into this country illegally have an expectation of privacy in the homes they illegally occupy.


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Another Peek Into Our Future

Here’s what you get with government health care – ambulance drivers who clock out and won’t drive the patient to the hospital, and said patient dies.

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Banking This Story For Later Use

Sonia Sotomayor is a member of an elitist, women-only club. I think that is fine. I only post about it here because I want to crow about it the next time the media wets their collective pants over a male belonging to a male-only group.

So, remember this when I use it later.

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Democrats Using Stimulus Money To Reward Democrats? No Way!

Here’s a shocker – the administration is using stimulus money to reward people who voted for Democrats and to sway those who might lean towards the Democrats.

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Nailing The Pay Czar

People are starting to counter Obama’s plan to limit pay for private company executives by proposing he extend the limits to union bosses as well.

And here’s a suggestion by Neil Cavuto that I wholeheartedly support – if you do this, extend it to congress as well. Like Neil says, “Go ahead, as far as I can see you have no legal authority to do what you're doing now, so you might as well do more now.”

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Holocaust Museum Murderer Was Equal Opportunity Hater

The idiot who killed the Holocaust Museum security guard has been touted by the mainstream media as being a puppet of the conservatives. They have blamed O’Reilly and Limbaugh for his actions.

Turns out to be completely false. This jerk was a full-on wacko who hated pretty much everyone, conservatives and liberals alike. You can read about the truth here or here. Or you can read here that he was a Christian-hating socialist.

We’ll accept the leftie’s apology soon after it’s given.

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More Fallout For Letterman

There's been more fallout from the Letterman attacks on Sarah Palin and her teenage daughter.

Kathleen Parker says that Palin asked for it. How nice.

Even NOW finally came out and condemned Letterman, and you know how they hate to say anything bad about any leftie.

Don Surber explains why the lefties hate conservative women.

John Nolte's done his own top ten list - a list of excuses for Letterman. Funny stuff.

Michelle Malkin wrote an open letter to Letterman. It's a good read. Of course, Malkin has the final word on how conservative women are treated.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

At Least Someone In The O Administration Is Honest

When asking an Obamabot official in charge of the TARP program if said program is working, you would expect a better answer than a shrug of the shoulders and a mumbled, “I dunno.”

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Wabbit Diplomacy

Everybody knows the cartoon where Bugs Bunny draws a line in the sand and dares Yosemite Sam to cross it. When he does, Bugs draws a new line. Okay, cross this one. Now That one. And so on and so on. Lefties have tried this for years with despots and tyrants, only to fail miserably. I would guess this is because we don't draw the line to the cliff like Bugs, we just keep drawing more lines in the desert sand which goes on forever.

This Bugs Bunny diplomacy failed over 19 times in Iraq, leaving Saddam Hussein in charge long enough to murder millions. The goobers from the UN learned their lesson so well, they are voting on more restrictions for North Korea. These restrictions are in addition to the ones North Korea are already ignoring.

Okay, cross this line.

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What About The Myth That He Is President?

Salon has come out with a laundry list of “myths” being perpetrated upon His Royalness The Most Holy O – you know, the guy that Newsweek’s editor calls “God.”

Some of these are simply hilarious in their defenses. Some examples:

For the “myth” that Obama can’t function without a teleprompter, they admit he indeed uses one, but whips out the popular logic of a twelve year old – but everybody does it! But they wind up having to admit he uses it more than his predecessors, and uses it in places like rodeo rings, press conferences and “casual announcements.”

For the “myth” that Obama is the Antichrist (how do you prove or disprove that one yet? – j/k), they use as proof the admission that the winning lottery numbers in Illinois the day after he was elected were 6-6-6. Yep, that’s some good proof.

For the “myth” that Obama and other lefties want to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, they fall into a convoluted explanation that revolves around the fact that if they change the name of it, it’s no longer the same thing. Ahhhhh…..now we see.

For the “myth” that stimulus money will be spent on the high speed rail between Las Vegas and Disneyland, they do admit that Harry Reid has boasted about this, but they combat the myth by saying, well, the money hasn’t been spent yet, so there.

For the twin “myths” of Obama is a Socialist or Facist, they use pretty much the same argument – he’s not a COMPLETE Socialist/Facist, so you can’t ever say he has leanings towards one or the other. You can’t say it or claim it. Ever. So there. I guess if someone kills 99 people but lets #100 live, you can’t call them a murderer.

For the “myth” that Republican dealers were targeted for closure in the Chrysler debacle, they pull out the fact that a disproportionate number of dealers were Republican to begin, so you should expect more Republican dealers to be closed. Funny how that reasoning won’t wash with lefties in the capital punishment and/or prison argument.

I am not even going into the “myth” about Obama wanting to raise taxes. They scrunch right into the leftie chant of “raising taxes on the rich.” I guess only the rich smoke, and I know for a fact that companies never, ever, ever pass tax raises onto consumers.

Thanks, Salon. That was fun.

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It Was A Verbal Gaffe When She Said It The Other Six Times, Too

So much for the administration claiming that Sotomayor made a verbal gaffe when she said a Latina woman was smarter than a man. Now it turns out that was a central theme in multiple speeches given over several years.

And, if you want a great read on how lefties and their media lapdogs treated Miguel Estrada (you know, he’s not really Hispanic) versus how they are treating Sotomayor, read this.

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To A Leftie, It's The Cycle Of Life

Obama says he is raising taxes on businesses.

Obama says this will create jobs.

Microsoft says they will move jobs overseas because Obama is making US jobs too expensive.

The national media bows to Obama and calls him God.

Millions of idiots who voted for Obama and don’t have a clue sit on their couches oblivious and watch American Idol.

Obama begins the cycle anew by planning some new taxes.

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BOB taking another step

Why is it that the government is so hellbent on requiring licensing and certification to do everything except vote?

Now the goobers in DC want to require that a paid tax preparer get a government license before doing your taxes. More money for them, higher fees for you.

They want to regulate everything. Big (Obama) Brother is watching over you, sleep soundly.

Oh, and in a personal aside to one of my fans, it's completely appropriate to refer to the Obama administration as BOB. The novel (which I have read and is here for your enjoyment) refers to a totalitarian state that suppresses any media that doesn't support the propaganda and controls every aspect of life by using things like the Thought Police.

If that doesn't describe Obama, congress, and the Democrats to you, then somebody needs a long heart-to-heart.

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Making Lemonade Out Of Leftie Smut

While doing the blog on the Playboy article fantasizing on raping conservative women, I found some great sites I wanted to share.

Ashley Herzog has written a great article following up on the Playboy trash.

Tabitha Hale admits to being “Unapologetically Christian and Conservative” and that makes her all the more interesting in my book. Her site truly deserves a look. I've added her to my links on the right.

Smart Girl Politics is a site devoted to conservative women, and it too is worth a good reading.

I guess the Playboy article did some good, as it helped spread the word on these other sites. While the article was spiteful, ugly, and downright mean, I am trying to make lemonade out of the whole situation.

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Letterman Can't Let Palin Obsession Go

David Letterman has been trying to achieve the near impossible - he is making me actually want to watch Conan O'Brien. I consider Letterman to be the chief reason Leno went out on top.

Letterman has always been known to be completely one-sided in his political humor. While the man has his moments, most of his political schtick is off the mark and just plain not funny.

Now he has gove over the edge (again) by attacking Sarah Palin (again) and her teenage daughter and not even coming close to an apology.

In case you missed it, here's the background. Palin came to NYC for a visit and Letterman took the opportunity to savage her in his top ten list. Included was a comment that she was a crack whore and had a "slutty flight attendant look." I'll wait for you to stop chuckling over that example of humor.

Then, during his monologue, Letterman joked about Alex Rodriguez having sex with Palin's 14 year old daughter during the game and impregnating her. I know, hilarious, right? Yep, nothing quite so funny as jokes about politican's children having underage sex in public.

Then after Palin was rightfully upset over Letterman crossing the line of decency, he refused to apologize before performing a half-hearted apology that amounted to nothing. I say half-hearted although I would prefer to have used another part of the anatomy.

Some people are calling for Letterman to be fired. That obviously will never happen. What I would like to see, and equally will never happen, is for the mainstream media to stop giving lefties a free pass when they blatantly cross lines of decency when getting into personal attacks on conservatives.

Can you imagine the uproar if anyone made jokes about the Obama kids having sex? Can you imagine Letterman, or anyone else, joking about them smoking crack in the White House while BHO and Michelle were fouling up traffic in NYC for their date night?

No, you can't, and it would be wrong if they did. Just as this was wrong. Dead wrong.

Shame on David Letterman. Shame on the press for ignoring personal attacks on the children of people they hate.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama Huts

Settlers are building “Obama huts” along the West Bank to "honor" the man they say is, “an Arab Muslim” who “is fighting against the Jewish people and has declared that he will continue to do so.

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How Long Before All Income Is From The Government?

16.2% of American income is now coming from government benefits. That’s one dollar out of every six of income.

Cradle to grave, people. Don’t worry about anything. Big (Obama) Brother is going to take care of you. You don’t have to worry about putting gas in your car or paying your mortgage. You can be just like this lady. Remember her? I bet she is just ecstatic now.

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Sotomayor Says Capital Punishment is Racist

It appears that Sonia Sotomayor left out a potentially controversial memo from her official response to the Senate questionnaire for her confirmation hearing.

Written while she was working for the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund (can you imagine the uproar from the lefties if Scalia had belonged to the Sicilian Legal Defense Fund?), Sotomayor’s 1981 memo called the death penalty “racist” and a violation of the present “humanist” society.

The memo held that crime was too “complex” to expect capital punishment to be effective as a deterrent. However, the same memo did not find it too complex to draw a straight line between the racial proportion of people executed and overt racism. A little bit selective reasoning, if you ask me.

The memo also held that in the two years prior to the memo, nothing could be found in any publication that challenged the opposition to the death penalty. I am quite sure they did not look very hard, and probably ignored the writings of Frank Carrington.

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The Goobers Are Stepping Up The Global Warming Hysteria

Some wacko global warming group with a huge agenda is now trying to convince everyone that deaths related to hunger or sickness are a direct result of global warming. Let me translate for you. “We are coming for your money.” This group is headed by the former UN Head, Kofi Annan, who always hated America anyway.

Now, a leading climate expert has called the report, “worse than fiction, it is a lie.”

My favorite part of the rebuttal story is when the Wall Street Journal points out that according to their own numbers, the wacko group is admitting that malaria kills three times as many people each year as their assumed global warming deaths. Given that fact, why are we not spending three times as much money fighting malaria as global warming?

Don’t you just hate when logic gets in the way of a good emotional diatribe?

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Mr. President, How Much Can I Pay My Workers?

The NY Times has an article on the Obama administration seeking to extend its power by deciding how much money a private company can pay their employees.

Neal Boortz found one line in the Times article of particular interest.
“In the past, banks had free rein to determine the base salary and bonuses they awarded their employees.”
My goodness, the audacity of a private company to think they can decide how much to pay an employee! Everyone knows that’s the purview of the White House.

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Lefties Support Raping Conservative Women And Find It Funny

Playboy posts an article about conservative women the author (Guy Cimbalo) would like to rape. They pull the article after word gets out (did they think it would remain a secret?) and parent company AOL eventually fires the writer who criticized the story. Kudos to Tommy Christopher, because even though he is a liberal, he knew classless junk when he saw it.

Too late. Someone got a snapshot of the page, and here it is. WARNING - The article has not been edited for language, so do not view this unless you are ready for vulgarity and hate.

Anne Schroeder Mullins of Politico referenced the sick, twisted article as light hearted humor, but they’ve pulled that now, as well. Fortunately, there are non-mainstream media people out there (tip of the hat to Tabitha Hale of Pink Elephant Pundit) who are rightfully enraged.

It’s okay to wish death and rape on conservatives, according to the mainstream media. But, if you ever criticize one of their pet causes, and someone representing that cause dies, you are fully responsible, along with anyone who ever opposed the cause.

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Do You Deny Mainstream Media Bias?

If you do, you will need to explain this one.

If anyone had ever said that Bush was “sort of God,” what do you think the reaction would have been? Okay, you don’t think that comparison is fair. How about if someone had compared Reagan to God? For that matter, do you think anyone would have compared Eisenhower or Lincoln to God?

Yet, here is the managing editor of Newsweek, a major publication, supposedly a journalist, saying that Obama is “sort of” God.

So, to those of you with blinders who still refuse to admit the mainstream media bias (how many are left of you, a dozen?), please explain that statement to the rest of the world.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

At The Same Time They Were Calling For Sacrifice

Lawmakers have been busy spending your tax dollars on such things as luxury rides, large screen TV’s and digital cameras.

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Did You Really Expect Anything The UN Does To Be Fair?

So, the UN is discussing a new global warming treaty that will…wait for it…exempt China, one of the world’s worst polluters, and extremely rich Arab countries like the UAE, but will put the hammer down on...you guessed it…the US.

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Maybe They Were Hired To Count Illegal Aliens For The Census Or Register Dead People

Where’s all those millions of jobs that Obama was going to create?

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They Won't Wake Up Until It's Too Late

All the stories and mounting evidence that Obama is building a Socialist nation is getting a bit ho-hum. If only the goobers who voted for him would read, or wake up, or show the tiniest bit of common sense.

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Oops, My Bad, Baptism Edition

Someone on a national daytime talk show ridiculed Muslims for their practice of facing a certain way, bowing and touching their heads on a prayer rug, and praying several times a day. All major networks featured the story, and the White House quickly demanded the host apologize, since America is one of the largest Muslim countries.

Oops, my bad.

Joy Behar, the insensitive goober from the View (I know, hardly narrows it down, does it?), who has tried to ridicule Rush Limbaugh, all Christians, Catholicism, Saints, and home-schooled children, was the culprit in this one, but her targets were Christians, not Muslims.

Behar tried to make fun of baptism, and sure enough, nobody at the networks or in the White House even batted an eyelash, much less complained.

Once again, the lefties prove they think it’s okay to ridicule religion, as long as it’s Chrisitanity.

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Sotomayor Being Handled With Kid Gloves By Press

Remember I told you the networks would treat Sotomayor different from conservative nominees? Here it is – the MSM gushes over Sotomayor’s “compelling life story” while they barely mentioned Clarence Thomas’s rise from poverty.

The media can’t even figure out if Sotomayor is pro choice or pro life. Of course, they couldn’t figure that out about Ginsburg, either.

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ObamACORN and Project Vote Abusing Their Non-Profit Status

Michelle Malkin has done her usual outstanding job of journalism in uncovering ties between ACORN and Obama, as if we needed proof of that.

The most salient point that is being missed by so many is that Project Vote, the registration arm of ACORN, is a 501(c)3, and it’s illegal for them to engage in political campaigning.

It’s time for a movement to strip ACORN of their non-profit status. Hey, O – there’s a way for you to get even MORE tax money. Whooo-hooo!

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Sounds Like A Confession To Me

Daily Kos writers are publically hoping that Michelle Malkin dies. These are the people who say the right is responsible for the abortion doctor’s murder.

So lefties are now saying they believe that if person A says bad things about person B, and person B gets hurt, that person A is legally responsible. They then go out and say bad things about many conservatives (Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, etc).

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New Poll Question - How Have Skewed Polls With Answers Designed For Specific Results Affected You?

The Tampa Tribune online section, TBO.com, is running a poll that asks, “How have job cuts in the Tampa Bay area affected you?

The selectable answers are:
a) I was laid off
b) my kids can’t find work
c) my co-workers were let go
d) my spouse was laid off

The vast majority of the comments on the poll take notice of one small detail – there is no available selection for “none of the above” or “it hasn’t affected me at all.”

With unemployment at worst being around 10%, that leaves 90% of the readers who can’t answer the poll. How do they expect to get any valuable information from that?

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The Wheels On The Bus Fall Down And Down

What happens when you are driving down the road and all four wheels fall off at the same time? You get your story in the international news.
